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Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Price Is. lid. per box. v tstomach and bowels, the common symptoms Of which' arte0 costivenesl,' fistuency, Spasms, loss of appetite, Sick heand- ache, olddinees, sense of fullness after meals, dizziness of 'the eyes, drowsiness, and pains in the stomnach and ubowels, is IIndigestion, producing a torpid state of the liver, and a con- 1 Sequent hIiactivity~ oftthabowels, causing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJR EFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL. V wF. tITEDR, Chemnist to the Queen Hfalifax, has recesived vv,,tbier Supplybof the aboe, vory superir oip aedat biso uidiatl by Messirs. Langtou irotherl ,and Scov t t,, Ln- *negritis wi1'iclls ho continues to receive the highest enco- ?? tinaisthpofsion, and the medical preos. 'f1ir IMedieill 'limes of 25th AuguSt lis~t, aludnitg to the dlifi- Cully or procuring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3 HOUSEKECP.Ei.-WANTED, in conse- AOquence of thei death of her late employer, a SITUATION ate Hfl8llKLFIiPItk to a s11ngle gentlematn, by it person 35 Y6,.- ot ge. UnexceptioiLlble referenceegiven. Apply to S23, Mercury Office. Le~oss. t WJANTEDJ, a P~erson thuroughy acquainted V wih th tufrd the ?? tates. He must have hatia practical experi cueo in thle Styles of goods and the varousiltais ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 N 0 P 0 L Y V C ra8u S M 0 S E S ILVJ. ?? DAY. 1, tfr h ora The evidence to, be adduced for the defendants in this Case, drew together thousands to-day ln eoetehu l Polinted for the busin~ess of slie court. Thle evidence wee as follows::-. John Bell, examined by Mr. Sergeant STvlmt5.-I am an Emglieiimsu., and have known the defendants since their commence- Ment. Previously to Motes and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt IfMENSE SUCESS OF THE NEW REMEDY c. Which Aaa snevter yet faid-A C e ted ot I ?? R DE RBOS, D nA-acc5, ' Odlfo aY years . y Ap. and 6n the experience a ithout S cerint catindnt, laQ nar bler toareate, wh u ir y uniertak iny teuets ?cure, cve'e variety cafa iea * F riY Soltary hceab del.ousive, e, c, ch esse, I c- or rch a gonlrrh gleet str wic e, b YPl i th eir b arefie anlytbgeo, which, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p ORiKS-.PUBUISHED' -AND -$0 LIX' A) by J. VATSN, , ueo ead.,asg.jt PTSOerndstrdjw JTust publisehd, Ond Edition foi, the~~i~fU Wim.,.13'poos.' oeo'iji 6 erso'2.,bouu&d coo In ee~t AAR1~C7 ~~1PR~bWITH -EN6.! a LAND Th 'rs etive and efethe i~.sfth Legsl~ton an th Ms-sion the aenctul ?? o.fp Allclsse o th pople, whether' natives or' emi-L grans,~ndcitai5 a. Astrai ad Rv1ew of the.A Ofhi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e [ADvtMITisanr ?? T3 III this agc of new discoverics, we know of nole which 't recolsineedos itself with strergccr clailms le public Attention, or is onort Iier ) it place iii ovorv family.thaln a recoitly iii- vented nmachinue lor tlic lttipoi of 0 Washinig, Wrincging, and a.I liug. 'I lie pie 'eflt sysleil ofi clothes Witslwiing is opeu to serionus Aleciwons, whichi, we klnow ro other wayot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ) IME~l SIJCOEgSS OF THE NEW MED ; Wti t ?? r faikld.-A, ce efeci r I sm ret#-d R W ALTE;R- DE R'008 D ?? , odofrom may ea6. vD isexeflehisP Strtie ?? lectedn London and On Il I/ eese as that ?? rede 3tesnaheitunce~r continent, on enabled to treat, with the utnoet certain, - cure, evevry ertty 0fd1555 tino auth delsiv, ?? xcesses, infctonmuc Prll*.h ?? geluieetet til, ?? aliliteir varieties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and suc pride is. 11d. per box. 1c. THIS excellent' family PILL, is a niedicine Our AL 6f long-tirieelefficacy for corr~ecting alldisorders ofthe hla stomach and bowels, thu common Symlptomns of which are . costivenes5, dflatugney, Spasmcs, loss of ap6petite, sick head- Alnache, giddinesa, sercse of filues~s after locals, dieziness o oy tics eyes, drowsiness,, anoe pains in the stonlacli and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS POTTERY. TO EARTHEN WARE MANUFPACTURtERS, DEALERS, AND I OTHERS. LABGR AND 151PORTANT SALF OFIRARTWlENWARlE, WORKIiNGi TOOLS, and UTENSILS, used in the M1anufac- tusre thereoL. Mr. JOHN BimpPrll begs to AnnTIOnTCe to Earthenware Mdainnfacturers ainn Dealers, that lie 15I15 received inn-tr-nc- tiong fr-nm the ABsleVIC5S of Messrs. S. F4-nd J. CHIAPI'EL, Onf the Litacs PTTorrnnnv, to SELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADVERTISEMENT.S] CURE FOR TIIE TOOTH-ACSIE.-We refer any of ou readers who are suffering from the tooth-ache, to the adver tisement in this dav's Scrcss'y respectiltg bweeting's Tooth- Ache Elixir. Any suffering from this tiresome complaint will not deserve the least pity if they neglect to procure 8o easy and permanent a cure. REVALENT3t ARABICA FOOD.-We take pleasure in no- ticidg this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e e . :AN EIFFECTUAL CUBE FOR PILES,- FISTULAS, &Sc. :ABERNETHY'S PILE OINTMENT- What a painful and noxious disease isthe Piles! and, coeuparatively, howv few of the aficted have leon pernranently C oured by ordinary oppeols-tomedical skill. This, no doubt, asises from the use ofpowserful aperients too frcquently administered by the profession; Indeed, strong intertals medicines should always ...