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Glasgow Herald


... PLOliGIIING MATCHES. In - ---og 'LUUlillitiN iU ?? DALSERF. This annual trial of skill came off, ol Thursday the 6thl current, on. the farm of Mr. Arthur Hamilton, iiglees. The morning was very stormy, but the day cleared up and proved very favourable, both for the match and the great crowd of spectators who had gathered from all quarters to witnegs the coetest. The judges ?? Jackson, I Esq., ...

Published: Friday 14 February 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1335 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... PLOUGHIXNG MATCHES. BALDER.NOCK. Tke annual ploughitg match of the lilaldernock AgricUilt'urul Soiety toet ploceoll Thilursditv theulith lost onl the lauds of Laviock- hilt and Cotbeg. 'Thero `eruld cotapetitors for thu.vurious prizes, ?? thley did their work in a very Superiorrstyle. Thie judges, ;lessrs. Slirdoch of Htiltoln, Coulolrougl of Aluchilnernlnd (i loarlane of lligh italvie, after ...

Published: Friday 24 January 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 494 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... MATCH BETWEEN HORSE AND.,HOUND. -, - . .. . .- -. . ,m -- The, comparative speed f the. horse and foxhound is again to be tested in 1860, a match for 1000 guineas (h ft) having been made betweeri 'the Dake of Beaufort and the Earl of Wincbels,' to conmc off over the. Beacon Course at ' New- market, in the Roughton meeting next year. . The Duke backs five couple of ..hunnd§ against three ...

Published: Friday 21 October 1859
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 519 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... I COLTNESS IRONWORKS NATIONAL GAMES: - - - ~ , .v.aJ.J LJ.J v AflLlthj.. These gpames took place on Sxtyirdaythe,20th~inst.-isn a field kindly,giantjd iqrltg{ ?? by ilairMatter, Esq. of Xuldh itseburn, under whose patronage the games came- off. The day being delightful, added nuch to the pleasure of the enlivening acene. -- ;,T attendanceiwvas very nu'mer- Ois, andthe arena was.graced byfthe. ...

Published: Thursday 25 August 1859
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... [rEEAT BOWLNGi TOURNAMENT AiT MOFFAT. OPEN TO AtitsCOTLAND On Wednesday moraing, as ?? was heavy, the play-, ing'did not confi encebuntil about half-past 10 o'clock. The ?? cloudy, but'no raiinJ an!&the game proce ded briskly. Injlie aftenoonI, as Ithe 7uibers became feveraid' the pl ayers rnore selecit, the, interest iocreased; and in many of the games tbere was some first-rate play snown.. ...

Published: Saturday 20 August 1859
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 825 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... m_ I~ ?? TiURSDAY, SEITEDIBER 4. The want of a proper race-course at Airdrie, which has long been felt in the district, has at length been supplied. Last year a successful attempt at a meeting was made by some spirited gentlemen connected with the town and county, the result of which encouraged them to make still greater efforts for the present season. A suitable field having been obtained ...

Published: Friday 05 September 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1013 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... 'ednesdak waO the first day of the Lanark Meeting, mc wbich took place under most unfavourable auspices. The wea- thor was bad throughout the entire day with the exception of ' two very brief intervals. The following is an account of the tior running:- of Sim The TaIAL STAKES of 5 SOVs. eaoh, 2 ft., with 20 added. Two- Do year-olds, 5st. 31b.; three, 7st. 71b.; four, 8st. 71b.; five, 8st. tha ...

Published: Friday 26 September 1856
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 501 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... - I - ?? - . v 4 A The concluding races, which had been postponed from the previous week, were competed for on Saturday last, over the usual course, in presence of a large concourse of spectators. We have little to add regarding the sports at our annual regatta, just finished. The matches were, without exception, the finest and best contested ever witnessed in Scotland, and, as suecb are ...

Published: Monday 08 September 1856
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1478 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... C RICK ET. BELFAST V. CLYDESDALE. On Friday evening last, the first Eleven of the Clydesdale proceeded per steamner Lynx to Belfast, for the purpose of playing a match at cricket on the following day (Saturday), with the first Eleven of the principal club of that town. The weather was most propitious, with the exception of a shower which interrupted the game for about an hour. Wickets were ...

Published: Monday 13 June 1859
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2630 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... PAISLEY RACt&. _ - -IX. _ # OT.A As d.h These raeseftnnenced yesterday. The day btei r 't ed 9 ?? tie turn-out of spectators was as numerous,if rmore so; fhait ot any previous occasion. Thlie ground was in excdihl'nt fair otider, anitssrtwas good. Amongst, other distinguished pes' sons, Wse ivscdrtd fte Farl of Eglinton, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart- per James Merry, Esqt; - -Reifern, Esq., Major ...

Published: Friday 30 August 1850
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 675 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... - ?? Theb CHAVF.S STAKICH (handicap), of 5 sovs. each, with 60 added. Mr 11. Hll' Ireland s lye, by Itarkaway, 3 yrs, tst Sib (Well) ?? I rIt. NYbite's The Little Savagc, 4 yrs, 7ot (Steggle) . 2 MATCHl, £100; 1h. ft. }Ir J. M. Stanley's llIbla, by Hlay Mitddleton (Mnrson) ?? ?? I Lord I1. G. Lennox's Gavotte (Ilahtinmi) ?? ?? ?? ?? 2 MATCH £F200. I)oke of ?? Petrel, by Weatiherbit, ...

Published: Friday 29 July 1853
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 843 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... o}r X ThlL/I '4LJA~tJJI fli 1D1wft UI. Id ELEVEN OF ALL ENGLAND AOAlINrSTTWENTY-TWO Or S.COTLA.N D. ry This match was commenced yesterday. The Eleven having !e won the toss went first tothe wickets, but owing to the first- In rate bowling on the Scotch side, and the somewhat dead state ut of the ground, caused by the previous night's heavy rain, none- n of them were enabled to make heavy ...

Published: Friday 02 October 1857
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 823 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games