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... NAVAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.-Thlis lair was heavily stocked. There were same buyers present, but fewer than was expected firom across the Channel, the late disappoinitment having deterred many from coming. IIfiters sold at from £15 to £19 Ios each. Some few bullocks at from £17 to £21 each; lighter cattle at from £12 ?? to £13 each. Prinic fed beef realised fully 6Os per cwt.; coarse beef went ...


... SUNDAY EVENING AT A NEW YORK THIEATRE (FllOM T'lE NEIW YORK TRIBUNE, DEC. 11.) TuRoUDnouTr tbe whole of last week it was genelrally nttllersti'etl byn no itneeiment tihat Nix. A. H1. Puridy, p)10 rpiotor ortfle Nationial Tiheatre, in Chathiam Street, haid offered its nse fir the puirpose of Divine service on Sulnday evellings. Tilm Rev. E. D. [liscox, DD., of the Stanton Street Blastist Church ...


... T 1E E C O U R T. Wivilson, TnHURsDAY.-ler Alajesty's dinncr pairty yesterday incluided tho Dulie and Vnchcss of Man- choster, the llev. Lord anl Ladly Wriothesley Russell, Ca ollonl the llon, Sir Charles 'laipps, tie Provost of Eton, and Sir James Clarkl. TVio lolwllig, who im- iive(l itn a visit in the afternoon, were also included: -Tio Earl anid Countess De Ln Warr, Lnrd and Lady John ...


... [O t 1 0 N A L.] THE BABE OF BETHLEHEM. Siru the Lord of Earth and Heaven, Humbly in the manger lie; Angels o'er Him watch aro lKeeping, Who for man has come tO die. That our sins might he forgiven, lle hns come to shed THis blood; lle, the King of Earth and Heaven, On this world for man has trod. See, the herald host's appearing, In the blue and stagy sky; Hark! the voice of angels singing, ...


... - FASHION THE COURT. WINDson, WEDNEsDAY.-Her Majesty's dinner party yesterday included his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Major-General the Right Hon. J. and Lady Alicia Peel, Colonel the Hon. R. Bruce, the lon. Mrs. Biddulph, Major Loyd Lindsay, and the Right. Hon. Spencer and Mrs. S. Walpole, who arrived on a visit in the afternoon, Hans Henry Hamilton, Esq.q Q.O., Chairmanof thM County ...


... FASI-HION. T 11 E C O U R T. WiNisselt, Fu;3. 4.-The Qacen and Prince Consort walkied in the Home Park this morning. The Duchess of Kent visited her Majesty at the Castle. At the openingrY of Parliamenit on Tiharsday, her ?? wore a skirt ol' white sati . with stripes of gold, a toira o1 diamionds, and a necklzice comlposed of the same precious stones, her mantle and train being of crimson ...

Fashion and Varieties

... --ya!51311311 alizi F-artair.5. Their Roval 1-lghnesses the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess M arv leave Cambridge Cottage, Kew, to-miorro' (Saturdav), for Knowsley. to honlour the E`arl andl Countess of Derby with the ir comipany for several davs. The noble Earl alld Countess have inl- viteI a distinuarshed circle to meet the Royal Dnchess an Irllroess' The fiarl of Mato has arrived at Haves ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ga.t5irr ant Fnrxitir£s. THE COURT. OsaOcrX, SATUnrrA.-Major General the Hon. Sir G. C'athcart arrived at Osborne yesterday evening, and had the honour of diningr with her Majesty. Sir George ?? to London this morning. Sry:o';)y.-fhe Qaeen and Prince, accompanied by the Pr-ince of Walci and Princess I.cuisa, honoured Colonel and Lady Harcourt wvith a viait at St. Clare, nea.r Rvde, yester day ...


... ort,-. E P I T A P H. Ills memory long viil live alone In all our hIearts, as mournful light That broods above the fallen sun, And dwells in Heaven amid the night. Sleep sweetly, tender heart, in peace! Sleep holy spirit, blessed soul, WhVl ile the stars burn, the moons increases And the great ages onward roll. Sleep till the end. true soul and sweet, To thee comes nothing newv or stranger. ...


... EVENIN G REFLECTIONS. I Pl;SSVA' ?? whven tile soft suttimer breeze, And tlihe last goldenll dlaiy-beains all gracefully fell O'er ioimtli Iallnd lainls, ald hialIlets, and trees, And on Bioyle's glowiing bosom to kiss a fa rewell. Tfhe landscape-thi gardell, in stuishiil lav slceping, Aml chaste flowers wers basking inl Heaven's rich smile; Yet bright eves benerath the same Heaven wets ...


... HOLY WOOD LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. YeSTERDAY evening, a meetimr of this valuable and prosperotis society wvais held in tne Assemblx-room, H1olywoond. It hasvinig been ?? thint Richard 1)avison, Esq., U.P., would deliver a lecture on the subjecL of 'i Electricity, there was a large atteLn- dance of membors, besides many oiher ladies end gentlemen who take an interest in tine ...

Selected Poetry

... i$&CO 10octr. PSALMI XLVI. (S SITED TO TUE INDIAN CR3IsIs.) [The following exquisite verses are from tite pen of the Very Rev. Daniel Bagot, IDean of liromore.] GOD is our refulte in distress, Our safeguard through the wilderness, Our shelter friom the storm; TIhough vinds end waves a conflict make, Thougl Earth's foundations reel andi shake, We need not feel alarm. A peaceful river softly ...