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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT PAPPR HANGINGS. Mr. JOUN HEPPER will eubmit for S A LE by P UB L PC AUCTION, At his C00iIS5CIAtL SALs Rooms, STERN11' - BUILDn- irss, ea C. Aera idlet scth e Theird del/of June, PIC F PAPER HANGINGS, U 00 preentinga varied and fashionable choice adapted for every class of room. Intending purchasers will do well to make their selections from this lot, as it will comprise an elegance of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEDS PARISH CHURCfH,-The t EL gLEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of the Consecration oft: t Churchl will be commemorated Lss 2'hssrsday. ftc Seco5S sceitem- e -rnsext. The LORD ?? of thle DiOCESE lies expreased d ?? intention of taking part in the services, ansI SERlNIL(iDb , be ~rsiebdin the morning by the Right Rev. the Lll D II BISH8X of i£NtEWYORK, end in the Evening by the Rlight Bev thu LORD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADV ERTISEMIENT1 age es. JOHN CASSELL'S G>REATEST UNDERTAIUNG.-The Ilius- wS k55 rated Exhibitor and Magazine ofArt, though issued at Twopence tihe d a per Number, is a work of unparalleled beauty, furnishing a of in splendid proof of the high tate of perfection to Which the art 'redo wood engraving is brought. Indeed, the whole work is got up, in a style hitheuto unattempted, and which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at the ADvERTISEMENT. sa a HE USE OF MEDICINE HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED AND ti. FIFTY THOUSAND CURES EFFECTED Sy Du BARRY'S ItRVALRNTh ABIRACA FOOD, a pleasant auid efectual remedy WtltieIt medi- cine, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty Limes ite cost .n other means of curel for nervoue, stomachic, intesti- on Set, liver, and bilious complaints, howlever deeply rooted the dyspepsia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... posittvely ?? ou .0A tw - EfttCattomIt. rj 0 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.- , MIATI RNAL CARE AND EDUCATION,-The Wife of a beneficed Clergyman, residing in at good house and healthy locality, in Yorkshire, being about to engage a young lady to assist her in the care and education of her own two children. of six and eight years of age, would be willing to RECEIVE 5tisM 0,15 'gI O SIX 1.ITTriLE GiRLS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... brol ?? ~~frot: A~t two e'eoc'1, on I, q, oO. X.hel'1 Ieor ?? Oaiel it.ll N'o-i liJ ll I.OtrOcl. .I-on, f UL. 401 IBaloOj~ INDItt tIrSIDE and A-~Vo A'BAMUWool Brlokers, Liverpool tl W ?? -wit' On ?? jo'l'0fh110051 ~WOOL, e i1:4,,.1LES SMIYRINA, 'I LiKEY, l&e.. r 101 JC~LIlmr, Eyl Al, oale-strecf. 1F7j, It e'-~ij DeIllt Jr.11 a1 ~t thue Ii okr'sS OICi'lt(IL, j Cot 2;i, T1emlple ,tre'et, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Valuable Freehold ?? in Baotley. ?? Mr.LAINCASTERt. lt Mr. PI'm k, r'e, the WVilton Arms I11n. in (1atley. in the couinty of York, oen 11oi2o00a t/e 'T'erriefli da of efSptheinber. ll5i2, at sla W'e ock inl the ?? jut, in thp :lolleWing or sulch other l0ts a mitny be algreed on fit tihe tale, and subject to coliditiOnie, Let 1. LL that IVIESSUAGTI, or Dwelling- Ahon e. nosy I~t .ev 01(1 hi ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE~ COURT OF BANKRUPTCY FOR P ESDISTRICT.-In the Matter of MARY *fTrE LjU w~nd HENRY HAR0TLEY, both of Halif~x, t o T~'y~f york, carrying on business in co-partner- ~ecOl .ty er and printers, under thre style or firm of t~nre~ r~lY ?? Mr. Commissioner ~,sel.TlieCour has ppoited the Thirleenth Decembelrr nextf ?? Acouts f te Assignees; and the Fourtfeenth 5adt jto ?? of ?? and declare a First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... One Friday. htc F.,urteenI4rfal a of 11ray, Sit Birowne, H anter, and It CoB,, 011i500. 1, Old lHall-street, Litverprool,- 8559 BALES SUTJII AUSTRIALIAN Wsssol,.justhsnded, AppliYfo BRIOWNiE, I1UNItiJI(,Orls Cr!.. B~roetre Itto clock,. on Fridayei. the Fouerten!Tntir fre.nul at th, Brokefl AWO Sale ROOcM, 10), Nurth Jfatrn-troet, 100J BALES AeSICAIIJE, ex Ater,. - 2oo DO. FINE WASAlIUi EN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ADVlEATISEUEN13, of It is one of the peculiar duties of the conductors of a b newspaper to point out to their readers anythirig of reat merit, wh sepecially wbeu that is an ai ticle which is used by every one: of more or less. We refer Ito the GLEVVISsLD PATONTISTARCH, out which, we believe, ie almost un iversally used, end we haveme groat pleasure in hearing our testimony to its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Afibrtrjlood W1ool Koa% On Tuesday, dihc Ffjtecuthl instant, 'at the Brokers' Sale-room, 10,2 INorth Johonstreet, 2,010 le Iotndria. 500 Do. Egyptianr. hc. -2,5.0 Males WooL,. Apply to ABrA.,m (4ARTSII)E and CO.. Wool Brkcers, Liverpool, On 'hursday, tire. ,aeenl~enlins anlrsr at fouony nec', at the Brokers' 2,0 ae 8ale-room, 10, -North john-street. 2, ?? Ft inrtia. affl 300 Buuojyres, Tarkey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Batley Station. By Mr, CULLINGWORTH, onle Iaaedaep nexpt, IEVI~llAL valuable Consi:,1nments of SHODDY bE~E1{AL a'ant MvNjto. Tirae, wo p.m. Cataloguass on Tuesdfiy. _ rl5ltreelid ansion and Biunlknlg hntud onl 15,5 5v5Sat515 of 'he town. andin the borough of 11nilfax.-Prelhi-i,.Ly Notice. te ?? Of June, or early in J,,ltueit, will be offered for 1 j1e is Sole by Public Auc~ion. I, that modern ...