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... HALF. HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS. Parts vin. and ix, (C. Knight, Loodon.)-This series miau- tains its high character, and may be warmly recoina mended for general perusal. CYCLOPADIA OF THE I:NDUSTRY OF ALL NA- TIONs, No. 1, (C, Knight, Loadon.)-A new serial from this prolific source. The present is an intro- ductory number, consisting of a glance at the various exhibitions hitherto held. ...


... MAGAZINES, &c. FOR ;ECEMtBFR,-BfC1tvood opera with The Story of the Campaign, written in the camp before Sebastopol. The account of the operations is brought ttawn to the occupation of Balaklava ; and a valuable contribution to the history of the war will be furnished if the accomplished writer should be spared to continue his narrative to the conclusion of thisj impor- tant streggle. Tbere ...


... MmsulEsTALLIS'S PUBLICATIONS.-The Erystal Palce Desor-bed and Illustrated: This work has at length arrived at completion, havring extended to 47 parts. It forms a history and description of the Great Exhibi- tion of 1851 , il lustrate d by steel en graving, from oil- ginal drawings and daguerrotypes, by Beard, Mayall, &ko. Trhe work will form three volumes; being edited by J (0. Strutt, Esq. ...


... FLOWER SBOWS, &a. SnOTnBY BILIDGE.-The anual exhibition of the Shotloy Bridge Floral and Horticultural Society was hold on Saturday, in a commodious tent, erected, by kind permission, in a field (a short distance from the village), belonging to Jonathan Richardson, Eaqs, of Shotley Park. 'Ihis society has now been in existence six years, and if it may be judged from the present exhibition, and ...


... L ?? -- THEl POPULAR LIBRARY. (tondon: Geo. Rout-!, ledge and Co.)-This age of cheap publishing has scarcely produced anything that can surpass the volumes of tile Popular Library. It is not only their price, but the manner in which they are got up, that gives them a claim to the Nbibiotheque in the kingdom, whilst the works themselves, so far as the merits of authorship are concerned, are of ...


... - The bright days of early 8pring which we arenwejyn create a demand for somecthing hetween the frtimdbr none of the winter and the light nmantelet of summer; conge. qnentiY, we have noticed in one of our fdret housee several patter~na Of Mantles, closed In front and high t h het mn., *h- - . o th throat Among them we may recommend the mantelet tulipe and the mantelet a medallions ; these, as ...


... (From Lbaellet.) With reapeot to materials for walking dreases, thicker and warmer textures are now appearing in great varle- ties. Plaids are very mnuch in favour, both in poplin and in woollen fabrics. Satin, tqfectae, and velvet are ,also much worn. The skirts are still worn very full, and, while some are made 4uite plain, many are seen with two, three, or more flounces; and double skirts ...


... 1NE WCASTLE SQHOOL OF ART. . On Monday night, the annual distribution of prizes gained by the Newcastle Sobool of Art, took place in the MuQeunm, Westgate-street, in the presence of a number of ladies and gentlemen. George Crawshay, E-q., Mayor of Gateshead, occupied the obair. The CHArMLAN said, it was many years 6inee there had been any public distribution-of prizesin oonneotion with the ...


... The Gateshead Fell and Lamesley Hortioultural So- oiety held its annual exhibition on Tuesday, in a marquee at Gateshead Low Fell. The marquee was opened st two o'clock for a fashionable promenade; but owing to the unfavourpble state of the weather at that hour, there was not such a large attendance as might otherwise have been expected. The small attendance then, bowever, was fully made up by ...


... (From Le .oFllct.} .For mountain excursions the Amazons de Ville is worn By this we mean a short skirt of nankeen em- b.oidered in Bilk, or an English quilting robe printed in large checks, or small patterns in 'lilac, blue, chesnut, or any other shade. The body has banquettes a In Hau- sarde, to which the skirt laattaohed in wide triple plaits. Sometimes awhite quilting basquine replaces the ...


... THE ETON LATIN GRA?,IMAR. By T, W. C. EDWIRDS' M.A.-(London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co.)-Thisi thertwenty-seventh edition of an old and valuable schoo book which has acquired a reputation that places it above any praise of ours. POETICAL WORKS or JOHN DHaDTn:N. Edited by ROBERT] BELL. Vol. III.-(London: J. WI Parker.)- We are glad to repeat the commendatory terms in which we have already spoken ...


... BLEAK HoUSE, XVI. (Bradbury and Evans, Lon- ?? tragic element gives the pervading interest to the contents of this number; though there is also some of the~auther's quiet satire upon fashionable cus- toms. A WHIM AND ITS CONSEQUENCES; by G. P. B. James, Esq. (Simms and M'Iatyre, London and Bel- ?? is one of the cheap series termed the Par- lour Library ; and no novel reader, when he sees ...