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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TW A P H 0 R I S M SO. T By Surgeon HAYDEN. 1. Psofessional services are a thing in the market, and as Buch ought to be for public convenience, and, to avoid mis- understanding, marked at the lowest figure. If this plan be adopted, each individual, k.nowing the minirnita or lowest price, can at once determine whether he will or can purchase the required article or not. 2. May we not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiI11 . O AL UBLIN. Last. INeek of the Pantomime. E Cbange of Gomic. Scenes. ,IS EVENING (Tuesday), January 1-5th, lil0, will be performed the Romnantic Drania called JTi 'FOUNDLING OF THE FOREST. tde Vtsinnnt, Mr. CaleW ~Florisn; the Foundling, C tl titude Baron Longueville, Mr. 'Barrett ' Bertrand, itr Inhafl Eu'enia, Mrs. Broighasit; Monica, Mrs. Ir rett . Geralditie, M~rs. ,in/ ; RaItlle, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU AY BE CURED YXI OLLOWAY'S ~OlNTMXXT,_ CUr or RitUEUMATIBM AWID Rlt5EUHAT'IC GOtrT-EXt,, a letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the lyutrl Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, ki September 28th, 1848:- i To PRnoFEsSoR HoLLOWAY-SitR-For a long time I was, martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout, and for ten w previoas to using your medicine Iwassobasd as nlot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUILTN CASTLE,. January 14, 1850. \TOTICE is herdby given, that the Evening 1 Service at the Chattel Royal will commence on SUN- DAYNEXT, the 20th instant, at Five o'Clock, and will, be continued on every succeeding Sunday until further notice. H. U. TIGHE, Dean of the Chapel Royal. GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE.F Dublin Castle, December 21, 1849. TTIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold H a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR H ° L L O W A Y'S P I L LS. CURBn or ASnrA.-Extraot of a Letter from Mr. Benjuala Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Lougbill, Ireland, ?? 11th, 1848:- ' To Pnorrssos. HOLLOWAvY-RZPECTED TuIZ-'Tby s- cellent pllleb ave effectuallycured me cfan asthma wbich afflicted me for threeyears tosuch an extent that I was obliged to walrlay room at night for air, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E I1EATE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Siglitg but THREE of tho Pantomime. or Change of Comic Scenes. I's IENLNG (Thbarsday), January 17th, W + ,ill be repeated the New Romantic Drama called TllE CONQUEST OF TARANTO; on, st. CLARAS EVR,. ll met. Mr. Calcraft; Rinaldo, Mr. H. Bland; bl, de Corlv, Mr. Barrett; Oriena, Mfra. Lingliam. ,y0 wtlolviithaGrandFioiryvTale~ antomnine, led TnlE YlELLOW DINARF oni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TW 0 A .H0 I ,SM S. By, SuVgefin .TAYIDEt. 1. Piofessional services weta thing in the market, and as such magkat to be for public conveltflkl.e, and, to avoid mis- understanding, marked at the lowest figure. If this plan be adopted, each individual, knowing the viininiun or lowest price, can at once determine whether he will or can purchase the required article or not. 2. May we not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU 4AY' BE CJItED YET C YJOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.- S Cunz OF R, sfl5mA.Ti8 AND RIETINA Go0T.-Et g. a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the Waterloo T Tavern, Coathanm, -Yorkshire, late of the' Life Guards, dated ei September 28th, 1848:, . l A TORO HoFESSoR HoiloV-SrR-For r, long time I ?? a martyr to rheutiismisnd irheurnaitio- ot, and' for ten weeks previous to using y6uir midicne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURKEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE. AND T RETAIL. S. WEINGARTEN, IMPOFRTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOW-STREET, (Within seven doors of Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey I-Ioneycomb Sponges, which are suitable for either ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EATRE ROYAL, DUBLINl. JUVENILE NIGHT. T wumadate the Younger Branches of Families, the ,o ema nceq wvill commence at SEVEN o'Clock, and the 1 pek'Tn6MI E will terminate before Ten. I PS .econa Price on this occasion at Nine o'Clock. o Last Night but TWO of the Pantomime. ills EV'ENING , (Friday), January l&th, ¶ 1850; the performnances will commence with the Comic 51etcb called TIlE RENDEZVOUS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THT E1RE YOU DESPAUIR 03 ° L L W A Y'S iILL CURE or As'riE.-Extract of a Letter from Mr. BCenIt Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Lougha Ireland, ?? 11th, 1848:- To PRoFssoR HoLLOWAY-RESPECTED FRIE-n-Thy e cellent pills have effectually ared me ofan asthu a which affictd me for three years tosueb an extent that I was obliged to walk El room at night for air, afraid of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH ALLIANCE. /pHE IRISH ALLIANCE vill meet on WED- 1 NESDAY EVENING, the 23d1 Instant, inthelMUSIC HALL, LOWER ABBEY-STREET, at SEVEN o'Clock. C Admission to body of the Hall, and back Galleries free; a charge of One Shilling to visitors to the Boxes and Platform. Ladies admitted without charge, and members on present- inc their Cards. ~~o~ M Pi. R. LEYNE, Secretary. Council-rooms, 25, ...