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Preston Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... OI OYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE OFFICE LONDON, established by Royal Charter, in the Feign of King George the First, for Assuring Houses other Buildings, Goods, Machiinery, Merchandise, and Ships in Hiarbour, in Dock, or while Building, from ios5 or damage by Fire; also for the Assuring of Lives, and Granting and Purchasing Annuities. MARY & WILLIAM WALTER TAYLOR, TULKETIS MILL, Agents for Preston. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BLACKBURN. TO BE LET, FOR a term of years, or otherwise, a ISTONE I$ELPE, Fon Cabin-end Estate, ?? to Messrs. PILicINGToN, BRcOTHERS, and Co,, Blackburn. TO BE LET, Dumber of ROOMS adjoining the OddfellowS' Hall, A 'King-street, suitable for shops or officesk For further particulars apply t Mr. Wi.NWHM Oddfellows' Hall, King-street; or to Mr. Z. MAUDSLET, rent agent and accountant, 08, Bolton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN7EGAR.-Patronisl. by hr ?? ( m t e' _-CONDY'S lATENT CONCH '.'i-A'Tli1 p ! MALT VINEGAR. - 1'amilics. by lising this ' i:, vi| Villu.a', inure' II ri ty, ?? c-ct a i-taviegr fift' cont. See report,, *!r Dr. 1, thelbv, C)'i3y O'.iC'T~ ifl'e tl ! 5 Dr Ifassall, of the Lancet Comimissioni, and Othe S. , ! Sol by the tradle in bottles, labelled and capsullel. In Wholesale, 63, Kin? Willianit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSICAL EDUCATION. MR. J. S. JOHNSON T'EGS to inform his pupils and friends that 'he will E) RESUME his INSTRUCTIONS in Pianoforte and Organ Playing, Singing, and the Theory of Music, on Monday, the 28th inst. 72, Fishergate, 17th January, 1850. TO CORRESPONDENTS. -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- .. . ?? ?? . ?? ANTIQUARIAN Is received and shall have attention. Some literary notices, it, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUPERIOR STEEL PENS. l f'ANY complaints are madc by persons who are much .LV engaged in writing, that they are unable to obtain Pens possessing the requisite qualities of flexibility and durability4 and that, from the great varieties kept on hand by stationers and dealers, they are often unable to pro- cure a continued supply of the quality they deem best suited for their purpose. In order to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS WILLIAM IHOPWOOD, AND AGENT AND SURVEYOR, NO. 0, CLAYTON STREET, BLACKBURN, 1 in want of a well-educated Y 0 U T H, as an A A.PPREN'iICE, May 28th, 18.52. TO FARNI SERVANTS. WANTED, MAXN and his WIFE, without incumbrance, to take c eharge of a DAIRY FARM, wifhin a short distance of Blackburn. The woman must'be capable of managing the dairy. N.B.-No objection ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNIVERSAlIY OF THE PRESTON CIIURCH MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. AN SUNDAY, the 9th instant, SERMONS will be 0J preached by the Rev. JOHN JOHNSON, Asso- ciation Secretary:-In the Morning,at CUIIsT CHuRciH; in the Afternoon, at ST. TesoIXAs's; and in the Evening, at the PARISH CHURCiH I By the Rev. J. 0. C. POWELL, of St. Thomas's, ] Toxteth Park, Liverpool:-In the Morning, at the PARISH J CIvIRCIi; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W HITTLE DEAN WATER COMPANY.-Notice is hereby given, that a SPECIAL or EXTRA- I ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of the WHITTLE DEAN WATER COMPANY will be held at the Company's Offices, No. 8, Grey-street, NE vCASTLE- vPoN-TyNE, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of November, 1853, at twelve o'clock at noon, to consider and determine upon the measures to be adopted for increasing the supply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIGAN. Dzy. R. GREAT EXHIBITION 01 THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, TO BE HELD IN LONDON, IN 1851. THE Executive Committee iu the Wigan District for L the Promotion of the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations (to be opened in London on the Ist of May, 1851), solicit the co-operation of the inhabi- tants generally in aid of this great undertaking. As the success of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW AND INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS NEW AND INTERESTING PUJBLICATIONS ISSUEDI BlY JOHN CASSELL, 335, STRAND, LONDON. The mnost ?? Alssnnack ever issuedfrom the press. Now ready for delivery to the Trade, publishing price, 6d., TEHE ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR ALMANACK, T. uniform in size with Tae ILt.usraATED EXiiBITOa. The illustrations are superb, and in the following order:- Twelve Engravings of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARITY SERMONS. ^N SUNDAY NEXT (TO-MORROW) SEPToMBaa `. 28To, 1851, THREE SERMONS will be preached (if the Lord permit) in St. JAMES'S CUaRCH, Preston; those in the Morning and Evening by the Rev. J. R. CONOR, M.A., Incumbent of St. Simon's Parish, Liver- pool; and that in the Afternoon by the Rev. J. MeI'AL- LISTER, B.A. A Collection will be made after each Sermon, in sup- port of the ...