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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... - , FAIRS, I A .Ir.tvA t ?? - A5ALLY AISE.-.ThIe fair, whith camte of on Tuesda, I was very Well attended. Beef, of which there were Gee-V ralio~ f ,lnshd attle) sold Wrell, being from 649 to r8a ot psr cwt. Akiddlingtadgi jnferior quatities lowered c from the abo7e down to 40p per do. Mlch cows and springers brought from 81 ?? tO l0 eaIh; dre oows from 71 to III each. SMore bullocks brought ...


... I - . QUEER'S ROYALlTEiEATRE. The clever burlesque of AMedea termed in the bill a Rietorical, Mithologloal, and iolyglotical. TeagedyJ, was presented every night durlig the week, wlth other entertninments of a varid and amusing character. Miss Charlotte 0pu3derb1e pereonation of Meiea il received with the most flattering manilestattons of approval, and it is certainly very complimentury -to ...


... . QUENi ROYAL THEATRE. Iu a A A _ __ i s The entertainrente presentedlastevening were under the ?? of the Right lion, the Lord Mayor for the benefit of Mr Barty, who, In consequenoe of faeling health, ls compelled to relinquish the stage. Ils lordship arrived at the theatre shortly after 9even o'clock, and wag oon' duloed by the lesee, Mr. H. Webb, to'thacentre box, which wae speolally fitted, ...


... If there be any truth in the augury of a good commence. ment, the fortunes of the Theatre Royal wvould seem to be decidedly on the rise, and we may expect to find, at the end of the dramatic season just commenced, that the lessee will have to boast of two good things-a flourishing exchequer, and an unquestioned-because well won-popularity. The theatre last evening was crowded, that is, in all ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGEN>C. I RETURN OF IIER MA;JE7STY AND COURT ?? OSBORNr. -Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with the Prince of WVales, the Princess Royal, Prince Alfred, and the other mentbere of the reyal family, left Osborne House on Tuesday morninz, at ten o'clock, attended by the Marchioness of Ely, Lady Mary Seymour, Col. Bouverie, and Lieutenant-Colonel F. H. Sey- nmour, and arrived, ...


... ZITERA TUBE. TiHic PSiRtie ColLLECTION ;- TIsa ArootBWT MlIX ?? iPtiLA-Nt). jidred bif Gwry,r Peotiit IL, D BHiA. V PJU..A., Voii. L (P~rial jro,` the Ssrtji for A; Preaer- valilm and jil.a eltqe of th jjjo4oti of Ireland-) It would L) hard to say in wliroh obaraef T this ?? of the anaient melodies of Ireland will be most prizid-wbather as a musical, a litlarsty or r aD tiu ia publication. In ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF 1853-MUNIFICENCE OF DMR. DARGOA. Institutions are less moulded by the government f of a country than by the public spirit and liberality i of its citizens. England owes many of its noblest institutions to this well-spring of progress, and Ire- land boasts of one pre-eminently who has identified himself with her prosperity, and shares a splendid fortune, accumulated by a well ...


... T HE GAt INU~UAL EEXHIBITION. the ntimber of persons who visited the Exbibition on Satar- dav was 8 967. Her Excellency the Countess St. Germane, accompanied by Lady L. Cornwallis, Lady Grahatai, and the' Misses Graham, honoured the EAbibitihn with a visit, and was conducted tbrotlgb thb btliildibg b1 Mt. lbeanei During her Ekctlency'a visit Dr. Stewart was in attendafice, and at tbe request ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELITGENCE. REPORTED APPROACIrNG MARRIAGE OF THE PseCNOSS MARY OF CO.3IBRIDGE.-Tih &oazetot di Genmva of the 19th instant, copying from the Parliamento, of Turin, announces the approaching marriage of H.RHI. Princess Mary of Cam- bridge with Prince Napoleon, Bon of Prince Jerome Bona- parte. We cannot, of course, ctr:ify the correctness of this report, nor should we insert it bad ...


... The number of persons who visited the ExhibitioO Yde- day lwas 16,117. The following circular has been issued by Mr. Jo. Robineon to the members of the several musical 50c' Dablin, and we have no doubt but it will be OpIW to cheerfully;-, DDE=R Sta-The Committee of the Dublin Exhibibia being desirous of giving as much .das to its dosiag diy is possible, have requested me, in connection with ...


... I TH ETTREBOYAOsEOF TEHE SEASON. A crowded audience assembled an Siaturday evesoing lowoit ness and enjoy the weillselected series o1 entertainments pro. sented on that oceasion-an occasion fraught with deep interest to, the lovers of the drama In Dublin. The ?? han fallen four the, season, and the enterprising lassiee, the clever stage mansager, the gifted actor, and the accompliehed musician ...


... I . I THiATRICALS, &o. I- I , ,. I- kOVAL Diii yesterday evening a numeros r aiudine, .comprpislng many groups ofr 'Ahioniblee, attended ( the Theatie Royal, tnd seemed to e6ijoy highly the presents' e Use btf- tii o eleverly-written -and interesting draima, if tled :Slill 'ttis nruwdeeti. Thli' play is remarkable frt tie ak& and olpierdeass With Which tbe intereat or the plot Is nstspiiied ...