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Literary Extracts

... Xiterarl) U Ttraftd. sim) apat Mn.MliC.AWBER'S DirvtCULTIES.-It was between grat ten and eleven o'clock when Mirs. Micawber rose to nov replace her cap in the whitey-brown paper parcel, rem and to put on her bonnet. Mr. Micawber took the mer opportunity of Traddles putting oil his great coat, to A I slip a letter into my hand, with a whispered request deg, that I would read it at my leisure. I ...


... Welerttald. A GROWL FROM TH~E DIGGINS. Br J. 1. COLLIER. (Fro'o the PaciJic Weekly Netrs) Ob, tho beauties of thb diggins, Neither few, nor rare, nor small In the world are many riggins, But gold humbug Is worst of all. From th thlme of your departure Constaut toils and troubles ran, Till you Ji)nd you've caught a Tartar, And returu home-ifyou can. Speak tot now of small boats cramm'd ...


... riainal. 't LINES ON SCENERY. vI MANCHESTER, FROM A, HILL IN THE VICINITY. 11 Scene so shrouded; jt City so celebratod for thy Ehowors,- to Thou ever clouded,- Who over gantd upon thy cloud-eappod towers, s Nor thought of cloudless climis and fields and flowers 9 Si it It's not surprising; n A red-checked hind, froeh from, a Icafy glade, e In thy smoke ribieg t, When first ho saw, in all its ...


... THE THEATRE-R OYAL. PIZARtRO. This play, the composition of Augustus Frederick Ferdinand von letzdbue,--who affixed his name to more than three humlred dramas, many of which are either Y translations, or purchased fromu their authors and altered and amended,-was firet translated into English by one Miss Plumtree, who entitled it ThoSpaniards of Peru. ?? a time when the attendance at Dmury ...


... REVI EWS Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, of = SSunyjside. 3 vols. London: Henry Cotburn. We are glad to see that this work has already reached - a second edition, It certainly indicates the revival of a healthier tone among the reading public when such a of mark of approbation is beetowed upon a book like this d quaintly pleasant piece of fictitious but truthful auto- id ...

Literary Extracts

... Literarg 3Extract%.o. | 1. 00. ls Good manners is the art of making thse people easy, '5 with wbom we converse. Whoever makes th fewest persons A uneasy, is the best bred in. the company.- wift. it t ForcH OF CHAlRACTER.-Let no man doubt the omnipo- 1 tence ot nature, doubt the majesty of map's soIl; let no a lonely, unfriended son of genius despair. Let him not de- o- spair, if he have the ...


... -R CHARLES 'ALESIA St@| CHAMJ3ER.C '6N('OE PT S. I r. 8 , 2 ?? * Tu'u[SDAY*7'ru FaBnU.tHYs.: brc St; - - *!i. PR IIAMME.1 . POZ 'Sest- I.- oretw Ln. ?? forte wo iilihis, thuV,' viold66ello, and, donuble, 1 o: bhassi . . , llatp 3) . iil.. . 'I It rid Vocal quaitet ?? . .. - tie h b30nata-l'irno foi~te ?? (Op 81) . 'ti le .re Q'ii tet Piano, violin, tenoi ,a;rl violoncello (in 1 fltt) titeher. ...


... | I _ - _: len The Struggles of a Book-. By Charles Knight. Lon- 'mnd e don: 00, Fleet-stre~et. The '~The evils arising from .the tax on knowledge in the WO form of paper duty, are htere' given by Mr. Knight wit epir oconsiderable detail, antd in a. manner comprehensible to time part anyone taking an interest in thle subject. The indivi- or 2 Y dual. reading his newspaper, or his magazine, is ...


... n Is _ w.. ill The first subseciplion concert for the season took place on dnutro Ee Tuesday evening, at tile Hall, in Hope-street. From the excel- into lir Irnt attendanco, we are inclined to regard the terms offered to that subscribers as being arranged oue a most judicious and liberal a ns, basis. Judging also by the performlance on this occasi t nwa Iy public will not fail to appreciato ...


... . 1l MY LIFE WAS LIKE A FOUNTAIN. My life as like a fountain From Nature's heart that flow, And ripples down the mountain, Still siuging as it goes!I The flowers sprang all round it, The sdn Illumed its way; The lark's glad music found it, And every wave was gay I My life was like a garden, Where Love would often roam; And Time sit down and tell me Of tome ideal home I- Some homb that true ...


... of ISABELLA; OR, THE FATAL MARRIAGE. ty OnSatiarday evening last, tho performances commenced 01 o0 with Southern'a trtgody of Isabella; or, the Fatal Ma r r, range. The plot and incidents of thin drematic componi- nt tioi a-e of the most mournfiil characaer, from the flrtt c ic 6cene to the last one, unvaryicg theme of voe. It el er iD, indeed, painful to read, much more to witnene the Cl e ...


... oriauiTal. J o y m There's joy when the rosy morning fllods fo The puipte east with light; Ci When the zephyr sweeps fromn a thousand buds w Tho poarly tcars of night. fil There's joy in April's balmy -howers, is 'Miid gleams in bunshine shed; When May brings forth as thousand flowers, P( To deck the earth's groen bed. is There's joy whoa the lark cxulting springs, To pour his mati lay; -l ...