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Reynolds's Newspaper



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Reynolds's Newspaper


... THIE DRAAiA, 'AUSIC, ETC. DRURY LANE. '.fits eventful theattrical season at this theatre Is fast drawing to a closei. 'ft ahesticlipatiotis andl expectations w vhich wore formned ?? to its comnaitlenenient, leatve not seen realized. -Mrr. -Asidoreon has nut. satisfied iity party, eind lies conse- quently no'eylmpaolsisers with biemisfortmics ;, oeal canl only look back On what has passed with ...


... 'We have very favourable accounts of the dramia in America. In New York it is said theatrical mualnagers rire rapidly making their fortunes. This looks well, ilcasiuch as we ale led to hifer, that oar brethren of the sock and bIskie ave gaining golilen opinions froili all sorts of people, not only that they are represented as handling a migtlty wveight of the products of tha ' Californian ...


... REVIEWS OFNBOOKS. la _ WOMAN IN F1ae.OE. By_ JULIA KAvANAGoL-Silith and Elder.-The two vo lines before us abound in anec- dote, and the pleasing style adopted b.y the fair atithoress gives an additional char'm to the aninsiig ndatter Which her research has brought to light. The eighteent ccntury was famous in France for its feliialt celebrities, -would that we could likewise add for the ...


... . Tna Two TurtBOTS.-Cardinal Fesch, on the iorn in'g of an intended feast,.had received two turbots, equally fine, and' equally prodigious ill size. What could be done with this double wonder? To give one away, and keep the other, was the ready suggestion; but a 6ioment's -consideration -told him that such an act would exposehim to unwelcome rivalry; to throw away one would be a sin! The ...


... . ROO LE FOLLET. THE morning dresses that are worn this spring areextremelY prctty. The form is Casy and becoming, and gives opportunity for th1e 5llislay of tfoste and richness iii tole I:lgliificent ?? worn with thl, toilelte, especially ?? trimmced ocross will' narrow frills of Maltiies oraclcecirenes flce, witll insertions of ceibroblered musliln: or those still nore thressy, tile lce of ...


... THE DRA1&A AND XUSIC. 40~ DRURY LANE. The portals of Old Drury were closed on Saturdasy evdnling for thle season, end Mr. Anderso Weleaitjtile address to ?? feiseeds mied patrons, Altar adlverthing to his losses lisc hie suedortook tiles bsrileen of msanagesnecst, lie en onto e'yt~a t ci Thle & -eat dittititity of cosavoetitig the tiheatre lids a temple If ties logitimnste drama, after flee ...


... m l 'Thle DiMOCnitATIC REVIE\ ro e MAY. ElDITrI SY GEORGE JULIAIT 1-AnxscvH-(SECOMD NOTICE).- Watson, Queen's Hfead. Passage, Paternoster Row.- Weveceived this number of Mr. Harney's periodical s, late last week, that we were only enabled to deyote t it the passing notice of a few lines. But such aa ex cellcnt, talented, and enlightening pueblication deserve more special attention, which we ...


... 3iY MISSION. TInEY speak in stately, souttiteg word, - About our ?? tissiotu here, And while they speak, my quivering lids, Can sctrce retahl the-tear. They talk of noble destinies, Of grand and god-like deeds Sueh soetls must surely hear the eowlers, Mo1ine only betretl ;re'edls I am not coiled to distant sceine To sadrifice tloy lifb, To preach the gospel-words of pence To sivagco hii ...


... LITERAAlY .XISPELtASEA. A Hxu/j~,> Rokzr;.Accuflnlations of-the oily pro- .duet Of the iskin naturally give rige td. an enlargement r.ort urour qfxgry6tAr.Qre less magnituile; asid these tti moirs are distinguished from others by the presence .of aperture through which the, ntent. of. the .sweliixg canbt ascer-ined. ('lus they do qotalvnay's -relain apassivebcharacuter; in anmnstan''e before~ ...


... LIT Y[E EA. X WA~ 'S ARiOOi Yt IS from Within now that , mast look for dhapge, fpr when. eduction, ba'ed 'ljBoll correqtL)now~P b ,Qf 01W 9 constitution, shall have lra:d thie man, these will be found no impediment to the advance of the whole race to all that is necessary for.tF ey p Ce5&t; g.ijest If which.Phis jluiks -ls iscfptl' proitoh-s hlee4hi~g1^rsfer?'- ings of our nature gain strength ...


... RErIEqS OF BOoKS. Tnc RIFLE R1 NGIIis.'t -BY CAPT'. MATyNP READ-. Shoberl, Mrirlbo)t-ogh-streeLt-Tho author of this work served in the AnieriqaiiJarlmy durinig the war betwedn that country and Mexico. Thei adventures that befel him while carniaigiinug with the invading tiroops ale narrated in a freslh vigor(us style, and a ehiarming off- hand mitanner. Tile author ?? us that, although rmich ...


... THE DRAIA, MUSIC, &c. - HER MIAJESTY'S THEATRE. A. 1Grand[ Classical,. Dramatic,:3Miscallaneesis, Concerted. Musical Entertaillilent Wa's given at fliki great temple of the lyric drama, on Mronday muorninhg; whtiel, for, variety-, stupenidousnless, alid tile talent collected together and centred in its performance, has not been equalled for some years. Its; groatest fault was that the ...