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Freeman's Journal


... I PASHOAA BLE IN-TETLLIOENCP. - I VICtEiEGAL CountT.-Hiv Excellency the Lord Lieutenant entertained the following distinguished persons at din. ner on Thursday evening at the Viceregal Lodge: -Lady Burke, the Dean of Lismore, Sir Richard Packenham, Hon. Colonel Col-' borne, Sir Philip and Miss Crampton,'Majr Browne, C.B., Royal Engineers; Captain and Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. and DMrs. :Edward Geale, ...


... EXIllBITI0iN OF SHE ROYAL. ACADEMY. Mu. MIACLISE -The Timns uixei tue foll'iwilg chscription oth ?? piuture exhiihited by our CuLiiiryunw, Ma.- fe at this yar's exhibitiln ot the Ho3 al Academy :-1 T. jlS atance ?? the I t 8L s;iitiung works of the year, wenmusL ?iicein the first els 8Mr. M .cirses gri at picture (No. 67),,f 'Cextoii's iriiig-ilhe,' a., equilly retwihaiile fir vigour ...


... LITER .4 TURE. Tile U-;IvERSITY MAGAZESE-Dublin: J. M'Glashan.- The editor of the Unziversity has provided ftr his readers, this month, a charming lhterary miscellany. Politics and pole- mic3 he has wholly eschewed, and into the entire series of which the number is composed, nut one paper has been al- lowed to enter iu which every ciass of readers, the utter taEte- lets excepted, may not feel ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGERNCE., The Earl and Countess of Rosse have been On- tertaliog, during the past week, at the Castle Parsonstowvn, a large oumber of the gentry of the town and neighbourn!oa Since the commencement of the Christmas festi. ,ities ijilldburough Castle has been the scene of a successiou of f.hionable visitors, who have been treated to theatricals, SBu. teiutd by amateur ...


... II AR-ivAS rAT THE SHELBOURRn HOTEL.-Wm yitzgerald. Esq, DL, Adelpha; Mrs Wilson, family, and suite; Mr. Mrs, and Miss Higgins; Mr and htrs Persee, Mrs and Miss Stuart Trencb, hrs and Miss Fletcher, Mr and Mrs F 1 Foster, Mr and Mirs ewbury, hr and Mrs Bernie, Mr and gigss Byrne. Mr and Mrs Power, Mar and Mrs Faulkner, Mrs and aljes BrownS, Mrs and the Misses Moore, Mrs and Miss Butler, Iessrs ...


... FAIgS, -1_ I . - . _ 1- - -- -- --A G i PAnsoisTowzr.-This fair took place on Friday and was largely supplied with all 6ort8 of stock (generally) of superior qualities. The demand for heifers and .ged horned cattle was unusually active and anxious. Sales were effected an early as five o'clock in the morning. The anxiety to pur- chase three year old heifers was evident from the first; the ...


... I-l Ad .. ._ FAIRS. The May fair of Dunmore, county Galway, took place on OMonday, and was tolerably well supplied with stock of all kinds. The aubjoined quotations will be found to be cor- .rect:-Springers 101Olo 141 (a few went as high es 161); f three-year old bullocks and heifqrs 71 ?? to 101 lOs; two. year old do 61 to 81; yearlings (of which there was a large number) 81 ?? to 51. There ...


... ROYAL IBI- ' ION'FM R RDC ' he neuttis are,we'nderstand, more inumerous than 'hbithbrto'for tho ciety'autumenal show, and we-are glad to 'd'e thlt'pkllz'es are:bomg- offered. 'fr wool, flax; and hemp, in' :additit'n -to' thos .hlttertooffered upon similar oceasions.' Tbis Vwd hope, will 6-timulete thegent^ry and the farmers of itheciountry ts eendaforward sptoirnne f wool;fax, &c., -andit' ...


... LITERATURE, tied Dupicy's FiRESIDE MAGAzIZ~.(D,~blin j. Defy. ing While the two continued tales which have for some time ?? lic formed the principal sources of attraction in this ?? to namely, 1 The Fete and Fortunes of Castle De Burgo and the Adventures of on Irish Giant-progress in the most not satisfsctory manner, there are several lesser articles in the no- Fotnumber before us which ...


... - ,/ A1IOZ : :. . ?? LE1 TitG E i : . IFA sa / I ~ E, . ?? ?? WINDSoDNbo'cr. i a being birthda aof his Royal HiPhne the. of W al theltro r Jog the garrison, ?? RyaHre Guards, commanded b y Lintenant. alaneiVo; her dan companies of, the 1thRalIsi gietcmmnu b Lieutenatit-Colonelidad;adteEso' ll~ on roesdedeuby Colonel ?? hre ianrprdda 'juarter before Unl ?? nteHi~ ?? d'acoorpauiied by Prlnoe ...


... I FASHrIONABLE INTELLIGEAWIE. ? WINDSOR, Nov. 14.-The dinner party yester- day included the Duches of' Kent, Lady Augusta Brace, Baroness de Speth, Colonel the fon. C. B. Phippe, Sir George Couper, Sir Hamilton and Lady Seymour, and Colonel and LadyrEmUy Bey. mour. Prince .lbert went out shooting this mornig. Sir Ha- milton and Lady Seymour have left the Castle. APPROACHING VISIT OF TE KE Ncl ...


... THEATRICALS. &o. THEATRE ROVAL-STHE GRAND PAcNTOMtME.-NOW that the almost endless details of stage business appertaitling to the pantomime of this year have becocie more famillarised to the artistes and acceasory perforrnera and thiaithe complex ma chinery of its thousand ana one tricks, changes, and traneforma- tions has been made to work with certainty, rapidity, and bril- liancy, under the ...