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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... SorTI STAFFORDSIIIRE R~AILWAY.- coleh baing pewe by their Acis oI ?? ~ t~. horti5 'a£15,0, i 'pre-pagrd toreceive TENDERS for El ?? I oiltgog or Bond, to the etn ?? uo fE t bas £5 each, for a term of three year, ait 4~j per cent. pr oitis -,b1iable halfl-yearly at a banker's. gi. I' CHARLES S. FORSTER, Chairman. pi HORATIO BARNETTE, Secretary. no, clltaffordsiiire IIIilway-offllc, Station ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. + WITH PORTRAiT, COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, PRICE ONE GUINEA, CLOTH, Just published, M R. MACAULAY'S CRITICAL and HISTO- i RICAL ESSAYS. A New Edition, in I vol., square crown Svo.; with a Portrait by E. U. Eddis, engraved in li::o by W. Great- bach, and a vignette-tit!e. London: Lougman, Brown, Greei, and Loigmcans. WITH PORTRAIT, COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, PRICE ONE GUINEA, tLOTH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-f EVFNIN;i ,vill 1 n, nrrfntnrde THE SPOILED CHILD. 1 T.M- W 1. Xnn, A- ; il Pickle. Mr. W. Davidvge; Mi- i'ieklk: Litln li.klk, Mi- M5. Ternaun. ! '.ini by th th' ntopirtlnn.e, cadll d HAR LEQlUIN AND kik, ii EEN l:ESS nI, Merrie England in lc uivdru T:nc. ?? M -ilh ?? urania ef CllAliLES X11. Ci .-li- ?? - r: Anlalia lirneh, Mr. B. Piker; M2r.., MI; Mn-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 ir 5- .0 y la ?? y is JFTESTIMONY of Parties to SUITS in time NEW COUNTY COURTS, anid iii the COURtTS of WESTMINSTER-HALL. To which are appended General Remarks relative to the New County t Courts. By ANDllEW AMOS, Esq., Jedge of the County Courts of Mhuarylebolnc, Broniptomi, and Brentford, Downinig Professor of Laws in the University of Canabridge, late Meember of the Supreme t Council of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O0TICE to PASSENGERS per WINDSOR for- 0i11stiS Will CALCU'TrtA.-11i,. ship being now ol hetr - ,r P~ohIASSENGiEIS are requested to ble there ready )VA11 'I ledai'ly next, the 20th hist. as the slip uillt * ~ t 'T te ltowin~g morning.-F. reen isud Co., W, ?? otuith~t : Messrs. Giarratt and Cilbboii. I IF4 ?? CHINA VA~ EGY1aT.- ~,0rtN H Y MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for I ?? os CEYLON, MADRAS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXICAN DEBT.-Tbe Committee of Spalnishi LV. Anierican Bondholders rcquost a ETN ?? 11OLiDERS of MEXAICAN BONDS, at the London Ta'lvern, TIllS DAY (NMotday), at Two o'clock precisely, for the purpose of tatting into consideration thc proceedlings of at Mlcting of thle Holders of 11exican Blonds held at the London Tavern, oil thle 2:11 Januaryv last, Williani Marshall, Esq.,M., inl thle chair. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEI LORD BISHOP OF LONDON, inl presiding at the great Mietropolitanl Sanitary Meetinlg, dwelt wfillijust force uponl the ligh inspurtruce af a sound condition of health to the well-beinig of a prosperouis comntry. Tlsousahids9 v.ho have ma3de use of COCK;LE'S ANTI BILIOUS FILLS have borne wvitnnessto theiradmirable sanitary propeien; sothat they have in fact become a general public boon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. JAMES'S THEATRE. - Mr. BUNN on the STAGE - Mr. BUNN will have the honour of delivering a LITERARY and DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE, at the St. James's Theatre, on Tuesday Evening, Feb. 26, and every subsequent Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evening. Scene: The Author's Study. PART I. Introduction - The Stage, from its earliest unto its latest times - Its first establishment in this country - Its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iMIG~ W N t GEORGIA, Irwin county, 14 - ii Sate-Arrangeill(Ats bave been~I iiiadc for the I'llsf.CLASS VESSELS, of z00 toze. outd upwards, lb' ii n LverpOol, andt GUtasgow, for the ports of ,ri oI after tke 17th of March r3xt. I'm. ,. l:idb o~se yve,,cls oin the followinig tertis : p i serg yii.Vage and parovisions, with twenty I. Id id, aw a qurter aucre of lown lot, 1with a shatitkie * a . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-, THIS EVENING will be performed Satkspeare'l tragedy of JULIUS C.ESAR. JuliusCwr, Mr. C. Fisher; OctaviusCasar, Mr. Everett; MarcAutony, Mr. J. Anderson; Brutus, Mr. Vanden- hoff; Cassius, Mr. Catheart; Casca, Mr. Cooper; Calphurnia, MrN. Ternan ; Portia, Miss Phillips. After which, Gay's BEGGAR'S OPERA. Peachum, Mr. B. Baker; Lockit, Mr. W. Danidge; Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;O PUBLICATIONS. C. ON'S SHILING SERIES.-IRVING'S LIFE of MOHAMMED. A double volumie, embellished with a flue Portrait, price ls. 6id. Now ready. dleurv G}. nolin, York-street, Covent-gardenl. in On the Ist of March will be published, price 2s. fd., No. 1. of d AXTON'S FLOWER-GARDEN. Edited by il .r Dr. LINDLEY and JOSEPH PAXTON, and illustrated by De highly finlished plates and woodcuts. ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toINDIA and CHINA vil EGYk'T.- ~ lcgoe loN H~ MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for getHS s o CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCU7TIA, 65i'lge SIC dHONG KONG. - The Peniusular ?? 0R vgaie Copn book passngers and re- 2A ,5j 1i prcls oethle ablove ports% by thecir stealsiers, start- ~.¶foahniptel o te 20th of every mouath, mid froes Suez doel he 1th a teMonth. 'cc Br ombhay eats proceed bly this Cern- ?? cs f te 21thof ...