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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... LITERA T7RE. BnowNsoN'S QUAIRLraeY RiEveaw.-(London: C. Dot- ia -ao; Dublb: G. Bellew.)-The leading characteristics of b, Dr. Brownson's style-lhia good logic,-critical acumen, and .11 forcible writing-are eminently displayed in the current er number of his Revkstu. In the first article, however-the 5- i 1ission of America-we Bnd Dr. Brownsona views ron -i native Americanism' urged iu etrorg ...


... MUSIC, &e. I DUBLIN DIABIlGAL SOCIETY.-The eleventi annual see- lson o1 thit association opened yesterday evening with a most attractive oenc(rt, which was graced by the attendance of a fashionable audience, filling the spacioue hell of the Auitent Concerts to its entire extent and capacity. Apirt from its merits as a musical entertainment, there were features in con- nexiou with this concert ...


... yesterday evening's conoert-the first presensed by the per. forming members of this society for the present season-was remnarktable for nothing In the tway of novelty as regarded the programme; neither was there anything in the performance beyond what might have been expected from the artietes en- gaged in its production. This anuouncement, in may instances, would be understood to convey ...


... I l 59. Chris [he a will I uglcsi~ d4i- leyle) 4 yl- 1111strej fst (; lernfll ; 7 t hea di1, 50 ?? Ic 21b dos) W~ills ?11 thu en se I 10( fillies hJ) ,et 411 It, 8s 3st 411 ?? ODes- Oil -, anl Ir all se. .. 3 deli i uhly) 2cond laps- Five AI uucuI1runAL EsYsrs, No. I-SOILs. By Tnomrms BAa.)wIN, Lecturer on Agriculture,' Albeit Mofdel Farm, Glasnevin. (Ducbliui * Ritlis 1toberitson, 23, is m- ...


... .ANTIENT CoNCEORvT ROOMs-M. GRArTAN KELLY'S FASE- WELL CoNSCET.-This concert last evening was attended by an influential circle of the patrons and friends of our talented young townsman, Mr. Grattan Kelly; but we regretted to observe that the audience generally was not by any means so numeroues as we would have wished or expected. The character o£ tpe musio was all that might be imagined from ...


... I - BORs E, JULY 15.-Princeas Louisa aud prince Avthur have been attacked with scarlatia. Their royal lhighne5ses are going on ve y favourably. The same dfisease bag declared Itself in Prince Leopold, who was left at Buckingharn Palace in consequence of a slight acoldent.- Prince Albert, accompanied by the King ot the Belgians and the Count of Flanders, embarked in the royal y5cht Victoria ...


... GARDENrIN OPERATIONS FOR TH5E WEEK.-FLOWER GARDEN AOSD SttaUBsERY.-Tbe demand for bedding out plants (in the 8prxng) is frequently greater than the room devoted for their wintering can supply. It will in this case be necessary to commence propagating to make good the deficiencies. For all the soft-wooded and free growing plants a common dung frame, having a slight bottom-heat, will suffice i ...


... LITERATUBE. I - Tarn Dunr~cx Bavtaw. (Londeons: Thomas Ricluardi os .i1 sue 2oa.)-Tbe contentse of the present number of the Dub- lin Revise are remarkable for variety or subject asid general excellence of treatment. Though we cannot point to any co particular article as presenting features of unusual brilliancy , or power, this ably-conducted serial fnlly maintains its w character for solid ...


... LITERA TURE. IrtraH QUARTxnLY REVIBW.-(Wr. B. Kely, Grafton- sfreet.)-Certainly, a largtr quantity of periodical matter, to say nothing of the quality which we can vouch to be excellent, was never before given for the small sum of thirty peuce, Hera we have a balky volume of original matter, containing nearly five hundred pages, at the lowpriceof balfa crown-a miracla of cheapness; and when we ...


... NVLINDSOR, JAN- ?? Lienerat andI Mr. eaufurd and Lieutenant Colonel Cocks (commanding officer 2d btctllon Coldstrealn Guards) had the honour of dining with her bijesty yesterday. The Right Ron. H. and Lady Mey Labou. ciere, the Provost of Eton. the Hon. and Very Rev, the Dean of ,Windaor, and Colonel Parker (comnaundissg officer 7st Life Giards) had the honour of dining with her Majesty ...


... Jo I 7t A . . , A ,- X . CuLLOIIILL -At this fair, on Mlonday, tle Eshowz of hioried cattle was Ema!l in the extremne, and there were but few blyers for etock; bat the EUPjly of Pheep and tambs was very large, and thle demand very great, gau U. cu'aiy fuor beecing ewves. at conrs nveraged from Si to 121; new milch cowe not to be had ; very fewv two year oids and yearlings, and not Eought fur. ...


... | QUEE'S ROYAL THEM&TE. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - Amongst the many clever iripersonation3 of Mr. King, perhaps that of Brutug in Shakepeare's tragedy of Juliua er- Cre jar Is the one In which his histrionia power Is made A. most manifest, and his faults as an actor least eotspicuous. .He appeared In It on Tuesday evening in the presence of ry. a crowded audience, His conception of tie part was bold ...