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... Vatri. [OEwGUAL.1 IN ONE THING ALIKE! TuiF Lady Adela De Burgh lay dying, The last descendant of a noble fle; Rer hours were numbered, time -was swvifty fflug, In the first morning of her life's sunshine; On her low bed of pain all faintly lying, The idol sound which fondest hopes entwine Goes forth alone ! unwelcome death to meet, Though sealth poured down its glories at her feet. The heavy ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ffa?fjisll allif Falittir,5. THE COURT. OsaorNa-r, AUGusT 17I.-The Queen and Prince drove to Shanklin vesterday afternoon. Tim Duchess of kent dlined with hetr Ma jestv. Lady Anna M-varia IDawson, -Major-General Silnp;ot'o anti Sir James Clark. had also the honour of being inie. This mnorning- being, she anniversary of the Duchiess of Kent's birthday, the band of the Royal Marines plavod a ...


... SIET'LECTED) POETRY. NONE LIKEl Elg. I [[AV led( her home, tiy lIve, my oth- friend, There is nlone lik;e her, ;toeI Anid never yet so warmly ran my hlot) And sweetly, on itllti on Calmi g itself to tile lotg-wsiotttd-for end, Full to the baliks, cleSC on the promised good. Nonlle like tier, noIlne, Juist nws tit tryI gtntoeeI littrot' pattering talk Seiel tlieclr light ftl thou r te gtlrtt ...


... FASHION AND -AlI-bd ENnvAl Albert, Lurn iha 18441. Vf 1CElItl:C A I. CW' iRT lii'l iti l'iiit ill, itcii''; t li'it il ott v I m ?? It littt in ir..I litn:IirtI, Ith I [lne. ti ptaijtii ]l[ONard, sal Air. F. lt.'ss';id, Private Soetat's, vi'ittt' St.I \itItrciitI I ?? , k!tJ il eI 's (he ItI A~ ta JJuitrtii' itl Fv lout'0 li tht[-i \icer' gI al ittr drove to Alerteu's l'piiiral. lie tito ...


... 1FASHIiON AN I) VA RIETI ES. Tlip COURT. Boinoiiir SiiN~i~l.-Hhil' Najestv the- Qu~een and( Pri~ri' wa ndoct ;'euter'd-ry hli the ifeiglibourhoodi tif Bdtioor'al. Ttwl ( i ' f Afforidil tr arriiveil at 3itlaitorad, an ii t'elwillsii upo-n a visit to her ailajuty. '[rne li-alth~ of his Gr-ace t lii Duke of' D-vorilihie ?? .llo,;ceitw UirzeU-i rloviooices tire departuve of thle ?? of ?? anud ...


... SELECTED POETRY, TIlE SECRIIET PALACE. Tnm IU 'Sa palace alone by a sonidiig sea- All alonc! All alolne! Tis at sald libut i glorious mystery, WVith its diadenm, seeptie, antl tlrolle. And onvly one wvalk;s tile echoing floor (If the lofcv hall anrd the Cornidor; Alld Onlyv one heals the mliv stio sea BlY the palace's gate at its 1inlistrelsy- Now thrilling with joy, it w . iiialiillg a nI s1a ...

Original Poetry

... Oriolual goetrY. TOYING WITH HEARTS. How true it is the toy with which we play Pleases our fancy only now and then Possession makes it valueless to-day- To-morrow it becomes a priceless gem. Oh, for the heart that I aside have cast, Carelessly thinking it would still remain; Clinging like ivy midst the stormy blast, Giving it help the ruin to sustain. Often have 1, in proud, disdainful mood, ...

Selected Poetry

... ,!F1iectd fetrit. THE SINGING OF THE POET. [Tin poet mentioned in the following lyric, from the Oxford and Cambridge ilagazine, is Mr. Alfred Tennyson.] A PoINT came to an ancient town, And sang a song that was strange; And all thronged round him with open ear; But a little while, and the many smiled, And said, he sings we know not what- Fantastic fancies together stringing. But he-heeded ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?flolliou and q1tarieflo. T IT 1. COURT. OsnoUNr.. Aro. 7.-The Queen and Prince, the Prili ( .f Wi lc-i Prince Alfied, th1e Princess RoYal, ?? I'vinc Alice cruisel ill the Fairy yesterday afterinomin. TIho Earl a ad Coun tess of Clarendin, Liotmmi ?? Sir \V. Codrington, and] Colonel the M mi. W. L. Pahenliata aicompttiinieil her Majoity. C(lic1 tile lion. C. 13. and* Mrs. Philips Miss lPlipis ...

Literary Notices

... - - ?? W-, iterarp Tmr AuT JoUeA It-. No. 27. Mtarch, 1857. Lon- ?? Virtue & Co. Tims number opens with a highly-finisled engraving of one of Vanldyck's portraits of Queen Hlenrietta Zai'ria. In the Royal collection at Vindsor Castle, there are four single portraits, by Yandvek, of the Queen ofthe unfortonate Charles 1, besidles a family piece, ill which she also hes a place. Of these a ...

Literary Notices

... !l7ituarg Ttotim. VACATiON Timuosirrs ON CAPITAL PUXIoSIIMENTS. By Mr. Charles Phillips. one of her Alajesty's Commissioners of the Coui't fort the elief of Insolvent Debtors in London. London: 1Von. a; Frcderick G. Closh. Tim vexla yqtestio of capital punishment has been revived in this pamitiphlet recently pulilished. In it Mr Phillips earnestly advocates the abolition of the punishment of ...

Selected Poetry

... 5dcddl ?Octrlt- 'TIS PIUlMlROSE TIME AGAIN. T'I F sun is sgining on the day, And high upon the wing The lark pbours foruth his sweetest lay luto tile ear of Spring. The lu3ty tlru'h in, merry mood Pipes out its loudest strail; And children shout from wood to wrood 1'fTis Primrose Time again. Tho willow buds arc swathed ia down, The liizel is in blooem; The hawthorn reddens on the crown, And ...