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Principality, The


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The Principality

' CARMAilTi.1 EN.—Maucii 16

... COLONIAL. TUKSPAY.—SUC-AK,.—The market has been, more steady to-day than was anticipated, and the full prices of Friday last have beeii freely paid. 7,000 bags of Mauritius, chiefly of good qualities, found buyers in public sale from 34s. to 39s., duty paid. 1 000 bags of white Benares also, sold at 37s. Cd. to 38s. Oci. The public sale of 2,000 bags was withdrawn at fu-li prices, but a part ...


... PONTYPRIDD,-JULY 10. s. d. ft. 6. Wheat per bush. 4 6lo 5 3 Butter, Presli .per lb 0 HJ to 0 Barley 3 0 — Do., Salt o 10 o 2 3 2 5 I Cheese Beef n (5 i Geese Mutton 0 6.J 0 7 DUCKS per couple — — Porn 0 6.} 0 i Fowls 2 3 2 5, m II 4 0 6. j Kjfgs per dozen U. G1 0 7.-I New Potatoes per lb, 0 1 ...


... FROM 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 Exp. Mail 1,2 1, 2 1, 2 Exp. 1,2 1,2 Mail .1,2,3 1,2 1, 2 J 1,2) 1, 2 Mail, —— a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.! p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Paddineton 7 5 7 45 9 50 Id 1512 30 1 40 2 45 4 50 5 30 7 0 8 55 ° .8 0 9 15 2 0 7 0 8 55 Reading 9 20' 8 52' 11 351 1 44 4 5 5 32 t 3 8 27 10 10 10 1510 45 3 21 8 27 10 10 Swindon 12 3010 27 11 25 ...


... CARDIFF. PARISH OF ST. JOHN'S—ST. MARY'S. Church Services.—1 Welsh. 4 English. Welsh Dissenting Places of Worship. § .2 *§ ■§ .3 4-> Names g S S of | fsg Chapels. I g « 1 O § £ H m Tabernacle B. 1842 1,000 2 2 Bethanyt B. 1841 700 2 2 1827 1,200 2 2 Trinity^; I. 1846 300 2 2 Ebenezer I. 1828 500 2 2 Bethel. W. 1838 116 2 2 Ebenezerj W. 1829 500 2 2 Bethel! B. 1849 200 2 2 Eight 4,516 16 16 ...


... (All the trains are mixed, and call at each station.) GxxtDTPF TO MBUTtiYit AND ABEHDAIIE—Morning, 9 Afternoon, 1 0 and 5 30. On Sundays—Morning, 9 30—After- noon, 4 0. MKUTHYII TO ABEIIDARE AND CARDIFF—Morning, 7 45-After- noon, 1 10 (Mail) and 5 40. On Sundays—Morning, 8 15— Afternoon, 4 10. BEtWARE TO CAJIDIFF—Morning, 7 40-Afternoon, 1 5 and 5 35 (Mail). On Sundays—Morning, 8 10—Afternoon, ...


... MONEY MARKET. LONDON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. The Stock Market is a little firmer this morning, but with an ex- treme paucity of business. Consols have realised 9q § for Transfer, and are nearer 95, for Account. Exchequer-bills have been marked, 62s. to 80s., and India Bonds are about 86s. to 88s. premium. Bank Stock for account has been done as high as 210. South Sea New Annuities have been sold ...


... LIVERPOOL. TUESDAY.—The week's arrivals of grain, meal, and flour from Ireland and coastwise are light, but from abroad we have a fair supply: of wheat. -22,790 qrs.,—viz., from Rotterdam, 1,616 qrs. Baltic ports, 4,919 qrs. Alexandria and Jaffa, tU,)oqrs. Odessa and Galatz, 4,-100 qrs.; from Franco, 1,120 qrs., with 4,345 sacks of flour. We have also 5,033 barrels flour from the United States ...


... SMITHFIELD. MOSDA Y,-Tho importation of foreign stock into London last week were very moderate, aud of inferior quality. The total suppiv did not exceed 2,747 head. During the corresponding period in 1349, we received 3,97J, and in the same week in lolo, 3,233 head. In 1817, the receipts amounted to 3,382 head. About 800 head have been landed at the outports from Holland and France. From ...


... POLICE.-—FMDAY, MAY J7.[BefOJ-e Howel Gwyn, M.P., G. Llewellyn, and F. E. Lloyd, Esqrs.] William Bealy, railway contractor, Cwmavon, was charged by William Charles, a workman in his employ, with non-payment of wages, amounting to £2 6s. Id. Case dismissed. William Isaac, of the Skewen, was charged with violently assaulting an aged woman, named Jane Howells. The defendant pleaded Guilty, and ...


... H-XGMsir IRO.N-. a £ • s. d.\ exgj.irh corriiR. d £ s. d. Bar,bolt, &sq. Lon. per ton 6 0 Oj Ordinary sheet's .i.per lb. 0 0 10 ail rods 6 15 0; Old copper e 0 0 9 Hoops 8 0 Oj FOREIGN COPPKII. f facets (singles). 8 la South American in bond H irs, atCardift & Xewp. 5 5 0; defined Metal, Wales* „ 3 10 ...

------_--------- -----------------------I MONMOUTHSHIRE LENT QUARTER SESSIONS

... IKIR. G. R. ROBINSON, the chairman of Lloyd's, his sent in his resignation of that office, on account of ill-health, and Mr. Thomas Baring, at the request of the committee, has consented to become his successor.—2'imes* Sut JOHN Saturday Mr. Green, the aeronaut, forwarded nine balloons to the expedition about to sail in search of Sir John Franklin. Lady Franklin had previously been in ...