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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)


... EPSOM SPRING MEETING, 1860. The following istheeomplete enitry for the Metrcpmlitan Handicap: Retail, 4 yr.; Osuerlay, 4 yrs; Wounsecr, 4yra, Ellerslie, 5yra ; Velolx, 4 yr.; Belng, 4 yr.; Elthiron, 4yr.; Tetator, 4yrs; 6Snec&,3yrs; Liamahgo, 4 yr.; Sylvan, 5 yrt; Iron R tl, 6 yr.; Glutton, 5 yrn; Tarn Wad- lin,4 rs; Buatinado,3yr.; lierberr,4yr.; Suanyside, i yrs; Yard Aim, aged; AdMay,47rs; ...


... SPOR TLG. CHESTER SPRING MEETING, 18,o. The following in acomplete list of the nominationu for the ChcSter Cup. (189 Sube.) Bon-mot, 4 yrs Arab 4 yri Hioneycomnb, 4 yrs fCockertouth, 5yr6 TM herlstpr 5 yre Lwadstone, 5 yrs Essedarius, 4 yrs Ballinafc, 8yrs St.Antonlo, 6 yrn Pitsford, S ?? Fugleman, 6 yrt Colisagwood, aged RhMenf, 4 yrs Vebta, 6 y rs Epirote, 0 yrs Malnfold, S yin Idlea 4 yin ...


... SPOB TN6. INTELLIGENCE EXTRA. LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING, 1850. Noaminations for the LIVERPOOL CU-t-weights in April. John cfTuam, 3 yrs Loo, 3 yrs Windbechgratz, 3 yes Cockermoutlh, i yes St. John, 3 yrs Chantrev, 4 yre Cosrack, 6 yrs Melody, 4 yre Laedy Godiva, 3 yre Idle Boy, 5 5 r Wild Rose, 4 yre Backbiter, 5 yra Ccouriri, 4 yrs Legerdemain, 4 yes Champion, 4 yra John Cooser, 5 yrs Canezou, 4 ...


... HUNTMIG APPOINTMENTS East Kent hounds, Friday, Ber ha etreety-hput 10. 5Carabridgeahire hoiunds, FridAy, Childerlay-ga.te-11 past 10, Sorayeset Sie cription hounds, this day, Willett IN4l IFriday, Raleigh's Cros.-ha~lfpast 10. Mr Powell's hourida, this day, Plough gand Harrow; a Friday, Llandisalo-10 . ! a Son0 Qut hou ds, this day, Siaod In; Fidsay, Wce aGkfrtw. U Liliy hounds, FrIde, ...


... ,SeploR2res. TATTERSALLts-YESTERDAY. A fair amount of budbte, weeAa aw ?? 1CUP at the -prices quoted, the obief -Lnvestniugt ?? LesatualOW, MOnIeaee, 41nd the Bamoeea Gigue w 9 aon ri; 1.5 , t and 1000 to 10 wa, takenp (t er.) sbt tClarlsa. The I ffers aat John Cossar g d Lady Ev&y; did n:t .zxfad -10 to 1-60 to, I would have beer, taken Abou Ieither. Alm Outlay of about 600t, oil ...


... SPO~TING. HU UN7TUO APPOINTMENTS. Her aje's Stag hounds, the first day the weather per- t mite, at Ascot Heath-at 11. e a Woroesrtorshire hounids, Monday, Monkwood; Tuesday, DWestwood- Thursday, Kennels; Frday, Bishops Woodw-s W halfpat id. 1 Upton harrier Tuesday, Welland Common-hair-past 10. Ledbury hounj, Monday, Euatwood Oak; Friday, Bro- rnasbeomw Heath~-hAlf~pat 10. 1. Herefordshire ...


... - ?? A3T MtkNORT Mk.RLDA N. , I ti uines otn racing er etepe ohi' f a he aBTaoorI*t~ H[A xc 3it.-to i2 ?? hEa: (t. ken). i ' ?? ~l i .aa TI Y 4t . a t ;.etd. Off e to ta about Peep o' Day Boy, ad 40) to 1-abouti Lady lE'7 ?? r -. 4°°0to 8. egwtrn.~1~ O t tak cpt 1)4 , gThITING* APPODITMEN1 i. South Berkahbire hound,, the first open ay After the t, at' the kmenel., ?? pdy .gambTedon hou unds ...


... SP O TING. TATTERSALL'S-MONDAY. T~iE METRlOPOLlITAN HA.NDICAP, 20 to 1 agst Lird Eglinton's Teiatr 2S to I -- Sir 0. Heathcote's Btack Evgle (t) 2o to I - Lord H. Lenuox's Bornoo (t 4o to 1 ?? Crawford's Glutton (t) q0 to I - dr. GOegory's Dnsak (I) The invescments on *he above event did not, Ie believe, exceed a pony on each horse. LIVERPOOL STEEPLE CHASE. 15 to 1 ag-t Rat-trap. 30 to 1 agst ...


... i1 ;BTTINP AT MANCHESTER -rms ap TePq- % 4tXd i^(; t of a~B8P40p.O-.tboy (8), to tagv Co tk- {t), 4 0 e1 aga3EIerd4P.; to1asst I FeU emzam (t), &0 to 1 S, or i t(t, 1,(lOO ?? agt Gri f),1t oo to ID IC ?? Litfle x,6lk Jto15*t41 d lo The bgndiott i very Lighly spoken of by.&' It' LlVzxR.e S ?? -15 to I ?? SmntP 0V l6tk1be1 ,tsKel1ht of Gweyemn, N teLAtD I a t 20 to et k Fana Grey, 26 aw w ...


... S.POR TJ2WL S TAt REAi-MO-rONDAY. .Therewasa ierv rirfl attendance nanda large amnount of p businfss trainisota, chiefiy on the OhesterCup. The hersem b% moat in fyonir *iere Fuveman, MIiss un Gla4s tbheFjies, is caossle., EHa~ridtt aud hantrey, tha odds in evova4 Istine. r eb'=wia a de dihiprdiiq.voemntet in pr eio8se qtaoenoos. IC MoaRt cF thxe thouashdi to o~n and' fifteen -baea were taken ...


... 6, SPO~t L, g! t) I ur- H m 7 :, ' 4 . Me ?? in thbo o e o P azsd of Gkyflto w1tei' WC 1ev t x (,khxsr pup, and f -0WH( bsuimw fA terby; 'ate t~eb~to t9( Ti~~udqa~t~edeeidq~~,Go yes- tordsy; 1i f£wt, ;he..j jiwavcmej i gmui n ag. £ ddli a zwnon was in, dr iei6 3whPnM a. wago. O W Iddoutul,06 0r C , t! 4 'apt ?La~8uieof WutwrfOa's aiz Jr . l to I C it * (t) 40 to I - 5 t O Luo4i, , ?? to ?? Ogg ...


... SPORT.- - V. l2BETTG AT' AMANCHESTER.fEtIDAT h. Id-RP6oL ST#9PLia SE-N ; don ?? I , STA~ne.~4 to 1ott(t to' ; 251.), 12 to I agt Ostarl This hore wer backed- yeter- dyat 500 to 20, fraIt at all prices up to 12 to,1 d. M 1T=0POLITj.N HANDiW.P-300 t- (t). Nothin else bacled. 8apt OH 1t Ca .k (t 2o to , ito i Atm (tw25 t 1), 20 to aichof the aboe were baekedfor thoe tht eul rybegotoubid.o ?? ht ...