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Morning Chronicle


... I smne There is probably no branch of industry ill.s-_ I trated in the Crystal Palace of greater national im- pro~ 1portance or magnitude than those connected with vari the production and preparation of metallic ores ; dur and we publish to-day a seventh notice onl this de- the . and partmcnt of the Exhibition, with more especial dur. reference to Iron and its Ores. The various speci- oft ...


... TRIE GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. bon Wec have had ain opportunity of inspectilng thle tion works 01100 or twvice at least every week since their quei comimenccfement, but Liever have we seen 'such ditio general atid manifest progress made in one week VI in every portion of the building as has been made inot durin~g the past one. In addition to the portion of dc 1: the works already in hland, ...


... HAMLET. The representation of Hamlet in the German language upon a London stage, by an efficient company and a leading star, is an event in our dramatic annals. The audience at St. James's Theatre last night was a large and distinguished one, many men of high literary standing being present. There is no language better fitted for a translation of our great poet than the German, which, properly ...


... U~ ITEIIATURRE.; -WDra~i 'foP. Ai epfdno. ' : df NEOi jie litte 'v bdon]n eorge ntfed' ' ?? n 'thebe ?? ?? seecu1Mibn, bub. bles, and cnde , th'ere 're' many dPtftsR wlhidh arce fresented; for accepitane, buite'erWcc~tied. iuch, however, 'is not likeif tobe the fate' o'f the pleasant' little 'voluume:''now' befo're 'us. ' It' 'in'a draft upon public favotur ' l~iih i;S sureV 'to 'be ...


... ST. JAMBES'S HAlL. I SPRING EX llBITION OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The first of the spring meetings of the Horticultural Society was held yesterday in the new St. Jamnes's Hall, Piccadilly, her Majesty and the Prince Consort honouring the exhibition with their presence, this being the first ocansion on which the Prince Consort has attended the meetings of the society in the capacity of ...


... THE MUSICAL DNION MATINEEU Mr. Ella, the enterprising and distinguished director o tile MuAlisical Union, for the performance of chamiber in' struniental Imutlsic, yesterday provided lis subscribers, the is elite of the fashionable and of the artistic world, with the %t following programme:- o Quartet, God preserve the Emperor ?? Haydn. t (.rand Trio, 13 Hlst, Op. 17 . ?? Beethoven. c ...


... ST. JAMIES'S HALL. GRAND EVRNING CONCERT. Last evening a most attractive programse was provided for one of the fullest assemblages of the boau monde. The conductors were Mr. Land and Mr. Frank tlori. Part the first commeinced with a march, Vive l'Angletcrre (on English airs), performed bythe Band of the Paris Garde Nationalo. At the close of this part the band gave an operatic selection ...


... Onci ~L IJNDS OF SPAIN A.ND FRANCE he foi spai an -~ancis, wtea an Ac-th oflj LOKI Of sit to ties Republic of Aadors'e. of i, fia: CamaitI and Hall. pries ecoresnwhy the ailthor of this ex-wi ii> ek should not ~~~have given it the sanction clerg ~i1I~i~ no, for siteqiiestioiiably it is the most in- of lif took of travels ~~that has appeared for a by ill tn.The lands through which hie direc ...


... LITEIA tUlR;I mails -. )into HEINE'S SONGS. CslfillO, Heinmich ilebines Bobk o o- e a Tianslatcjzi. their By JOHN B. LWTALLIS. London: Chapman. and ed to Hall. lth a 'Any one who reads these songs ?? knowing s they something of the author's life, will d.o them great which injustice. They are deeply tincturelt not only with assist-hispassions and with his eccentric genius, but lee awith his ...


... HAIEAAR KET THE'A TRE. 5!iis King, a young lady, apparently about nineteen or Imeiaty years of age, made her d6but at the ilaymarket bs eveuing, We understand that, with the exception of ho appneances at Liverpool, she is new to the boards. Sieas1owarily greeted, but extreme nervousness evidently ipreised liey. The piece, Aged Forty, is of such flimsy Iextare, being devoid both of plot and ...


... THE M4G-AZINES. BENTLEY'$ MISCELLANY. This month'. Befit opeve with a very interest. ing notice of Gregoroviuas's recently published ac* count of Elba, and ite historical aesociations in ecnneetion with the Firk. Napoleon. ' The-f1Mil.M lionaire of Mincinglane is dontinuallyincreasing. in. apirit and in interest as it proceeds.-. By a happy ccincidence tbe course of the story carries us to ...


... IIA YIA REBT T.EEA TEE. Mr. Sheridan Knowles's well-worn comedy, the Love Chaso, was produced at this house last night, under a cir- cumstance of peculiar and special interest, viz., the appear- R suce for the first tinse ill London (if not on any pubblic stage) of Mrs. Wilkins, the widow of the late eminent counsel, Mr. Sergeant Wilkins. Mrs. Wilkhas made her dabut in the character of the ...