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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... C RI MEEA N ARMY PARCELS AGENACY. Despatches by steamer three or four times a month. Receipts given and delivery guaranrked. Greater facilities possessed than by any other agency. LONDON OFFICES.-G. W. Wheatley & Co., 156 Leaden- hall Street ; and Chaplin's, Regent Vireus. CONSTANTINOPLE BRANCH.I-Wheatley & Co., Galta. Bala-Jlava Agent-S. L. Borkheim. Edinburgh Agent. W. CROUCH, 40 NoRTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMIBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. PATRONESSES. The lion. Mrs CnART;Es BAILLIE. Lady GIBSON-CRAIG of Iticearton. Lady Rtussr.LL of Ashicsteel. DIRECTOI. Sir ARCII1BALD HOPE, Bart. The Dn:rEcTors beg to announce that the FIFTH ASSMIDIBY for the Seaon swill take place on TInrs)AT, the 11th current. To commence at Ten o'clock. The Subscription-Boolk will be found at the Rooms. ,Subscriptiosi- One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Tell:. LARGEST DAILY PAPEr IN EDINBU'RGH, ITB5LISAlIe AT 0o E_ F. FE D Z N' Y. The PROPMtETOWS of the CALEDONIAN hfIfcrTjr, gratified at the Fi:ce- wh- i itl beas attended their introdnetien into lfdinbrgrl ofa ehlcan Daily Paper, and still farilher desirous of ?? the Nioruliler of flicir Subscribers and Advaitising triends, fl'blish T-lDI ily, and will continue to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P oYAL SCOTTISTI ACADEMY. Ti T irTY-SECOND EXHIBITION of the 'WORKS of LlXtN-( ARTIS7S is OEN- D.UIY, from Nine till Five arud Every from 7 to 10 o'clock. MI[D.VIFERY AND DISEASES OF WOM74EN AND CHILDREN. ,-IR THIATCHER'S CLASS for the Instruction JD o FFMALLES in the above Department, commences 2.1st 5th. For particulars apply at 14 Picardy Place. , LL Partles having CLAIMS agai1st tbe 11\ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? REV. P.OB. ANDERSON, S . iasgof (at itr~etet eng~aged ~eeceacdully in Reviva| Week), will 're~aeh in1 BRIGHlTON STURET Csxnr~aa, To- giroov Forenoce, Aftern~oonC ?? Evening. pARISH- OF' NORTY' t-E I T H. Mn- mdxm diN67VE - That tlhe HALrL-YEILY SrA'rFUOXY MIErING efi the PAROCHIAL BOARD thc p~iasi of ?? LEITE will be Iteld, within the Vales55 Cnenc tl~scere, on TITsnAY, the 2d day of August ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -HOTELS, &c. * - XALL HIALL 0W 1AIR2' ' Mr Aliddlema _dekits lo iatiigne that, Special and most Extee A''ngements NOTrE. Y,are being wnadefor the Aceomesxdation of ' Strangers and oihsfiesidng the I Nll- 'B B0lduring AIt 11alloew lasr 7YeeL. TO STRANGERS VISITING EDINIBURGH. Parties visiting th's 4celebrated Dininy .Estna1ie- sneet will meet with civility and prompt attendasce. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - DRESS, _- . .NEW CARPETS. . C -*i - f esss~eeea'their &hof vEIV CARPETS, sehicls they are Fesabled to ojser stlll, as sofa Ibe see Lss perusl e.ofthtseotong ist, uf fhe -same Loss, Prkes os fow U ii- ' BRUSSELS'-CABPETS, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4E, to 49 6d per yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS, 2s lId, B 3d per yard. RIDDERMINSTER AND SCOTCH CARPETS, Yard-wide, all Wool, 2S; 2d 28 4d, 2s 6d, 29 lOd, as per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH EPISCOPA5 CHURCH SOCIETY. ! Thltr will be MOR.ISG rPRAYER in ST JO0N'SI EpIScos AL Cl2S!{1CIT, 00 EDO;ESDAY, 29)T11 SE1'TEIrnETO, at | half-fast Tea o'clock .t., at which an O;iertory will be made in aid of the Fnuds of the Society. The ST-ATED ANNUAL MEETING of the GENERAL COMMIPITEE for receiving Claims, making Grants, and transacting tho otler business of the Society, will be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O-N I G H T: rqEpZ.REN'. 'WILLIAM REID will Deliver a . RECTURE inKI;NOX'S CHURCIT, CANONGATE. Syhjsir- Passages from the Life of J. B. Gough. Chair to ba taken at a Quarter past Eight o'clock. Collection at the Door to defray Expenses. JXHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. 'itie SECOND ANNUAL EXI{BITION is now Open st 2 Sourin ST DAVID STREET (Corner of Princes Street). I ADnansioo. from 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FORTY-SECOND NNUAL MEETING of Contributors to the 1Itl DIBURGH BENEVOLENT and STRANGER'S i.lFIfEND SOCIETY, will be held in the Society Hall, 84 li1gh Street, TniE EVENING, WEDNESDAX, thle 23d instant, at Seven o'clock. The RTCFT HON. The LORD PROVOST in the Chair. ROBERT ANDERSON, Treasurer. GRAND BAZAAR. A BAZAAR hi Aid of the SOCIETY OF SONS OF UNITED PRESBYTERIAN MI'NISTERS will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST GEORSG s WARD-DistriCt No. S. Collector-H. R. Kay, Esq. Mrs Hill, 19 Alva Street, . o ST GEORGE's WARD-District No. 7. Collector-William Tait, Esq. Dr John Smith, 20 Charlotte Square, . . £2 0 0 Mrs Blair, 31 Charlotte Square, 5 o a Miss Blair, 31 Charlotte Square, 3 0 0 .Eneas Macbean, Esq., 8 Darnaway Street, . . 1 0 0 Mrs Lawson, 46 Charlotte Square, 0 2 6 Mrs Colonel Ross, 14 Charlotte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T thme TWiENTY-SECOND HALF-YEARLY i. GENERlAL MEETING of the CALEDlONIAN IIAILWAY (csii PANY. hmehlt at the 3ertmarmts' llalt, (lhisgow, on Thursday, lime C'0th day of Mardi SI~oi,- WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Ecq., Callhilman of thc Board of Directors, in the Chiair- lhie Advertisrtrment calling thie lceting having been reaed the Cotilltlon Seal of the Companly Wors attached to the rcgisters of ...