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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. BRADBURN-GLOSSOP..-Oa te,1t Inst., at the ?? endeutO . Ob BRINDLEY-ARTITON.- BROOKS-BROWN.- COCKSHOT-BROWN.-% 72d: dutigo ?? .Georee llrfindley. to ?? IA tip 7: augt~rd~telae~rJtauu,aAsho, oton ofodealerot-tblesclty.v. 1 B0; ZSoom:B-B1OWN.-Ou. the 111th lest.., at the CathodraL, by Rev.1L~j~ IHsunttngtoc,fALA., Mr.. ?? Brossep, of Steckport, toflhica,-' J daughter of Mar. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O~~sae~~J lvw~w Aesss d mud tas ,fglami MARRIAGES. ?? Johnson, M.A4 Joba bid ono tkte lte . Wflas Bolton,'` by the-Eoy. J. Los-a ~Mr. =a.sblcalllto earahelal daughter of; Ur. JohnLivtrolt, c-f Great o1ton. ~BTLA ric-CARTLIOH. - Ontire0th inst., at St. Trroburgh's Ohnroht bydsh~the 1tcv;- W. p-.,ilkinson vicar, Wilim lwy :dlhghn.atrer.fToa aiih e. of WoodMardti% ia,,Derhy. BLrAV~Iray-iDA.YX ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ter ar ata geo. al taX lot mn ENo announceients of Marriage or Deaths can be inserted unless ok autlhentcated by the name and add ess of the sender. re ?? lot OMARRIED ut On the 4th instan, M R ID ?? utt Chapei, Mr. Hill, district registrar, at Richmon ilChapel, Brouoghton Road, Salford, Mr. Thomas Haudley, of Garg- ed dale, Yorkeshire, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. Philip ay Tyzacli, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rast of [No neisosteal of dfa ieii.s or Deaths ctar be ihssoled, euates t'3 aul~letir~s ie no arid Zdress, of (tle Wider. Yotkie of t.l Bj54ll5 tmost be perdfar 6q e(ZL rertiicretelts.I BIRT H. Hotye-On the 25th ult., in HEulme, Mrs. Josepli Howe, of a son. ied4, PAIA Ra ktF I L L.1 . ,bis 'ASUE.-HAtRFOSON.-On tile Ist hsa., at the Palish Churcll Not. to tilghtal, by the l1ev. R. H. ljubres. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... £Ne announcencenls of Marriages or Deatiw can ice inserted cifem [No annlouncem1ents of Marriages or Deatlis can be inserted unlessI authenticated by ?? nante and address oftile sender. ] .- ?? ?? - ?? -- ?? ?? BIRTH, On the 4th inst. at f8, Higher Chatham-street, Greesheys, Mrs. John Galloway, of a eon. MARRIED, On the 8th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. B. Remington, M.A. Mr. Edwin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless aulhenticated by the name and address of the sender.] OMARRIED, On the Srd inst. at the Cathedral, Mr. Thomas Hooper, pattern card maker, to Miss Taylor, both of this town. On the'7th inest. at St. Nicholas' Church, Brighton, William Lloyd, Esq. M.D. Madras army, to Elizabeth Maria, youngest daughter of the late Rev. W. Horton, M.A. incumbent of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... m [No annoeuncements of 11farria es or Deaths can be inserted unless er autlhenticated lY the 1a47m1e and address of the sender.] 0 :n teMARRIED, lr On tha 28th-ult. at: Bowvness, Windormere, R.AB. Pres ton, Esq. of0 LiverpoIl, to DElssnpor Leonora, only. dangbter of M~ajor Rogers, e, of Srryrigle, Winderm'ern, ve On the 26th ult. at Denmore, Josepb, only eon of Lieuienant- re, Colnel Dunda3, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,.atriages anfb 79amhb. S ~ LN. ?? °I Alfariages or Deed/s can be snserl 1, unflt althe ntica-led by the name and addresg of the aender. XoViCeC of births En 5st be paid for at 4dverlisements.] .. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? I LL.- MARRIED. 2ThaL-On the 27th atle., at SI. 'rnaeros Cubroh Ardwielc, by the RoY. G. P. Cleather, vicar of Aldboorme, Wilts' unels of tbe bride, ts leted by the Rov. N. W. 6 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9 O: BIRTHS. 4 Ol the 6th iat.; at' CliffPoint,- Broughton, the ladyof John OBurde, E4q of a 's6n. 0o O ths'4thinst. at Bi]lineSoarr,near Blackburn, the wife of 11 Henry Brock-Hollinshead Esq. of a daughter.. '0 1 . ?? 2 MARIUED: 8 On i~ae .11th int'athe Cathed ral .yhB W n.oonsn, 7 MAOiMre William tnbt earo ie Eleanor, ddanghter of 41Mr/Francis Butter~~fOfide~et 4 On the 11th ?? Cathedrgleby ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [Noannouncemrenta of Marriages or Deatlhs can, be iasertedt ituless auleenltiated by the eaine anrd address of the sender.] MARRIED, Ou thle 24th inst. at E4. Philip'e Church, Liverpool, MbIr. J. Bickereteth, cigar manufacturer, of this tOwn, to Sarah, third daughterof the late Huimphrey Lyon, coach buiilder, of Liverpool. On the 25th inst. at the Parish Church, Hiaelingden, William Irving, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... farriat cs, RTfl Matt. IA- he (No a7ezwwunernent of M orrfages or DCat.s can te inscrud, ueic, ld ?? a bys Owe naooe artr. (utdre3 of the jrnder. .S,4jticr.6 d m Brth3 mia eepsu.a for ae aa'leriseent] «rM - ?? - -- -- -- ?? ?? ie- M-Ar ARRI ED. le- ?? 9th inst., at the Cathedral, Ripon, bjy for th He. R.?oole, 0. Aeliwech, Rsg., of this city, to Caroline Elsa. fo- beth, youngest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yo arnwuncemicnt of Mcnriiages oi' Deaxths can bei tisert Zt0oica of Birts nud be.Pai~tfo as advelitisminats.] MIARRIED. 0 BRLYTONt-BAMG N.-On the 3rd lart., at the Bapts Chapel, Wilus stret, Liveroool, bz' the Rev. IL S. Brown, Mr. .7 ?? 0 ?? X. dangte Of ?? Mr. Thomas Badge. Of Liverpol '0 CSag -orosRxcUA1M8aos.--O1 the 4th inst.. ?? is,0ao -iverpoo~l, by the 11ev. Mre. Rairdsley, Richiard, ...