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... WIIITSUNTIDE AMUSEMENTS. I LYCEUM. AdThe onl1y novelty at the Lyceum last night was Isthe reappearance of Mr. Charles Mathws after the nume- rous reports circulated as to his final 5Ocession from Tie theatre. HO looked exceedingly well, had grown stout, ig end- appeared to be on the beat possikle terms with h1imiselt Lduad. his. audience. The piece Selected for the opening night was Bejb~re ...


... LITERA TUBR. The Life and Correspondence of Charkes Lord AetcoaYe. By JOHN WILLIAM K&YB. 2 voEs. Sev. Richard Bentley, London. If the life of a great soldier is more captivating to thegeneral reader, that of a great statesman is more useful to the instructed politician. Mr. Kaye has already written the history of one of the most event- ful wars in which our Indian empire has beer, plunged. In ...


... DRURY-LANE. The operatic season commenced here last night with Bellici's opera, La Sranafmfbula, the performance of which, by an Italian company of more than average exu cellence, was sO satisfactory as to afford every prospect of success to the speculation. The policy of establishing a ee- cond Italian Opera simultaneously with the larger estab- liehment at Covent-gardsn Theatre, may be ...


... II J tt8 *1 ?? 9 ; -Tjo jUA ;e o, proiani 1 ?? prcspeetuv, of Ethe £pproaehing. S05onl 01 t6 loygla ;is r. Opert,;w~lohis t~ouxmwooij Thuriday! tlhe 60th of this' ?? d~esign0 this eAIlyzlg, ~taEi meut.~ t It'is -tated.,that th groat arst Mad~n7i ardotj . t Xana,'4enbte tthree year8will etur ?? 3n4ro itv I ?? s;;t i X tlhe et 'the Boya talnOpera. UgNpetr ?? zswul I !1~ forth. flWtfA ,t ; of ...


... 11 .I BR A-f. Yrni a,; bu6 m stre ss tries to ref b~ im , b ut Os to depart, ainc shb resolves tn preiet ae pay dU6 to him which he pdquf for Ahe. 'uI nuyrim to :get .his order tresury. , -,He theq . applie to the Ynt of' an old debt, whch the I refusesn butbwrhenik.he -lkns tbe h - A, is wacted he ?? - y it OD La of the lover o - ,bu rd, - WhDS suitcr. Basied t i ce, the *iritfun AnoAymous ...


... LITBRA TURE. SERIALS. The late volume of 4Bohn's British Classics contains Burke's Life by Prior. It is well known to the admirers of the great statesman, and is a valu- ble help to the politics of the times. Without beiag brilliant, it is faithful and painstaking. The author has diligently collected materials from all the known sources, and the biography-although a laboured panegyr c-is ...


... xusia e TAlE PURCELL CLUB. 5 Tis society held its eighteenth annual meeting at c the Albion yesterday evening. Is Professor Edward Taylor, of Gresham College, the e founder and president of the club, filled the chair, '5 and there was a full attendance of members, both d professional and unprofessional. Heaving so often :e recorded the proceedings of the Purcell Club, it would )f be ...


... PRINCESS'S THEATRE. This theatre opened for the season last night with a new drama in three acts, by Mr. Douglas Jerrold, called X Reart of Gold. An original play by so eminent an author is an occurrence of no common interest; the house, consequently, was crowded, and i the piece met with a reception which showed that the audience did not feel themselves disappointed. The plot of the piece is ...


... CONVEYANCE OF WORKMEN TO THE PARIS EX9IBITION AT REDTUCED FARES. ?? I f The following circular has been sent to all the railway companies on the subject of conveying pas- rsengers to the French Exhibition at reduced fares: c Railway Department, Board of Trade, b Whitehall, Aug. 1, 1865. ?? Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade have directed me to call your attention to the enclosed ...


... -MAN -AND HIS BROTHE:R. *I ,; , - -, BREAD POr THE TIMES. *Man's inhmauity to Man! -; , - ?? A_ Oideoutle to tell,-. e --What chbek- uablancli'd can calmllsn fo .Thosecharacters of bell? ' ' te What pen, what poet, dares to paint tl The terrors of that strife, nl Wherein so many a martyr'd saint Has moan'd away his life I-- 0 Roman ?? priests, - (t Ye wretched cruel men, More bloody than ...


... ' MEETING IN DRURtY-LANE THEATRE. 'The third public meeting in support of the move- mcrat for Obtaining a thorough and searohing reform in the ]management and administration of all our public depart- 3ments, waB held yesterday evening at Drury-lane Theatre, ,when the crowded state of the building, and the earnest and enthusiastic demons tratlions of the meeting indicated the rapid rate at ...


... ITHE GIE'A .'EXHIBITION.- CONTENTS OF 'ILT E GLASS JAIAOE. i THE AGRICULTUIRAL IMPLEM TS AND la ; ' ?21t01)UCE. . . a There is, perhaps, na department of the xhibi- li tion which has exc Lied more surprise amongst it numerous and educateidl classes of . our o.ucaountry- 'al men, or more admiratioi in! the minds of our inteqli- w gent froteign visitors, than the alriculturul'imuplements. pl Our ...