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... .1-ittraturt. Small Bsginninge; or, the Way to Get On-J. Hogg and Sons, London. A NEATLY got Up and attractive little volumo, containing eighteen biographies of men who, by their own exertions, have risen fron humble grade to positions of eminenoe and usefelness, and the story of whose lives Is told In a style at once plain and popular. The examples Inolude John Walter, of the Times, the ...


... rittratuxt. The Poetklo o W-ks ef sirWdareC S-t4. Bart., Autdor's Editiou. O witA Life, and nurnerous Illustrations. i The Histfry of Palestine, fromn the Patriarchal Age. to the Present Time. By John Kitto, D.D., F.S.A. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh. i We class these books together, because they emanate from the same publishers, are printed in the same form, and distin- 0 guished by a ...


... vatrt1I CLOUDS AND THEIR SILVER LININGS. DEAD LEAVES, but yesterday, along the lane Were rustling drearily, or soddened lay In drifted heaps around; as ii in pain, The Earth's old face grew furrowed with decay. T'e orchard boughs with brittle moss were wrapped, The ruby berries withered on the thorn, With clogging snows the village roofs were capped, The mill-wheels tast in ice were yester ...


... slaottp. EVEN ING. NVENINGl! thou prophesiest liut whilst we drink tile sadness The rest of tho silent land; or thy weary, drowsy air, wily sighs, ere yet thou diest. Wedreatnofmorn'scsnlmfragranCe Steal o'er me where I stand. And of hier sunrise fair. Sad wart thou, fairest eve, So ol y we dream Nsheot dying, If t hadslnt noanght beyond; In1 lifebs dll eventlino; ,Yainly might nortais grieve, ...


... woetr~+ ISM sMOUNTAIN STREAMS.-By CIHARLES MACRAY. WUAT time the fern puts forth its rings- 'WV hat time tIle early throstle sings, I love to fly the murky town, And tread the moorlaeds, bare and brown; From greenest level of the glens To barest summit of the bens, To trace the torrents where they flow, Serene or brawling, fierce or slow; So linger pleased, or loiter long, A silent listener to ...


... 4 . l6attrl'o - ROBERT BURNS.-BY AuBREY DE VERE. -IN him there burned that passionate glow, All Nature's soul and savour, Which gives its hue to every flower, To every fruit its favour, Nor less the kindred power be felt- That love of all things hilnan, Whereof the fiery centre is The love man bears to Woman. He sang the dignity of man, Sang woman's grace and goodness; Passed by the world's ...


... WORCESTER; MUSIC FESTIVAL. 'WoacEST.15, Sept. .-If the first day may be accepted aspi 'a, criterion, all that has beeii ~foretold for the, festival forfe 1854 will~be verified to the'ie~ter. The street%?.JWere busy at tW an early hour. The carripge visitors tote -brfadt 'even those who went on fjo~ti wretl~e- obe 0~o elrl'P curiosity. -ManY ofters0 )ts1vgnte -keep, opehoisose. At the jai55e ...


... Voc0 tr ,D. __ _ _ _ THE SKELB TON A.ND.-BY J. G. DUNN. BAr TAr I Rap tap I at the door of the heart; Rap tap, with a loud dexnand I Oh, who is it raps at the door or the heart. Crying, matter and spirit shall surely part- 1'Tfe one to tihe dust, for dust thou art, The rest to the spirit-lauid ? IT is I1 It is 1, who kuocketh without, With a bony arm and a knuckle stout- IT is I of the ...


... titaffturt. wa Memoirs of the Life andIVWritings of Thomas Chalmersr, D.D., LL.P. use By~, his Son-ia-LaiW, thre Blev. William Hanna, .LL.D. Vol. III. an -IPublisited for Thomas Constable by buhrlnead t Edinburgh. lnx ey It was 'originally intended by Dr. Hannah to complete the tivy memoirs of Ihis illustrious relative wvithlin thle compass of three C volumesO, but as hle proceeded wvith the ...


... THORNBITRY FLOWER SHOW. Thle summer shlow of the Thorabury Horticultural Society '~took p Ieee on Tuesday, and once morewaB the-wonted quiet of 10the old town disturbed by the, doobtiess not unwelcome, pre- ~'senee of gaiety and bustle. The morning wag cold end lowering, ;e wvith fitful gusts of wind, seemingly portentous of a coming storm, and certainly giving promise of anything but the ...


... . ittraturt The Prose Works o~f Jobn Mfilteu. VOi. IV. Containing the flrst book of a Treati-se Ons Christian Doctrine, comspikle from the Holy Scriptures alone. Translated from the original by Charles R. Sunmner, DD., Lord Blishop of Winchester. New Edition, sre- visen and corrected. (Bohn'e Standard Libraryf.-H~enry G. In te yer 123 rsearhesIn te Od State Paper-office brouht o lghta lst ...


... JULLIEN's CARE WELL CONCERTS. M. Jullien being about to visit the Niew World with the delt of his justly-popular hand, and hot liking to cross the Atlantic. without saying a word of adieu to his many patrons in this country, he on Monday evening gave the first of two farewell conderts, at the Victoria-Rooms, Clifton.. Thebuilding, we are happy to say,~wae crowded from~end to end, and ...