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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENC1--DiBLIN,SATUSDAXX. Tllt TRACT DISTRSIUTING CASE. 2'/e Qideeti V. OV'l~rewlana. AIr. WHiTrtsii91, QGC-, applied that'the order of Mjr. (O'Calavhanl be quashied, aniid the recognizances dis- charged. Mr.: M'if)eDooIiGH, QC., adlinitted that the information as returned could not on technical groands support the order. The Court quashed the order, and discharged the ...


... JUDGES' CAuAMI;RSLoNDOn, uausT IS. dl E Bcfore lr. jhero Oll uTIAI N) EXTltAOIIDINA10V CIIAttlIE O1 MAN:Sit:il'rE:R AOA[XS& A IS SUIr(2.iv. [1 III rO ,L(1 Vl e eard. .g This caso was broupghlt before ?? leatoedsidge this s- morning, at chambers, in, the faral of an applicatioln l matle bv Mrr. ]'orth, the solicitor oF 11Mr. WVard, AS that a slmmols should issue, djirectedl to th Ceoronle ...


... T. A WV. I3ELFAST POLICE COURT-Yisreornxv,. V [Before tie ?? and W. S. T(Jn, Esq., R>1.] Tirrlir. were tweo ty pirisonlers ?? in ?? dockl all, withi two exceoptions, climrinru with dclruilcoiniss, orr disordrrliv conlduct arisill fr'omin that ofanceo. Of the numnber, nuine were women of an unfortunate class, t who had boon repeatedly before hilo court. rrsl: n rox.t Peg'r Byprne was charlgd ?? ...

Legal Intelligence

... Wfol INSOLVENT COURT-SATURDAY. (Before Mr. Commissioner Flatchell.) In re Denis Doyle. Tim insolvent was opposed by Mr. M'Nally and Mr. O'Driscoll, on the part of a Belfast creditor, with whom it was st:ated the debt had been fraudulently contractvd. It appeared that the insolvent was a grocer in Belfast, an, had purchased gools from the opposing creditor for ready money, but whenl he got them ...


... I COUNTY 0OF ANTRIM ASSIZES- RECORD COURT. Bey/not, M1onday,2 Mar'c720. 'nro Right lion. CHirF BltuoN PGOsT entered thle Record Court this morning, at nine o'clock precisely, atiitl r'esumed (hieliearing of the retioid case, Gt'ee2r v. Glenn, at portion of which Was reported in our papr of yesterday. On it witness being callodI up, it was intimated by thoe loreianti Of thle jury that one of ...


... Thiursday, Oct. 2. (Magistrates on the Bench:-Ar.Es. MirTsui, and J. - L. M'CaNce, R.M., Esqrs.) Robert Oasement was charged, by John Scott, with a common assault, at Quoile, on the 15th September last. Captain Scott stated that, on the morning of the 150h September, he had gone to water his cow, where all the neighbours water their cattle, and where he usually watered his-that, on going, he ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-WE1wr:SI)'-. [Before the MAYOR. ENTERING WiTU INTENT TO STEAL. JoAlm iHoran, a character wvell-lnowit to the police, was brought lip on a charge of having entered the house of Air. M'Quiston, of Strandtownl, on the pre- vious night, wvith intent to steal. AIr. AI'Qniston said that hearing a noise, about three o'clock this morning, he came down stairs and found the ...


... FURTRIIR PARTICULARS. IN our last publication we gave an account (necessarily imperfect) of a dreadful murder in Armagh, the full particulars of which we now copy from the Newry Telegraph of yesterday:- On Monday evening last, the inhabitants of the pro verbially peaceable and quiet city of Armagh were shocked by the rumour that a murder had been per- petrated in the immediate neighbourhood of ...


... .Labe. MASTEIR LITTON'S OFFICE. The trusteeq of the Earl of Portr cejin7qtont's estate v. the Great Southern abnd W1esterni Iailwuy. IN this case an application was made on behalf of the Railway Company to stay further proceedings, under an order made by the Lord Chancellor in the month of August, establishing the liability of the company to Pay interest upon the purchase money of certain ...


... AN arbitration, arising- out of the stormy and excitin- discussions respecting thoe Magee College, which took place at the last meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, held in Belfast, is in progess in Arbitration 10oom, No, 2, Four Courts, Dublin. To judge from the number of clergymen it attendance from the North it would app'ear to be to them a most interesting ...


... COUNTY OF DOWN PIRESENTMENT SESSIONS. TnE Presentment Sessions for the County at Large ?? held on 'l'Tesda y in Dolnipalrick. T'ho inais- trates presiding witre John S. Crawford, Esq., chair- mlin, Ani(ldrew N ugen t, William Keuiio , W. R1. Ankletell, and D. Harrel, Esqrs. The applications approved at the different Baronial Sessions wvere gone through. 'T'he SEltCUTAlYV said there Nvas an ...


... BELFA',ST POLICE COURT-WrI:I)Ni:)'Imy. [Bq0 .S. Titt y, Esq., 1.1.21. Sr u''E ?? OFr A TlAlIDI. 21%,Qil5tls IS,1 trought tip inl ensti dy Onia it cltagc of' haviii4, sidll tim suilof £1 iss, inl Sifter, thle Pro. r ut VIf ;I wolg etilmit ?? M)l'alstu'r. lI'. i i A.l niot ewes 1llvIQ ?? lebi~tf, II) IWtOSeeiitittg init ]IlliIi llit WNas e vy ciredlitalje indeeud, and dis- Phil 'd it I. lslf~i ...