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... deo (Prost the Peapit's and IlowittW Journali) tr Haste thee, Spring the light, the happy, is g Earth to (10 thee homage waits; asI And Aurora, to allure thee, of Wider opes her inatin gates Plumay voyagers, careering La, To you bright, cerulean plain, Ask thee, with celestial warblilgs, To resumne thy vestal reign. ' B'en the gurgling roadsisise spring of I With carol gay pursues its way, lov ...


... 11I Rebteluo. 11 . ? I-1- - Creame of the Poets. London: Allen, Warwick-lane. gis In so small and cheap a volume a small portion only of in the cream of English poetry can be introduced, butthe th( selections are generally those of the most popularkind. wh It The Geardencr's Alagazine of Botany. Orr and Co., at London and Liverpool. wo A valuable and elegant publication, conducted by men Pu of ...


... 1: !, ,1 ¢- . e i : - Ii .. I ; .. Ii ?? ~ ?? , I TH. MIODEMN- WHICH PRIZES ARE TO BE, AWAIRDED4 w ''Th~follo'qiciiraeularhha sbee- i'ssued:- : in Her, majesty'sco timissioners for. promoting- the exhibi- ea tibon 'of 1861 hive h.'d 'iiideie, their consideration-the:sabjeot. r othe Eifitobe'itiirded t exhibitors;j-and have -re- 1al :r lved'to t 'ediiitesteps for having., medals: struck of d- ...

Literary Extracts

... Aiterara Extracto. - of It was the peculiar felicity of England in the seventeenthspe century tha t prtof religious faith and the spirit of vit 11, liberty reigned together, and that she entered n o were political ?? soone till the tpwo revolutions at the same time. All the great passi us of the human soul were thuis excited and brought int aelun ne 5,while~ sonme of thle most powerful ...


... BY PROrOESSOI LONGFELLOW. There is no flock, hosvever watched and tended, Bat one dead lamb is there; There is no fireside, however defended, Bat has one vacant chair. The air is full of farewells for the dying, And mournings ferthe dead; The heart of Rsohael, for her children orying, Will not be comforted ! Let us be patient! Those severe afflictions Not from the ground arise; But oftentimes ...


... Rebitfbi. ^~ ?? I The WVesleyan Reriewc and Evtangelical Record, No. I. John Kaye and Co., Fleet-street, London. I If it be true, as asserted by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, editor of the BrktiDs Banier, that the Methodist commu E nity, as a body, are but ill-inforned on the laws and 1 usages of their own church, any publication having for its 'l object tho enlightenment of the people on those ...


... re The third subscription concert of the season took place ste on Tuesday evening last, at the hall, in Hope-street, a WC numerous and brillient audience being present. The chief ch attraction of this concert was the appearance of M. of SILAS in his double capacity of composer and pianist reE A short sketch of this young and promising candidate po. for musical honours may not be unacceptable. ...


... MEETING OF WORKING MEN. hi On Thursday evening last, a meeting was held at the tB Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge, to consider the propriety of calling a public meeting of the working classes, h to assist in carrying out the exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, to be held in May, 1851. James se German, Esq., Mayor, and S. Cartwright, Esq., attended fr as a deputation ...


... L IN E S SUGGESTED ON LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF SALEM INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, BURNLEY. What noble feelings fill the breast, On this auspicious morn ! The past-that dark unwelcome guest, Is far behind us borne. Or if, indeed, we turn to look On one sad record there, it seems more like a sealed book Than ought we had to share. And however much we may regret Men's dark inhuman crimes, 'Tis ...


... I N VI TA TION.. t Clme, come, my dear Lrrlr, accoelipany ne:- Time's openinga page ill his toelei let's join in ollr colnverse, be bllithesonsw and free, Anld revel wvith Ilind as we oroam. See mornieg's first glorics---tle suns in 1he skies: Like mllolten linrl sparkli's the flew ; See health, oil her bailmy wing, lloverinag lics, To give her wrcatli'd roses to you. Then comic, as all ...

Literary Extracts

... L??L2tit ? - 7,jz - , 'il, 4 , FXW,? 40pq?.' ; ?? 'IT rnv? 'iTi:, --z= doctre1' s fav-rt-i asc in''i I yug fiatnl3 e tee'i ieito ?? viewss tioi'ibis 6i~iiject, that she taulgh :11 her chlrn rmte it'hidio ?? ill- b * hritonr asa di~nder p o be cujred by ~physic.. Alertlngl, sid ad 4al s'sulklloses readyand the little :patienits. wihenlever it.wsc'h~i-j~cfl t~ook rhubilrb./br.a Ythe-irossnle5 ...

Literary Reviews

... LITERAiy 'E)AM1NAK'-,AN4D '1'±V1t. - = = C~~~e = _ - ?? ~Litera~ ~eidei. - lih, Mr a Papers~ for~ he, People, Edinb~urgh. W. r * and Rl ChlImberas.;,, Chiribrs avolong taien the. elead i ul enrr 0'sn auivityW whc he, improved condition of the. people, Physical asi eell as mental,bhas demandad'jbu from those3 who Profess to be the means of aupplyiing oan knowledge. Tiher Journal, still; ...