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... TO FARM LABOURERS. WANTED, a Strong, Healthy Man to work on a Farm, and who is also capable of directing two or three others in their duties. His Wife must have some knowledge of rearing /Poultry. /J Wages for their services, 16s. per week, with House and Fire. Apply by Letter, addressed A. B., TELEGRAPH, Office, Merthyr-Tydfil. WANTED to JIENT or LEASE a Good Inn or Public House at Merthyr or ...


... MERTIIYR TO LIVERPOOL IN 12 HOURS, FOR 15s. 4d.! npHE Quickest, Cheapest, and most direct i Route to Abergavenny, Hereford, Shrevi b- bury Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, and all parts' of the North, is by the ZE^O'ST-A-I-' TVL-A-IIJ Which leaves the Castle Hotel, Merthyr, |very Morning, (Sundays excepted), at Half-past Seven o'Clock, passes through Tredeger and Brynmavrr and arrives in ...


... F Krafek To Drapers' Assistants. WANTED, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT in the above business. Apply to Mr. G. EVANS, Draper. 19, v Bate-street 278 As Groom and Gardener. TXTANTED, a Situation. Age 23 can drive a pair W 2.1 1 years' good character. Address, Y. Y. R., at this office. 293 As Waitress or Barmaid. wANTEE), by a Young Woman from the country, of f unexceptionable character,1 a Situation as ...

Published: Saturday 12 November 1859
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5088 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertising 


... PUBIilC itotice. 7^VAN JONES begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Dowiais, Rhymnev, and the neighbourhood, that he has RE-OPENED his premises, situate in HIGH-STREET, DOWLAIS, with a larore and well-assorted rOCK of PLAIN and FANCY DRAPERY GOODS, consistingot West of England and Yorkshire Cloths, Fancy •owserings, Cloakings, Vestings, &c., Shawls, Mantles, Bonnets, Flowers a ...


... G. WARREN, '/i'lT COOK AND CONFECTIONER, Highistreef M*r- thyr. to inform his Patrons and the Inhabi- tants that he has a nice assortment of MID- LENT CA IvES ready this day for their inspection. At the time solicits a trial of the British Hong Kong and North and South Wales Company's noted Teas and Coffee ,v;Ú:h cannot be surpassed in quality, and for which he is appointed Sole Agent for ...


... MERTIIYR TO LIVERPOOL IN 12 HOURS, FOB 15s. 4d. THE Quickest and :Cheapest Route to Here- ford, Shrewsbury, Chester, Liverpool, Man- chester, and all parts of the N orth, is by the BOYAL Which leaves the Castle Hotel, Merthyr, every Morning, (Sundays excepted), at Half-past Seven o'Clock, passes through Tredegar and Brynmawr, and arrives in Abergavenny at Eleven, in time for the Third Class ...


... WANTED, AN APPRENTICE to learn the BONNET MAKING and MILLINERY, where a good opportunity will be offered for obtaining a knowledge of the business.—Apply to Mrs. PRICE, Milliner, Wellington-street, TEMPERANCE HALL, ABERDARE. CROWDED EVERYWHERE. Mesmerism Sleep Trance! MISS MONTAGUE, TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), and on SATURDAY, MARCH 4t,h and 5th. See Bills, and hear what the People say about this ...


... TO BE RAFF LET) FOR. ^tN a few weeks hence, at the Talbot- Inn. -J Penydarren, an Excellent SPUING CAR, j in perfect repair. Further particulars may be obtained at the above Inn. WHEX YOU ASK GIjENFIELD PATENT STARCH, 1 '>:¡ SEE THAT YOU GET IT, As infcrior kinds arc often used. TO LET, rrl 0 GOOD DWELLING HOUSES. X /Situate in CASTLE STREET, Thomas Town. N Rent Moderate. Apply at the CANTON ...


... V. E. EUROPEAN ASSURANCE SOCIETY, (Empowered by Special Act of Parliament.) THIS is the only Life Assurance Society transacting Fidelity Guarantee whose Policies are authorised to be ac- cepted by Her Majesty's Government. The Income from Premiums ALONE exceeds £ 100,000 per annum. The Assets exceed £ 220,000; and Uncalied-Up Capital exceeds £ 180,000. RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1859
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4764 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertising 


... BLINDS! BLINDS!! BLINDS! J. btjtLER'S WIRE & ZINC WINDOW BLIND MANUFACTORY, New Castle-street, Thomas Town, DAVID HART. Pawnbroker & General Dealer, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Merthyr, that he is open to buy FURNITURE of every description, to any amount, for Cash—a famous chance for parties giving up housekeep- ing', and wishing to dispose Qt their Effects by Private Contract. Observe ...


... 3 K. I S XOL. •J. (j i L L 1 s MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTORY, 28, Upper Arcade, Bristol. HAKMONIUMS, Accordians, and Concertinas,made to order and repaired on the shortest notice, on he premises, by experienced workmen. N.B.—Instruments of every description also repaired. Country orders promptly attended to. Depot for Davidson's Cheap Music. 203 Trunks, Boxes, Cases. &c. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ...

Published: Saturday 31 December 1859
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5757 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertising 


... FASHIONABLE TAILORING AND OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, OPPOSITE THE WEST OF ENGLAND BANK, MERTHYR-TYDFIL. WEST of England Broadcloths, Doeskins, Kerseymeres, Beavers, &c., Fancy Coatings, French, Scotch, and other Trowserings, Vestings, &c., suitable for the present Season. Hats, Caps, Shirta, Neck Ties, &c., &c. OBSERVE THE ADDRESSJ S J ROGERS, TAILOR, DRAPER, &C., HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. CARDIFF ...