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... llrbirw?;. No. 09. Tite DODD FArILY ABROAD. By Charles Lever. Part IX. London: Chapmizan and Hall; Dublin: M'Gls/shan. Tjiis serial-which is undoubtedly MIr. Lever's chef d' aucrtve-progresses vitls undiminished spirit. 'The part before us contains three specimens of the Dodd corres- pondence, which further develope the characters of the writers-Mr. James Dodd, Mliss Mary Anne, and Miss Cary. ...


... BY AND BY. A SCIOOL-IJOY sits With a troubled look, And a fronl is on his brow, le lhas polndered long oher that tiresome book, ie is tired and weary now. But quiuc lv ai glad and ?? light Beanms forth from his dark, bright eye; Ue thinks of tile future with promlise bright, And whispers, By and by., A yanth is standing wvith fclded arm, And a brow with thought o'ercast; HiS cheek is ...


... SI L 'l.ICTIEI) PO12TflY, S (N NXET'S. T F I' O) \ 1: i: ?? . 'TIait heart or mlaon tholi presedt with tih wveight. To crush oult till the little ioy it helil, And the smnall germ goo., iortitiue night have swelled. Thy htnit duth , h1) the ma:i, Of prolitd estate, At i bidls the ?? igied stihitnissic wait Uponl his Ito ugh gte bhck. anetd iude atssalllt 01' Iliisgu:g fgo ;1 a sgiltil ...

Fashion and Varieties

... follioll and !arictio. T fI E C OU T R T. Nit\oSsonl, i Y-.\Iaior-General the lion. Sir t:l ardl Cost airriveel at the Castle on a visit to the Quoeen veste (ray afternoon. lii thlo erening the dinner partv included the King of thle leigians, the Dachress of Kent, Lady Fanoy 11 . vard, rtironites do Spoth, the I-Ion. Sir Ed ward rtsot, Colonwl tho l-I.n. N. and Ladylv Mary Hood, Sir .1.fmes ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fnoltiolv and THE COURT. THE Queen received addresses o0, the throne respect ing the pelace, on Thursday afternoon, at Bucking ?? Palace, from the University of Oxford, the Uni vvr sity of Cambridge, and from the body of Presby torian Ministers. 'l'he delegates front the University of Oxford followod by the members, and headed by thle Ear of Derby, wealring his gold robe of officc as Chai ...

Selected Poetry

... #elected ?Oftrlf- CIHILDHOOD AND IIIS VISITORS. ONCE on a time, iheln sunny Mlay ?? kissing lip the April showers, I saw fair Childhood bard at play, ?? a bank of blushing flowers. Happy-he knew not whence or howv, And smiling-who could choose but love him? For not more glad than Childhood's brow Was the blue heaven that beamed above him With circling lip and glancing eye Guilt gazed poll the ...

Selected Poetry

... #deded ?eocfvlf- 'FI.FTY-SIX AT TIIE BA.l. AT his session of Audit old Chronos was seated, To balance tils books of tie year 'Fifty-six The ledger lhe close d, iis ?? comrpleted, i'ut palised. ore proccedinm lris seal to affix. v What certiriCtLtO-tlhUS spollk Commnrismioner Chronos, ?? Slt I give to the year that lihs just passed tho Court ? Slall I bran id hins wi ith scorn, shall I Crown ...

Literary Notice

... .itc'al 'l fltia-. AlRT JOU11AL. January. ILondon: James Virtue. Belflst: James Hartoll. Tnu Turner collection andl the National Gallery forms a leading nrticle in the Art Journda of the present month. The writer justly remarlis, that, since the original fouindation of the National Gal- Ierv, in 1824, no single event has talken place of so much importance to the advanceminit if art in this ...

Selected Poetry

... jf?lccfcd ?!Oftrll. THE TRUTH DOTH NEVER DIE. Taouoll kingdoms, states, and empires fall, And dynasties decay; Though cities crumble into dust, And nations die away; Though gorgeous towers and palaces In heaps of ruin lie, W hich once wvere proudest of the proud, Tb'e truth doth never die ! Wc'll mourn not o'ei' the silent past, Its glories are not fledl; Although it4 ilmen of hiigh renown lie ...


... 9tcu itivs D] BLIN UXlIVERSITV MAGAZINE for December. Dub- lin: ilolqcles, Slnitl, t; Co., Grafton Street. Tfi Dubllin Unl'rersity Xttyaziue has reached the ripe age of twenity-five years. With its present number, the tiftieth Voluie is conCluded; and the number is an excellent one, in variety of matter and the general treatment of tile subjects introduced Prothssor Creasy, M.A., gives another ...


... o COUNCIL DIDALS. Tne subjoined protest was drawn up, signed, and sent to the Royal Commissioners of the Exhibition, by six out of ten members forming the Musical Jury (Class 10 A), on learning that their award in favour of Messrs. Broavwood had been annulled by the Council of Chair- men:- To his Royal Highness the Prince Albert, K.G., President, and to the Royal Commissioners of the Great ...

Fashion and Varieties

... -FFasliia'a air lrarjEtics. THE COURT. OsBoRsa, TiFURSDAr.-The Queen and Prince and fthe ltoyaL children walked out yesterday afternoon. The Earl of Aberdeen arrived from London, and re- mains on a visit to ier -Majesty. The Duchess of Sutherland returned to London on Saturday, after a brief visit to ler Majesty at Osborne. The venerable Countess of Carlisle and her son, thc Earl of Carlisle, ...