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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... VR C' P of GOOD) HO1PE (to sail punc- rartcrbu, 2 l> t fne L fit eiling coipprred clipper ccO enaborerThOAS ERRY, commander, nriw Leo ' 5i~:kilbs h pipe~al 'part of her cargo C t0 Otf ti~titotviillbep'id.Ftrr further *r~ irlici--i et, OS iLAt~t, CEF.,and Co., 5, ti ?? S-A-rO cm SOS, 7, ructeehuroll- aIR 'OW AiIELAJ)ESouh AutraiaDirect C a t ?? i di'i ti tlee t'itcll), the hiue, firAt.Ckls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~~LFANNIHILATOR, Qr VAPOUR FIRE- I N El'l -WaOter Sict Stttyof the point of contait, bnlItpow- ex ?? -es z;ki~tre',a:ortha vlo-,t' , -'tilatvs, tincl, uinlike. wrlter, 'toes 312 clI ,i) ~zc ,~odA, 5.1I'A ;~t'tivalu' Is p rved tacontes~ti,ly; by 2it iabi~c A ,ee of ~ucw.sftul ut-. I iii hirthlig5,g', by 1. ?? pii itgol, Ilo hiw. Mc ;r~~iaars, price liots &c. ec clice, of the Fire Aniiltl~or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TV EFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, GALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or c2using the slmgorcat pate, om blr. EISENiERCG, author of Practicad Exposition on the liman Foot, and ' Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and baeed upon !ong experience. It has received the sanction of the Royal Ftnmilies of Iurope, and the first of the Nobility and Gentry; he having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~UCICOUP'ONS' of the TWO-AND-A-RALF fJ L tCENT, sitoi~t, diue iot January, 1330, are now being VAi e't jut Ili(c- ?? iti, Lom3aord-strvet, City, ADAM Sl'iEL~L'ANN` end Co. ANIS~11I COUP'ONS of theu THREEPE S CNTV. ?? (CNE PIlt. CE.NT. STOCKi, due let lteolviry, 1b54 or-c \v b-ir, Fi li.l at tl~i Exottalltg'? Baliion arid Foreign Bankiag uflls,j 10, Loiebard-strct, City. ADAM SPIELMANN~a~d Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2,i, toaty, in 2,400 tiperial Octavo, oagff, e.rice w6. ith blap co', ecteit fritin recent Bar cc OTOFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY for j i> 'Ii es or endi irr :~ y~s tYC front the Gas Si Ioi aid~ Gia'gOw Leltt(r furtidry, and b.4 i ev soi gre .ti extertdedt a tlit hthe Stireet Dtrector3 Contains ltl0,hO? distinct namres er firms ; C ticp~ a Nilt he fourd correctly elas'ifie in till tha other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 GAN'S GLASS CRUSHERS, or PLUNGERS, for negus, grog, ?? are now redued to 2s. per Cozen, and Isr superior aed cheaper tban the metalI crushers and spoons formerly used. Drams, wines, and every description (if tavern and table glass. Messrs. COGAN and Co.; 43. Leicesterr-Fquare, London. C OGAN'S GLASS CHURNv, Glass Pails, 8yphota, Glees Milk-pans, Cream.-pote, Glass Pestry-aabs, Rolhlng-pine, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~OYAL AGRIC U L'ThlRA L SOCIETY of ' 1R ENLAN11. ft-s Etu-MIER GENERAL MEPIn.E'iIN wlv.! b hcli at- the So :e jj-,- I .ne, ini Hlinover-squiare, TIO.MtnILOt 'Xt, the ter is- nt p sit It~ uc!3ck O thet ft renoon. ?? nrier of the Cotnucli, JA 'tEt FlUDSON, Sec-czazy. La fITY of LONDON FREEMXEN'S ORPHlAN 'SC1I00L, Sbspherdi'tilanle, tirixton.j IFORMSnf of APP1LICAT30N for the Al OS~ZON of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *EqR, ~ or 'APO R MF~E ~Gnts O obnldir clive. -rFla~epiMc 4e:,4rattle1 ?? th PeaYT~ Aehlte. .ee: Voi ofiM bewe q4a*bpa.£Fe4; to.~ eno v, ondoTL Pta, tye tie, , .0 M :: .- ?? . ' ' ?? .a sod laaia~e 1@llbt WItq e ia I| - ; 0. -t tb*D r te e tafei r d r ' il Pati*,*we ued'u sot ?? ;oani tlkenb mt ?? M Lnd' ?? b'W? PR~pET, w _lla buta ci ag dais). ?? dutu 4 t ew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QIMPSOWS FISH ORDINARY. -J o. Q SIMPSON, late of B1UIinrggate, begs to Wiorm his frien aend the public he has taken the QUEEN'8 ARMS, IQ CBEAPSIDE, uext1f ,door to Pimm's, the Confectioner, and will hold hbs Fib Ordinary s, usual, at One and Four @'clock. A Soup, Fbh, and Steak Room, fh , blic Gridiron. A weli ventilated Smoking Roem. Private FAjII\B rsall parties.-SIMPSON'S celebrated Punah. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASONS' HALL TAVERN and COMKBR- CIL C HOT. VWea'y from 1, Blndo {a lttemax~01,1e 3uq-OS }G. - gha ' ~reto 1e etxr~.c n. retrn bin beet tor the pahesage be bia mrpaa dncag Zte b esbblisment.and bege to nmnunee theti* p Tgbh dt'8te d a lzb11a smoe souttei of a vealet of fish, Doultry, 3oluta, & ilM be I servedat the bams ? 2 anl half-peat 4 'cloc reprUety, atthe a carpofla.d. TMe.dining h soga ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ToWw~e and _pAThThXofd0LDIRtS 7rlAm dtotheES 's It prpoed ~etv~y eenlgby e*ju0,member ?? g.tevA , aclobf eubtxrtor-als a.0 bieii tjoaadfohiani .1ilat~lonfop irpose of-senlnbi t~erhmnee, idbjM; ' |with se r~speetabid employzhnixe, Or. otherlt ?? thee wlees sad ~faleno htteS~ soenw'nbout is soil r .Turke, WIJ~es t o sof q4yo~rnt~rn~o Pltow nMO Omablemfat .4 Thle~ptopoea p et iot'je' witht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lISH POPLINS.-~GRIFFIBS and CRICK tists Roberts anti plowmiaa, silk and poplinl Manufactutrers to 111agty, beg~tou ?? tv5j of huS11 Po idouble ~moireplain andti rtan plaid ot soorI quliy £6 which, In audition to a well-se'&cted stock of the Most fahoal silloos and French barego shawls, ?? to the season, axe ready ter £4 inspectioN, at their warereoonIS Stout Irish poplin, of all Shades, for ...