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Caernarfonshire, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... STEAMERS. SUMMEER SA1LINGS. A, l 'T'HE FAVOURITT' I RON STEAMER, PRINCE OF WALES, G 1(1111 GE I) NT, C~oni i:;llnele, (Of 400 tons burtden aiud 200( lioise plow'er, built ex- thli Pressly for ti Siaticll,) abl JTAS conmmnedce Sailitg foi the SUM]1'I]LI3I thi SE!ASON)'\ ts miderll: did From M.ENAI I31TD(;1),(-MON DAYS, WED. Nl;S13AYS I -i FI D AYS, at liI c c, k, a,.rn r Frim ?? Pier ?? LlVI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER FlASHIONS AT GRIFFITH DAVVIESS P lhufesnale assd R~etail .IZraery Establibilment, l Bangr NEW WINTER GOODS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. A NEW LONDON HOUSE, HOLYHEAD. AE N S has now ready tor inspection a complete New Stock of Winter Goods, 1 including some beautiful Designs in MANTPLES and MILl.INERY. The Department for Gentlemen's Goods has been considerably augmented, and contains a Choice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, BC A COOK, and COACHMAN, in a respectable A Family in Anglesey. They i2iust understand their work inl all tles ?? to the Otfice ?? of this Paper. SERlVANTS . ANTE. 13 \ TANTED ,at the RECTORY, A.BErFrRAW, An- CMs 'glesey, a COOK, who must bake, and take charge - of the Dairy; and a HOUSEMAID, who will be required to wash and wait at table. Application to be r maale by letter, stating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCED SCALE OF CHARGES FOIL PRE-, PAID ADVERTISEMIENTS. Future Charge' Former Charge. 2 Lines Is. Od. 4s. Od. 3 ,, ls. 6d. ?? 4s. od. 6 ,, 2s. Od. 4s. Od. . * - - 2s. 6d. ?? 4s.6d. 12 . 3s. Od . ?? 5s. od. 1 * I . .. 3s. 0d. 5s. 6d. I8 ?? 4s. od. . s. Od. 2:G0 , ?? 4s. 6d. 6s. 6d. And Sixpence for every Two Linesadditional. For booked Advertisements the charge is 6d. each inser- 8iO1l higher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MITNIN, iii Bvinor, the HAL.F of a FIVF PCOUN D NO0TE, which wvill be delivered to thr rich tful ownner of ?? o' her hlil, on application at the NOrTHI ALES CITRONICLE OFFICE. LADY, ?? to TuitiOn. ?? is a good - MusiciTn, aid speiks Frrch fluiertlr, ai-!ied by a lonic reoi-lenee in Par;s, whore her edrication was conni ?? be glad *o g ive cither daily or occa- sional Lessons to a fuv' Yo-einz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D)ECAYED TEETH AND TOOTH ACHE. Patronlised by Her Majesty, thre Queen, and His Rioyal Hthy/ess Prince Albert. it 11 HOWARD1'S PATENT WHITE SUCCEDANEUm, forfilingDecyed'I eeth, however large tire cayity. It is urreror o nytin eer before used, as *it is placed in the bot ina sft tat, ithout any pressure or painl, and~in a sh~rt timebecmesas ardas the enamel, and wvill remain firm in the teothfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR AND HOLYHEAD. TWO CRANDB CONBCEMT s. B`ATHS ASSEMBLY ROOM, BANGOR, on D5THURSDAY, February 7, 1856. Morning Concerts to commence at 3, and Evening Concerts at 8 ?? Seats, 2a.; Second ditto, Is. For particulars see Programmes. VOCALIST: MISS SHARP, of the Liverpool Concerts. SOLO-PIANOFORITn: MISS A. J. SWAINSON. soLO-vIoW.fN: Mr. IH. ilULSE. SOLO-HIARP: MR. T. D. MORRIS. THE above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAILINGS. rIIE CITY OF DUBLIN COHPANY'S , jj, favourite Iron Steamer, P R I NCE OF WALES, i Of 400 tuIIS burthen, and 200 horse power,- TioHsO s DAVIES, Commander), Now leaves MENAI BRIDGE, oil MONDAYS anid FRI- DAYS, at 10 a.m.: from LIVERPOOL, WEDNESDAYS, and SATURDAYS. at the same hour. City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's Office, Menai Bridge, 20th Oct., 1855. THIRD CABIN PASSAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Balisior at 10. 40 awm, aild the one leaving Carnarvon at 5 St van. Bly authorisy. TEETI1. TE ETIg. Attendance at the} TjXBRIDouo ALARtS HlOTEL, Carnarvin, Private RtoomS, oil IN'WDNESDAY, December 31st, .8MG, fron Tcn to Pour. TEETII ! IMPORTANT NOT'CE! M ESSRS. GAL'lIEL, the old cetiblished Surgeon Dentists I Liave tbe honour to inform theit patients ?? the public, that they irosy be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIST OF VISITORS, Public Bathas. MA\RINE PARADE. Ty Gwyni Newzgdd. -Mrs. John Froggatt. D. Stuart, Esq, Claiighton Firs, Birkenhead Mrs Stuart an~d family, ditto J. AM'Hemy, Esq, Palm Grove, Birkenhead Mrs M'[Henry and family, ditto Mr3 Skirving and family, Spellow House, near Liverpool Ty Gvwyn.-Mr. Thloimas Parry. Rev W. G. Greenstreet ahd family,vicar of Patting- ham and Patsbull, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURACY WANTED. W ANTED, isinmediatrly, by a Graduiate of Cambridge, iij Priest's Orders, and thoroughly conversant with bath the Welsh and English languages, a CURtACY. Diocese of Bangor a: prefarred. Testimonials unecceptionable. Address- Cantab, North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. _ WA N TED, N a Gentlemaii's family, a good plain COOK. Apply at the '2 I Office of the 'North WNales ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Several commimications-includi)g that on lowlands' Gram. mar'-are nseessarily detre3ld. 'n'ehy shall np;poar next Bees, proviaed the) are not printed in the iean time in other papers, ...