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Suffolk, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... FREEH1OLD BUILDING LAND% Nor sale, at 1p5244clt. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, O d By Mr. ROSS, On T1hursday, March 28th, 1850, at Six o'clock in the evening, for Seven precisely, at the Crown and Anchor BOUT TWENTY-ONE RODS of FREEHOLD A BUIDING LAND. eligibly situated in High Street, in the parish of Saint Margaret's, in Ipswich. Full particulars may be had of P. B. Long, Esq., Soli- citor, or of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS. T° Sportstmen, Agriculturists. Postmasters, and all T ropoietorx of Horses, these Balls are particularly re commzended In all cases of swelled legs, cracked heels, loss of appe- tite, and vital energy; for Coughs, Colds. Fever, or Inrfammation, they are the beat MedilIne that can be exhibited; moreover, their operation, though effectual. Is so mild, that they require ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dewlarae , Essex. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. J. G. FENN, on Monday, March 25, (instead of Wednesday, March 20, as before advertised), all the excellent ?? Furniture and Erfects, The property of Miss Dando, who is leaving Dedham; /OMPRISING in the Chamber-Mahogany 4 post. U and tent bedsteads, tow and wool mattressesbordered gooI festher-heds, bolsters and pillows, blankets and countetpsnes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EYRE'S COUGH PILLS. T HE isuccess ot tbese Pills, in the curc of Coueghs, and the persoenentirelief they afford to Aafhesoa and Shordneas of Bren+hsb rarely. If ever, been equalled by any other medicine; they loetantly afford reief to the moot inveterate Coughs. render the breathing easy, produce rest and sleep In an eminent degree, and even In the vrorst rses restore td -erfect health end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UntRE~Afl,S apetition of SAMUEL LODGE, for,. VI aerly ?? for two years residing in Little Olland Street, in Bungay Holy Trinity, in the County of Suffolk, abeing for eighteen months thereof or thereabouts a Wher- ryman and Carrier, afterwards for six months a Wherry- tihneantei tCat.dvaler, and then afterwards and for two *ei~ h intab st and now of the Fleece Inn Yard, in Swgamu Lodgeit Mary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. OSWALD 1WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the. White Lion Inn, Heveninghanm, on Wednesday, At th April, 1859, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, (v ?? of the Mortgagee, under a power of sated LO Substantial Brick-built, Slated, and Sash- Lot 'Ai fronted FREEHOLD DOUBLE DWELLING ,IOUSE. with Gardensi occupied ?? Kindred and floury Stanuard, situate in the street of I[I N }EVENIN^GUAN Lot 2. TAVO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Boebe's Herbal Enmbrocation, An Effectnal Atre for the Hooping Cough. WITHOUT INTERNAL MEDICINE. rHIS is the only discovery affording a perfect CURc, 1Twithout administering internal Medicine, the difficulty and inconvenience of which, in all disorder, particularly incident to Children, are too well known to need any comment. The Inventor and Proprietor of this E5mieocAnom ca with pleasure and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT THE 'HOTEL,' STONHAM, Near the Brewery, gT sehichplace they are remoredfor the convenience of Sale. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN WYTHE, On Wednesday, April 17th, 1850, HE Nest HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS Tof Mr. ZEBEDEE TYDEMAN, deceased, formerly of Fansmlinghaln; comiprisig 4 featherbeds and bedding, tent and French bedsteads, painted chests drawerawashing and dressing tables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAIt t TrItS DAY. Creeti'gl Ssaiet cary. DAIRY OF PRIME. SUFFOLK COWS, KOVNO AEAqA! SNOVN, &C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBT. GARROD, 0 VtfiY the 113th day of April, 1850. HE entire I)AD RY of cows, HEIFERS, &c., of of Creeting Saint Mary. who declines Dairying; com- prising TEN YOUNG 'RED-AND-WHITE SUFFOLK COWS some with Calves at foot, and others near Calv- ing; TWO SUPERIOR HEIPERS, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. seott's Bilious and Liver PFills. Prepared without any mercurial ingredient from the recipe of Dr. Scott of Bromley. 7'~O promote a healthy action of the liver and remove the . -early sray ptOm5 of indigestionvz, nausea, head- ache, giddiness, depression of spirits, oppression after meals, drowsiness, inactivity, and many other symptoms, which none but al sufferer can describe, Da. SCOTT'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be BOLD by AUCTION. Dy H~OWLETT end LENNY, OnMnaMay 6th, 1850. Excellent Suffdlkk Mileh Cows, Stock Bullt, Bullocks, 9 Colt, 38 Hoggets, and 18 Swine. By direction of the proprietor Mr. Willats Steverson, whose lease expires at Mlchaselmas next. At Wlaaett, near Halesworth. To be SOLD by AUCTION. By HQWLETT and LENNY, On Wednesday, May 8th, 1850. Dairy of choice Suffolk Milch Cows, 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARHAM, Xgli.diuOsta frm Framlingham and Wickhamvmarket. ] EXCELLENT uOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , A. few Dozen of Port Wine, DAIRY & BREWING VESSELS. & Capital MANGLE, 8PLENUID GEY MARE, Well calculated for a Brougham, quiet to ride or drive, r 8 years old; THREE PRIME MILCH COWS; A 1ooded Chaise, with apron, ceshions, 4' lamps, Set Plated a garness; Half-load Tumbril, about 2 Tomns Bay, several o ...