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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... r SAVOCKe, 19th Nov.-The first of our dietrict Ploughing Matches .s for thle season eaans off on Friday last on a, field of lea, kinidly sgranted for the -rpose by Mri Frazer, fatinar, on Hill, of Skel- maifilly. Consitring the nature of the field, it being but lately reclaimed from whine and heather, the ploughnien executed their respectivo tasks in a manner that did them great credit. The ...


... PLOUGHING MATCHES. hi ing m latr? onsotiies Math Assisation held thsebi annual plough- ing atc onthe0thInstant, on the farm of Newball, occupied, by Mr Mutchl, whenl the usual nunsber of plougho started for competi- fr, tion. Tule Judges-Islessrs Duncan, tenchl; Taylor, Monthgate- vi bead; and Dunbar, overseer, Mlisehalls-awarded the prizes as sin- ?? ploughsing-I, John Strachan, servantlito ...


... PLOUGHING MATCHES, ;n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B] re BANrCIORs-EyfavaNie AND OLD MACssjLse-Ths Blanebory- 7, h Deveniek and Old Macbar ploughing match was held on the to ie home farm of Craigiebuekier, on the 4th inst. Twenty-three so e, ploughs started, and after a very keen competItion, the judges- 11 is Mlessrs Towns, Heatheot;- Cummings, ilazlehlead ; and Donald, Lr D- Rederaigs-awarded the prizes ...


... AIE3RDra.-The boats here have made very little pro- gress since our last. On one morning, indeed-Saturday- they all returned clean. The fakes vary from about 2 crans, 1 cran, and half a cran, down to nil. STONE)IAvrN.-The fishin-l hero has made a commence- ment, which, though smalF, is not considered absolutely disoouraging. About 2 crans per boat, we learn, may be set down as theaverage take. ...


... PLOUGWNG. MATCHES. A ploughing eompetition was hold at Hilton of Turnestallpon Wednesday, 17th December, at whieh fifty-two ploughs sheeted. Thojudges-Mr Johustone, Loan head; Mr Cantley, Uppermilt, and Mr Clark, Overseer, Tipporty-awarded the prizes ias fol- lows:-1, John Gordon, servant, Coldwells; 2, Win. Caspbell, servant, Loanhead; 3, Alex. Dielle, servant, Auohterelr'on; g4, William ...


... PLOUGUING MITCHES. BACOYDVNC.T5South District Plcughing Match li. anti Shw of Sosandl Roots, took Place Onl Mr Hlutelcoa O 3y fatrmll, lourtrocbitli, oin Tuesday the 22d nilt. ; an tilth Judges- nie Mess's Taylor, Jcllybrands ; Leonard, Kincerth ; and Murdoch, av i'0 - latrs-awtirded tito prices as followa:-I Jan,0s Leonard, far-- Ni ~do mctr's brother,, Cr-aighead ;2 Peter Reid, fannerr, ...


... rid to ~COQNT1CS$WeLLS.-ThIO annual ploughing match won held on Tuesday thre. 12th inst., on a field belonging to Mr John Duncan, AS former, Kingshill. Thej udgea-Ketssr-s William Cumining, overseer, lie Hazlehead ;Andr-ew Webster, farmcr, liurtle; and John Reit~h, far of moer. Drum-.,bwarded the prizes on followa, viz.:-I, John Caitto, far- mr ner's ann, Cadlgert'ord. 2, Johnu Auld, servant ...


... PLOUIGHING MATCHES. OLD MACETAR.-The Old Machar Agricultural Associatien held thcir annual ploughiug mateh on Wednesday the 16th instant upon a field on Deonstoun, granted for the purpone by Mr Ecid: *he day being favonrable, there was8 a goodi turn-out-tbirty. four ploughs caere ready to atart by nine o'clock. The pieugls. men, having tbeir horses ansd harness in exeltlent trim, per- formed ...


... beO zd .PLOUGHING MATCHES. O. re OLD MACOiAR, December .-A number of spirited young men Y in the phice being anxious to try their hands, met this dal on a o field, belonging to Mr James Singer, out-going tenant, on Wroad- e o fold. Thc Judges were-Mr William Harvey, Dabford; Mr Knox, at fronfeld; and Mr Adam Begg, who had greatidiffleulty in award- er ing the prizes as follows:-1 Alexander ...


... PLOUGHING MIATCHES. Thi Monymusk Annual Ploughing Match, and show of Har- ness took place on the 2Sth January, oe a field belonging to Mr Ogg, East Mains, whell twety-five ploughs started for compoe- titioit, and performed their work in a most masterly style. Thle day being fine the horses and harness were seen to great advan- tage, and certainly sefiectod great credit on the meu. Messrs ...


... NIGG. -The annual plouglinglmatch of the iVigg Agrfsultt Association was held on Mr David Sinclair's farm, North Loirs- ton, on Wednesday last, the 24th current. The weather being propitious, 27 ploughs were started in competition, and the ploughmon performed their work in a very superior style. Prizes were awarded by the Judges--Messrs Cumming, grieve, Hazlehcad; Webster, farmer, Mill of ...


... first meeting of this Club, as re-organised, was held at , hrsday and Friday last. The number of en 1 Ws ,f3 considerable, and the quality of the d6-s of the '1 ' order. Tey embraced some from Ross-shire to the ] jhitfest whilst not a few belong to the best kennels in 1 BĀ°der, Mr Usher, an experienced jud e, was lbrought nglg Dh stth and tilere wa1s a Capitall tternlout of thle ithuo gentlelen ...