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Freeman's Journal


... I FASHIOIVABLB 1DATELLIGENCE. I BALMORtAL, SlEPT. 14.-The Queen drove out yeteraattengded by the Marchioness of Ely, and subsequeilitlY wleinthe woods of kamoral. H~is l~ayal Highness went ont eecdoe Stalking upon Lachnagair. Thle Pdrincess, Royal rode out, at- Id tenided by the Hon. Mary Seymour, .The Duchess oflKent, the sti Princess Amaslie of Iiobenlolie~ Schlsllhigfurst, Lady' Augusta at ...


... LITERA TURE. KEY TO UNCLE Tog's CABIN. By Harrse Beechser Stowe. (London: Clarke, Beetass, and Co.>-This volume composed of what the French would call the piccee justifca- t9/es of ?? Uncle Tom's Cabin, or the original facts and do- cuments upon which that world-famous story is founded, is scarcely less attractive to the imagination than the story itself, while in point of enduring value it ...


... I THE TIMfES ON THE DUBLIN EXHIBITION. The Dublin Exhibition, though it is not to beseenin its glory till the end of the month, hasfairly outstripped its formidable rivals at Sydenham, Paris, and New York. What there is of delay is chiefly on the part of the foreign contributors. The French, as usual, take a long time to arrange their col- lections to their own fastidious taste; the Belgian ...


... (From the Dublin Evening M1ail.) Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather the number of viitors to the Exhibition on Thursday reached nearly 6,000. But t s is a good way below the fgure to which the admiseio s should arrive, in order to extend the circle of usefulness of this-great enterprise to its Proper dimensions. The splendid munificence of Mr. Dargan has provided the ...


... THE GREAT EXHIBITION . _ _ The number of visitors on Saturday amounted to 7,802. Dr. Stewart performed on both organs to the great delight of all present. His performance of Xl the national airs was very fine, indeed. Mr. Taylor plsyed several pieces an the harp. - His exe- cation was really magnificent. Mr. Campbell afforded thelovers of horticultural display a treat in the splendid specimens ...


... i THE GREAT EXlIBLTION.' i VISIT OF' HER MAJESTY. This event, so long looked forward to with pleasing anti- cipation by every friend of induatrisl imorovenlent and social progress in this country, took place yesterday. Our gracious Sovereign and her royal Consort have presented themselves to our people in the noblest character which can become their exalted station. They have come forward as ...


... I T -EA -Th R - , I . -.v I ?? , ?? TIBe RicuG1Odi MO~ratfi,'2 2Vor&':,(Dubln f Jawt Dejy.) Tiais admairablek work, ?? ?? the title /sge, consists of JI1etraotions, ude;alnspeaaoyt the Reception *andtt lfeasion of the Sacred 8iponsso,bplus ChrWs, on their solemn Vows of Poverty, Chaotity,,andirbhe- dience, on the. virtue of Charity, anid on their -obllgitibil 1d tending to religious ...


... u77r 'FA hI-9NeLE- 7 j' : S.: ?? ?? , 4 ' i ' ?? -.JES TY, -e ; ,. .: e Lord Durol,.h) ,. id -u;o t is typ) fl~dniO i~ti i~or.mornlng,2atttndti Mer. went out scooa- 'VieOllit i ?? Wi hr *~pn on P'tidayt'ttelhd -the CabldhC& nks~w ?? Broadliuldisi b saturdy. 'The a youthful fgmalll arestaying th W hiaburerttoa l Lord John-Riiuiseil arired win ?? 'o -mrOiaH t at viteid thd ...


... I - A nR y -OTAL-'TEEITALIAW OPERA. I The diversified and attractive oharaoter of the musio nn- nounced for presentation last evening, coupled with the special intimation of the appearance of Signor Tamberlik in the laet aot of Auber's opera of afasanietlo, had the effect of drawing together an audience quite as crowded and brilliant aS that of Thursday night. It will be remembered that the ...


... RLTHMI'E8 FLORICULTURAL SHOW. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - ?? lA ?? ir tbB The flowsr show of this society was helci gea rul . ?? grounds of Mountpleas ant-squars. The weather was do- ?? fine, and favoured the exhibition in an eminent degree. The attendance was numerous and higbly fthbeor able, but owing to the advanced period of the season thr was not a great variety of flowers, nor was the ahowe I ex- ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLJGRNCB. I WINDSOR, OCTOBER 29i.-The Queen and Prince, accompanied by the lrincess Royal, the Duke-of, Camnbidge, the French Ambassador and Countess Persig y, drove out iu op48 carriages yesterday afternoon, attended by Viscounts3s ,Joeelyn and the Hon. Caroline Cavendish. The dlunnr partY included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. her Royal Highness the Princess Royal ...


... I WINDSORl, DEC. 31.-Tbe Queen and Prince drove out in an open carriage yesterday afternoon attended by the equerries in waiting. The Prince of Wales went to London attended Mr. Faraday's lecture iin the Royal Institution, Ijb4 mnarle-street. The Prince of Leiningen dned lvih her D, Al!y in the evening. Colonel the lion. N. and Lady IMtary oodd 8 Y James Clarh, and Mr. Gibbs had also thre ...