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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... BALLYMNONEY V. NEWTOWNLIMAVADY. A MAT01 was played between the Newtownlimaiyady and Ballymoney Clubs on Friday last, the 16th just. Owing to the favourable state oN the weather, a con- siderable nunmber of speotators were present. The ganle Ras contested with spirit on both sides. The Ballymoney Club went first to the wickets, and swored freely, making an innings of 132 runs, 42 of which were ...


... CURRAGEE OCTOBER MEETING-1i59, TUEsoAY, OCTORSR 18. Scurry Stakes, 5 sovs each, 1 sov forfeit; 25 sove added. Anglesey Post. Captain W. Pack Berosford's bl G by Barbarian, 2 yrs, bst 91b (D. Wynne, jun.) .., .. I Mr. Irwin's oh in Easter Monday, 5 yrs, 7st (Lynch) 2 Earl of Howth's b h Companion, 5 yrs, 7st Bib (Ord) 3 Betting-3 to I ngst Mario, 4 to i agst Eastor Monday, 5 to 1 each ...


... Aquatito. ROYAL WESTERN YACHT CLUB OF IRE- LAND. Tim attractive regatta of the Royal St. George Yacht Club was appropriately followed on Thursdays by a grand Corinthian sailing match in Dublin Bay, under the auspices of the R.W.Y.C. From the class and fame of the vessels entered, the match was one peculiarly interesting to yachtsmen. The entire scene, consequently, presented more the ...


... sportiliff. LATEST BETTING. Tattersall's, Thursday. St. Leger-2 to 1 agst Toxopholite, offered; 11 to 2 agst The Hadji, offered; 8 to I agst Eclipse, taken; 10 to 1 agst Sunbeam, taken; 12 to I agst Gover- ness, taken; 100 to 8 agst East Langton, offered; 25 to 1 agst Volta, offered; 41 to I agst Longrange, offered; 50 to I egst Kelpie. offered; 50 to I agst Farmer's Son, taken; 6o to i agst ...


... r?11ort1q. NORTH UNION COURSING CLUB. OCTOBER STH AND 9T11, 1806. President-Viscount Massereene and Ferrard. Judge-Mr. Owens. Secretary-Dr.' Nixon, Royal Antrim Artillery. Captain Lindesay, Royal Tyrone Fusiiiers, kindly acted as slipper. Stewards-Lorl Lurgan, W. Chaine, Janmes Cramsie, J, G. Winder, Esqrs., and.Captain Rice, R.A.A. TIIE VASE, Mr Cramsie's f d Wild Dayrell beat Lord Lurgan's ...


... ,ipoltg. CURRAGII SEPTEMBER MEETING-FeititY. Stewiards-Sir T. Burke, Bart.; Mlarqiiis of Water- foddand Win. Quin, Esq. Jnl-ge-J. 1t. fhunter, Esq. Tho ternilaltioln of thle lveok;s sports finished ol- favoulrably vas r eganrds the c weather . A violen t thundoer storto, aceom palnied with a dolugo o' rain, full aboulit tour o'clock, ana colithlued vithout intermission for ail hoot'. COnVIJn: ...


... Tim village of Malahide was on Wednesday the scone of unusual gaiety and animation, from the oe- currence of the regatta, which annually marks tire season of the year. The sport, though meagre, was yet sufficiently attractive to afford considerable gratification anis amusement, the events which were decided being very hotly contested by those who contended in them. His Excellency, wbo ...


... ASCOT RziCES.-TuzsJD.,Y JuNE 13. TRIAL STARES. Crosslance, . Filbert, . . . Snowlden Dunhill. Twelve rai. WELCOME STAKES. Bribery. Wveatllercock, . . Malins, . .. Three ran. SWEEPSTAKES (DO sovs.) Coraebusr ilianur, Jerald, QCEENS VASE. Permit, . nLa u s p s au. .. .. Two ran. TVI!eNN.IAL. Bonnie Morn, Joshua, .. . Two ran. ASCOT ...


... - -- THE KENNEL, THE STABLE, AND THE FIELD-No. 1. BSY SIORUTATORt. The rural wilds Invite; the mountains call you, and the vales; The woods, the streams, and each ambrosial breeze That fans the cver-indalating sky; A kindly sky I whose fostering pow'r regalos Man, beast, and all the vegetable roign. HowvwEit alluring or fascinating the recreation and aniusesnents ofta town life nmay appear, ...


... SPIDDAL COURSING A1EET1ING-DcEuMsER 1. IiORMANSTOWN STAKES. MIr Gray's Brindled Bonnet beat Mr Foley's White Lady of Avenel. AMr Hazleton's nMainspring bcat Mr Smith ns Mier- maid; Lord Lurgan's Muster James (II.) heat Mr Walker's Eulipso. Mr ITaxleton 11s Drilliana beat Mir Gray ns John Green, Mr Smith ns Mind-your-Eyc beat Mr Jackson's Garret Crowe. Lord Lurgirn's Master GCaddis beat Mrfr ...


... READING RACES-WHDNBSDAY. Abbey Stakes. Cher-Amie, . Wild Rose, .,, 2 Four ran. Balmushe Stakes. Clemauthe, 1 ~~~~~Dead heat: Cher-Amie, . - Berkshire Stakes. Lifeboat, .. 1 York, . . .. 2 Six ran. East Hampstead Sweepstakes. Eltham Beauty, . . . . I Misty Morn, . . 2 Nine ran. Borough Plate. Brenhalde, ., I .. . . . .. I Chanteress, .., . . 2 ...


... S PO Pt T I X C. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER MEETING. YESTrERtDAVS RitU INi. (Speciao1ll Prepared Jtie, tie Bfld1isl Nenss-L.etter.) A HIa CAP PLATiE Or 100 sovs ,;.r tlhree-vr-olds anl upwards. A.F. Entrance. :1 sovs. Little TOm, Kingmaker,. Coriton, g ., Eighteen ran. A SWEIeSTAtrcS of 10 sovs each, for two-vr-oldls; colts, 8st 11): fillics, 8st 51b; the witiner to be ...