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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... JTHE PARIS EXHIBMION OF MANUFACTURES, X BErL FouxDiNG rrf DumarN.-We have frequently had occasion, during the past btn Or twelve years, to advert to the distinction achieved by our countrymen in a branch of the metallurgic art which peculiarly requires the exercise of judgment, skill, aud care in its operations, so as to ensure a ?? notalonesa regards the beautiful and delicate manifestations ...


... If.o-k;A, . I 0/1hd Jhab to 0W:F&*t, of fheir Fatherss. By Onoi of asl a 2fw~iOssru-(hvl~ ;Xa'7 Dt6j).-Whlie the special ob- t ject Of the interestlflg volume now before as Is to,.supply a record of the missions preached in this countr~v by the I Fathers of the Order of Charity during the last six or aeven I ye~ars, the rev, author is necessarily led into a great many collateral and valuable ...


... I I Her Majesty held a court on Friday at Bucking- ham Palace- The Count Persigny, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from his Imperial Majeety the Emperor of the French, had his first adlence of the Qveen, and delivered his credentialsato her Majesty-. The RightEHolat' Sir Richard Pakenbam, her MaJestYs Envoy Extraordinary and MtInister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Lsbons was ...


... I FASRIONABLE INTELLIGENLCE. .,I IERHGALS C OURT.Ldri3 d'lfb o the Ldrd Lieuteunnt eutertained te follwing ?? at dbene on Tburadsy evenifgI at the iiceregal odjge :-Ird Talbot de NIaliatde, 1Me Btepfieneo'n, DrTPhelan, Dr'south, Sir Edward *Jf'DdlineI, tA'derinaan½Ieyaolds, ?? G'Ro, M~r Methesbfl, htr Balli M~ Blandi Sir Phlip Crr.mploLith1Pr0voet,, the Recorddr. Mry Rynd, the Attorney ...


... THEATBICALS ANDI MUSIC, THEATRE RorA.L-ie Excell'Ucy tbe Lord Lisutenant Wl. visit our naticnal theatre tcas evening to witness the per. foeinance of Mack 'u's fine simedy of The Man qf the Wor'.1, Mr. Phelps playing the par; of P2r Fe; .kru Aft ospeophoat. ANvTitENT CoNwseiTS.-The concert of last evening, thoogh not eque es a whole to one or two of the previous ones during the se&Ean, wao yet ...


... GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS OF DESIGN-EXHIIBI- TIOs OF PRIZZE PICTURES, &C. l . 1'ibition opened yesterday in the fin arts gallery of Society of works of art which have ob- taliiin'd1rizes during the past year in the various schools of desiga'cstablished by govreroment throughout the United Kingdomn. This is tbs first occasion on which the principle htas beencarried into practical effect of forwarding ...


... rAIRs. REELOGUES.-Thir fair, one of the best generally o Mayo, was largely attended on Saturday last. Prime 1,t5 were disposed of at fair prices. Several lota of heifers and bullocks changed hands at prices from 91 to III la All lots over 101 in value sold well, and cattle under tha All did not ?? fair prices. Horses were much in deta Prie and sold well; so much as 221 were given for driving ...


... FASR'IOIWABLE IivrELLIGENCE. X ARRIVALS AT THE EUROPEAm- HOTEL.-MVr. I O'Brien and family, fromn India; Mi's Brabazon, Mr. Tomkins and Miss Tomkieis; Mr. and lrs. Q.uigley; Mr. and Mrs. Huteitinson; Mrs. Murray, Miss Murray ad Airs. iiggs, Mr. Ogle, Mr. E. Maher, Mr. Colgan, Mr. Daly, Mr. Sams, Air. Lenmon and Miss Lennon; Mr. Hare. Departures3Mrs. Johnson and family; Mr. M Kenny, Mr. P. ...


... A rasebicahie, but not very crowded audience, graced the epticcg ofto eltaltan operiis yesterdacy cvening. The piece 8oniewihat perversely selected for the occalon, was the highly. praised., much abused, and world-talked of, La Travia's. It is not for us to take into consideratton the motives wvhiah may have led to the selection of this peculiar opera for tile opening night, when there were so ...


... | FAsH1A0iABLE. 1NTELLIGENcB. X T The Earl of Carlisle does not resume his duties 3 ?? after the Christmas holidays. The noble earl is expected to stay at Trentham, on a viel to.tho Duke and Duchess 3 of Sutherland, durlng the Christmas week.- Obteives.: O d(J lih occasson of her Mrsjestys mearriage the Queen presented toeach of her bridesmnaids a diamond and tur- quolseornament, to be ...


... FASHIONABLE INTE'L;LI4GEBN~'CE.B; 0SORN AGST 29.-The Queen and Prince, ?? by Prince Arthur, the Princees Royal, Princess A1106,,prinoess Helmna, and Princees Locuisi, eruised in the Fairy yesterday 9tternoon. The Right llun Sldney Herbert arrived .02 a yisit to ber M5Jl~e5y. 'Ihbe royal dinner party in- cluddthe Ducheas of lenit, Lady A.S Id.awson, Lady Prunices Bruce, and tbe Rieght. Hon. ...


... THSATRICALIS &c. THaEABR ROYAL.-Last evening Aubers opera of Fidl Diavoto was performed, for the second time during the preiw engagement, before r fashionable and well filed house Of t delightiel musical composition we have had irequent ?? to speak, and on the lest time when we referred to it(somedWI since) we gave it the praise which it Justly deserved. Al e have already spoken of Mr. Reeves ...