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Daily News (London)


... LITERA TURE. Iit I THE LITERATURE OF MUSIC. po Sinm The Life of Handel. By ViconSCELCHERt. e Handel: His Life, PerIsOne.r and1 Professional. h with Thoughts on Sacred Music. By vI rs. BitkY. the M. Schacelchcr, his German name notwithstanding ohy, is a Frenchman; ais exile on account of his political n principles, and, like many of his countrymear-toI fugesein London. He appears to* have Sie ...


... music. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. We have received from Mr. Lumley, who has j]ut arrived from Paris, the folio ving information respecting the ?? he hes made for the season. The ime donne engaged by him are Albeitini, Piccolo- mini, and Alboni, who re appears alter an absence of five years from London. Alboni vill open the sfason on the 6th of May. Piccolomini will arrive on the 10th, and will ...


... SONS OF TUB CLERGr. The annual festival of the Corporation of the S of the Clergy, which hbe been held every year dete a under the patronage of the highest authorities in the cdhn6 state, and city, took plece in the Merchant Ta-is.h Thedfternooa service in St. Pat's Catbkedral wu eetl i in due state by his Royal Highness the Duke of Camria the Archbishop of Canterbury, end severkl otherprea ?? ...


... LITE Aoge lTUR The Siuhotpffne Kingdom, or, Ezperiences and tudies lin the in Satoy, P-iedmont, and Genoa. BS BAYLE 6T. la JoaN. Chapman and HallI. Of thii MIr. S . Jobn'c wvork isa6 strfking proof of the tthe facul y some men have of talklnio by the hour, and won!o wiriting wvhole volumte3 on suhjects they knownv ?? mrse about. His ^Experieflce5, to judge from his ow lthem narrative', extend ...


... Last evenlicg about 400 gentlemen assembled atI th ,Iys~ Fela., Sydenihem, to celebrate the V'2od anni- I Jey,,ry dinner ox IhIS society. Lord Asunnro cp ed e the chair, and ArOmogtta oor itncihdprs r-a I'ent Ir, tte DMa' of Her-ford, C.-nel Sibine, 'Mr. i Ewant, my.P, Sr Charles F,~x, CO~Ionel Sykes, Dr. Boith (ve (Chirroan of the Ccuncil of the Snoicty), Sir Jcteph ha The Health of her ...


... SOUTH KENSINGTON 'MUSEUM. Ct P'RELISMINARIY NOTICEt. al Among all the places which have undergone great O alterations within the last ten years, the suburb of ti Brompton stands pre-eminent. The change there fil has been greater, and the improvements on a more extended scale, than in other quarters. Moreover, ti the external aspect of the place is entirely different; the narrow rural lanes ...


... LITERA TURB. BOOKS ON OUR TABLE. Under the appellation of Bentifey'sMonthly Volumes i the enterprising publisher of New Burlington-street has commenced the issue, in a cheap form, of a collec- a tion of standard works. The volumes are hand-l somely printed, and sold at a price which will bring l them within the reach of a large class of readers who must have formerly depended on the resources ...


... mUSIC. ROYAL ACADEMY OF The first concert of this season, for the exhibition of the students, was given yesterday morning at the Institu- tion in Tenterden-street. These concerts, which took place for many years at the Hanover-sauare Rooms, have latterly assumed a less public character; the audi- ence consisting chiefly of amateurs who take a special interest in the progress of music in this ...


... LITBRA TUBE. - ?? * _ C4 The Life of Alexander Pope. By ROBERT CAR- M RUlt1'RuaS. Second edition. Henry G. Bohn. Mr. Carruthers' Life of Pope has already attracted a, more attention from the critics than is generally accorded to a work originally issued as a portion of a B popular series. The care and pains, however, with 1 which this republication has been prepared, the pi abundance of new ...


... ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. IFOt'URT1 NOTICE. A Welcom! Arrival, by J. D. Luard, repre- sents the three military occupants of EL Crimean hut engaged in the pleasing task of unpacking a box from hoiMc. It is a picture of great merit, finely painted, excellent in tone and colour, and also good in drawing. The young officer who is seated to the left of the picture is ?? conceived; he holds in his ...


... m USIC. MADAME CLARA SCIldMAN' Coxtcinr.-Madame Schumann, who is about to leave London in a few days, gave a matinie at the Hanover-square Rooms on Saturday. During her three months' visit this season she has fully masintained her European reputation ss one of the greatest pianists of the age, rivalled by very few, and surpassed by none. Indeed we do not know that there is any one who unites, ...


... I ~. . FINE ABT. E I PICTURES AND ETCHINGS AT THE FRENCH GALLERY. The room 'in Pal-mall lately oeopied by the French Exhibition i apgin, thanks to the enterpris i Mr. Gambarti well worth a visit The contents are calulated to afford the mean to the few unlucky prisoneral in London during tbis stsgnanl mouth of August of whiling away an hour very pleasantly. FPit and foremost, tse who ld not the ...