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Fashion and Varieties

... Ai.5IotpolI t110 farif iS. TH1E ?? U 11 T. lA.AIOnIAt, Awu.;;Sr 3t1--Tho Queen nrd ?? Consort, Nvith the Prpicessec and Prince Arthlur, at- tendilel Diville servico at the Parish Ch' urcih of cratliie On Sanday lost. The Marquis of Dalihousie, acconmpanied by ?? Ladies Raunsa, 1101)ooss to leave this country carly in the ensuing modtij ior Mlaltat, ia order to pass the ae)pproacliii, Winter in ...


... I TplEr ,e BEG INN-INGS. RaESIST hlginruings I for the small Matures into the great: Nollught that is eil trifling call; Around it perils vait. Dream not. vain man, of little sins, Which thou nmavst safely hide: i~le wvho the moral victory I D:IS The lesst ofence miust chide. The meanest seed enflids the tree- The scanty rill doth rise, Till, thunmiring in its majesty, It every bound defies. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... jk-azllian aut FrtrictiC,5- THE COURT. OSBOaRNE, SarP. 10-The Duchess of Kent dined with, thed Queen yesterday. The Portuguese Minister and the Counitess do Lavradio, Lady Augusta. and Lady Frances Bruce had also the honour of recoiviun. invitations1. onl Wedinesday next. her Meqj cty and his Roval Highiness Prince Albert, with several of thle Rjo~,a children, wvill leavo the Isle of Wilght ...


... FA'.lSBTON AND VARIETIES. TIME COURT. Tiln; Qot.iI 11f1e1 at Privy CItIuicil at lhree o'cloel en Mondl. afterlinoon, at Budck:in'. ?? I'ali:ce. '1Tlie E'art of (Ci'll'illoli and 11arl Grattikii Lc: lndiqtices of -li.- A Itje 'ti 11cr Maijes ty visited IIet' I ?? i ?? ?? till! 1DuIii if ,r tGloure'!c.r, itl the foreIiooit, itt C ?? li:nt,', I tie df~illy. Tlie Queeno1 fild a dilnnr party ill ...


... GREAT ANNUAL CA'TTLE SHOW OF THE ROYAL ACRIC[JL'I'UqAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY OF IRELAND. ATIILONI., W1D3NESDAY, AtUGUsT 18, lS'6 -,At a very early hour this mtrning despite the most violent torrents of rain that have yet falleit. during the pre- sent wveek, the Judges entered the siow-yard for the purpose of examining the horned dattle, swine, sheep, and poultry, and were occupied iin the ...


... MANOI5STEISI, APRIL 30.-Mr Thomas Fairbairn, the chairman of the executive committee, has this afternoon received a communication from Colonel Phipps, to the effect that lie was commanded by his Royal Highness Prince Albert to state, that taking into consideration the importance of the occasion) the preparations which have been made, and the public duties which he is called upon to perform on ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 5AL autoll and TarUtio. T}lE COURT. BUCKaNSITA'd PALAcr, TUESMY.-Tho Princess Royal and the Princess Alice, attended by the Mar- ehioness of Ely and Lord Alfred Paget, vent yester- day afternoon to inspect the Thames Tunnel. VICERE GAL COURT. The following had the honour of dining with his Fixcellency on Slonday ?? Boyle, the Right I-Ion. J. W. Fitzpatrick, the Chief Baron and Miss Pigot, Mir ...


... Ukebicw?- Igo. 157. BEN:TLFY'S MISCELLANY. October. London: Richard Bentley. Dublin: James3 M'Glashan. IT was our intention, in noticing, in our last, the flub- Juu Urrise;'.ity and Blackcwood's magazines, to have included a review of the excellent number of Bentley for this month, as we had received it in sufficient time to do so, but want of space prevented us from then doing it the justice ...


... SURGEON BROWNE'q LEUCTURES IN THE MUSIC HALL. Ili compliance with a numerously-signed requisition by some of the most respectable literary and scientific in- habitants of Belfast, Dr. Browne delivered the first Of a course of two lectures on the Structure and Phy- siology of the Eye, in the Music Hall, last night. There was a crowded and highly-respectable audience on the occasion. On the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? anlb raviotie0 THE COURT. WrNDSon, Oct 21.-Her Majesty and Prince Albert went out on horseback, yesterday afternoon, into the parks. The Marquis and Marchioness of Abercorn, with Lady Harriet Hamilton, Earl Granville, and Viscount Canning, arrived yesterday evening, on visits to the Queen. The Royal dinner party included the Duchess of Kent, the Marquis and Marchioness of Abercorn, Lady ...


... looettv. L I NE S. BY WILLIAM CULLIN DBRYANT. The M;ay sun sheds an amber li.1;ht On new-leaved woods and lawns between; But she who, with a smile more bright, Welcomed and watched the springing green, Is in her grave. The fair white blossoms of the wood In groups beside the pathway stand; But one, the gentle and the good, Who cropped them with a fairer hand, Is in her grave. Upon the ...


... looctru. STRIKE THE IRON WHILE IT'S HOT! Ir a project you've in view, And would mould it firm and true, Be decided-dally not! Push it forward with a will, Let not aught your ardour chill- Strike the iron while it's hot! While cautious Fear stands idly by, Making up his mind to try, Wav'ring 'twixt will and will not, By some sudden swift surprise Boldness carries off the prize- Strike the iron ...