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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. DAVID DYSON, THE NATURALIST. Mr. Dyson died at the early age of 83 years, at one o'clock I in the afternoon of Wednesday, at the resideuct of his brother, Sall ltfr. John Dyson, Woodbine Cottage, RuflholwA The cause the of his death was ulceration of the larynx. Mr. Dyson was wer born at Oldham, in April, 1828, and his early years were son passed as a factory worker, but he very ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Aarfagef__anb Beatbs. MARRIED. ARToT.-DeNEY.-On the 2nd Inst, at Baildon, Thomas Arton, Erq., stuff merchant, of the firm of Aberorombie and Co. Bradford, to Hannah, second daughter of William Deuby, Esq., of Tong Park, Baildon. BAUR.-ROGaia.-On the 3rd inDt., at the Parish Church. Leeds, by the Bev, G. Rogers, rector of Braoeborough, Lincolnshlre brother of the brido, aesistedby the Rev. Dr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 [No anosuneemenis of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless ni 2 authenticated oy the name and address of the seader.] ca MARRIED, se 22 On the 2fth inst. at the Cathedral, by the iRev. IV. W. Johnson, `W O M.A. Mr. Robert Crawford to Miss Elizabeth Chapman, youngest Oc daughter of Mr. James Chapman, all of thi8 town. _ O On the 22nd inst. at the Catheotral, Mr William Henry Chad. 1 wick ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? annlouncemnents of Mirriages or Deaths can be inserted unlest authelticated by the name and address of the sender. MARRIED, On the loth inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M.A. Mir. Robert Doweo, of flleie, to Maria Thorpe, daughter of Mr. Jateas Ashlon, of Cborlton-upon.Medlock On the 9th inst. at the office of the Superintendent Registrar Stretford Xew Rond, Ar. John Garrett ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r ?? announcemenets ?? or Deaths can be inserted unless 9t : zauthenticated by the namne and address of the sender.] ; - - ,. AMARRIED, On the 4th inst. at the Independent Chapel, Farnworth, by the ,Rev. J. Dyson, Mr. J. B. Hacking to Rachel, daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Cross, of Kereley. ?? the 2nd inst. at the Union Chapel, Chorlton.upon-Afedlock, by the Rev. l'rancis Tucker, Mr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No anotiuncemenes of Marrkies or Deaths can be inserted nutess authenrtlcated isy the name and address of the setide'.]: MARRIED, On the 28th inst. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. William Huntington, incumbent, Mr. Charles James Strutt to Emma, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Wadley, hatter, of this town. 9 On the 24th inst. at St. Gilee-in-the-Fields, London Joseph Ware, a Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t - a [No annosunrem en ts oJ Marriages or Deatls can be inserted unless C authenticated by the naome and address of the sender.] e MARRIED, On the 5th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Hollingworth, r M.A. incumbent of Skelmersdale, Mr. Henry Baker to Mary, daughter of Mr. William Wuddington, all of tbis town. e On the 3rd inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. W. Johnson, k M.A. Mir. ...

[No announcemients o

... f Marriages or Deaths con be inscrted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender.] I - MARRIED, On the 30th ult. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. B. Remington, M.A. Mr. James Jackson to Elizabeth, oldest daughter of Mr. B Thomas Winder, all of this town. On the 28th nlt. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. R. Remington, M.A. Mr. Thomas Collins, of Cheetham, to Elizabeth, daughter of , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sd 4 variaQgsn ann bDatF%. Yo V ansilounsrroses of ,l1,,rriar or Deaths canl be inserted, unle. au/sentivat'ntfbP tile ue and address of the sender.] 0 MARRIED, n ls 2t int. t the Catlifedrel, by the Rev. IV. W. J1 oinI on, Oatv litbefOh ssitnitJ lb Cftle~ctbot Clemrance,2 daughtea- of 10 ° M 'A. Mr. Th -me Clorlte, of this city, to Cn daughterof 7 Mr. flenry Driver, lisanse. 24 Ol the 191h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcentents of Marriages Dr Deaths can be inserted unles ov authenticated by tle name and address of the sender.] itH wi MARRIED, th n- On the 18th inst. at St. Mary's Church, Mr. Samuel Lees to tb a- Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Skaife, both of this city. On the 18th inst. at St. Mary's Church, Mr. James Hacking of DS Salford, to Misa Eliza Stubbs, of this city. te n- On the 21st ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bt ly L annoucmnsofMr gsor Deaths can be inserted, unkea in authntiaeed by Iteniame and address of the sender-] W MARRIED, toOn thle 10th inst. at the Cathedral, by rise Rev. H. H. Westmore, h Adrien, only son of Mr. Louis Brault of Paris, to Sarah, eldest a. daughter of the late Mr. James Lawson, of Newton-le-I ilOw5. ot On the 18th inst. at Walto3.on-tho-Hill, by the Rev. H. I. H ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L~oeonafl,~,mt f Barra8' ;Po l haf h can be macreed, unkes MARRIE ED On the I int at tthe Cathedral, by the Rev. H. H.Westmore, MA. Mir. John' Lanugaton, of Cheatbefm, to Elizabetb, daughter ?? Peroo h same Place. Onth lW is at Provideoce Chapel, High-street, RQOhdsle, ?? ilim Spencer, father of the bride, Mr. Laurie M1. Miller to Mias Mary Harriet Spencer, both of Roohdale. On the let iost, ...