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... ART MANUFACTURE ASSO-IATION. She exhibition of the Art Manufacture Associa- tion, in the National Galleries, was thrown open to subscribers and other privileged individuals on Saturday night for what is technically called a pri- vate view-; but, in point of fact, the company was as public as could well be, and the idea of getting a view of the articles exhibited was quite out of the ...

Published: Monday 15 December 1856
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2709 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Foreign Intelligence

... -fj Dreip ziliffliplut. SARDINIA. A letter from Turin says-lach attention has been excited here by the precipitate journey to this city of the Marquis de Villamarina, Sardinian Minister to the court of Paris. It appears that his object was to have precise instructions, in case a coolness between the Western Powers should make any change in the rela. tions which bind the Sardinian Coart to ...

Published: Friday 05 December 1856
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2056 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Naval and Military Intelligence

... ? 'Raval 40 Vilitarg ?Ttfflliyllm I (From the London Gazette of Friday.) WAn DEPAaTMENT, Aug. 29. ad Regiment of Dragoon Guards-George Romney Rawlinson to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Blenhinsop, promoted. 6th Dragoons Guards-The second Christian name of Cornet Glasson, is St Clair, and not St Cair, as stated in the Gazette of the 22d inst. 7th Light Dragoons-Charles Lee Wore to be Cor- net, ...

Published: Monday 01 September 1856
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 835 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... (The foljowjing appeared in our Second Edition of yesterday.) DnESDNX, 22d.-There is a talk of an approaching visit of the Grand Duke Constantine to Paris, on his return from Nice, from which place he is to conduct his wife on a visit to the Empress Mother. PRUSSIA. PLAISs, Tuesday.-Prussia has requested a passage for its troops on the 15th of February. PERSIA. MARssItLEs, 23d.-Rather ...

Published: Thursday 25 December 1856
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 405 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... TnE CRIMEAN BANQUET.-The committee bave awarded to Mr James Sinclair a beautiful medal benring an appropriate inscription, in token of the very able manuer in which he discharged the duties of Master of Ceremonies on occasion of tbe recent banquet. AIIrIANOGEENTS FOR FORtWSARDING MAII. TO CAxADA.-Letters for Canada, unless specially ad- dressed to be sent by any particular route, or by any ...

Published: Thursday 04 December 1856
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1228 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Court and Fashion

... dmirt Ato j astiolr. WINDSOR, Feb. 7.-The Queen walked and drove in the Home Park this morning. Prince Albert and the -Princess Royal accompanied her Majesty. The Duchess of Sutherland and the Right Hon. Sir B. Hall left the Castle in the foresiion. Her Majesty held a Privy Council at half-past twelve o'clock to-day. Pre. sent: Prince Albert, Earl Granville, Earl of Harrowby, Sir George Grey, ...

Published: Tuesday 10 February 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 822 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Caledonian Mercury

... Il 1 I tI d ?? It a T0 i anl EDINJBURGH, MONDIAYFE 1S7: Cr The MIeumcuRy is Pnblished DAILY, PRl0r Tf- or 9Bs 9d Quarter, if paid in advance. 1185REL'DALr4e 1 a Penny extra per Copy. B PredetiSk( Stamped Copies of the Caledolnian fercurY are f ed I fora subscription of 32s 6d Half-yearly, or Its rtr1Y able in advance from any date. Three Papers can be forwarded through the po y one cover, and ...

Published: Monday 09 February 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2769 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... -P]aV1LEGES. FOR THE MRESS. (FROM THE rCONOMIST.) 1A behalf ofthe press, the functions of; which we estimate as bighityas any of our C'ontemporari£5 vc -muast say afew. wr 'on s G'oe O imiiis lately put forth f-r an enlargemieni of its privileges. ?? A-cise-Qf con- diermbl~interegi 'was j it Crrt of .Q i's~endb.. 'e a, meeting of the, WXes; Hartle- pool Improvement Commissioners there was an ...

Published: Monday 09 February 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 799 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... (The following appeared ibi our Second Edition of yesterday.) ,, 9 ViRNsA, January 19.. On the 12th inst., the T'wjJ sreasmer Asia, en her way from Trieste to Constantinople, weas lost off Valou, on the coast of ,Albanip. ,The passengers,. mail-bags, and. remittances were saved' VxaxNiT~ieiday.-The Archduke Maximilian of Austria is-appointed Governor General of the Lom- ardo-Veretian.,States, ...

Published: Thursday 22 January 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1024 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... On Saturday night a public meeting in consection S with the. Freehold Movement was held in the Queen Street Hall, .Which iwas densely crowded in every part. AMr Willianri.Uhambers-of Glenermiston- was r calledito the chair; and among those in the plat- formn were Mr James Taylor, from.'Birmingham, Mr J. Beal, from London, Mr Duncan U'Laren, the Rev. Dr Bailie Grieve, Bailie Blackadder, l ...

Published: Monday 19 January 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 9647 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... S U M MARY. Last night the House of Lords had no business 'before it of the slightest interest. In the House of Commons, Mr Disraeli submitted his amendment on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget. The right hon. gentleman repudiated all hostility towards the Government in bringing forward his motion, expressed his approval. of the abolition of the war portion of the Income-tax, took ...

Published: Saturday 21 February 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3644 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Foreign Intelligence

... -prtiga 4-iomt. ,liti FRANCE. The Paris correspondent of the Tiames says The proposition presented to the Council of State for the grant of a pension of loo,ooof. to Marshal Pelissier hai been negatived by tile particular sec- tion to which it was referred. The casting vote was that of the President. The objection, however, is not to the grant itself, but to the form in which it was made. ...

Published: Thursday 29 January 1857
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3008 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News