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... ASCOT IE~ATH RACES.-FRIDAY. The business and pleasure of the meeting were brought to a close to-day, the attendance being almost entirely eonfined to per. eons having more than a passing interest in tho proceedings. The racing was extremely good, the contests being decided twice by a head, once by a neck, and twice by half, a length. So far as sport was concerned, this was a brilliant ...


... d MALTON RACES. It [BY ELECTRICI THLEGRtAPIL.] ?? Stakes; colts, ?? 71h; fillies, Set SIb. ?? Lonvat ~ Straight half mile. ?? ?? Mallon Handicap. Two miles. ?? ?? ea ?? ?? ). hrosix 'Jetty Trofiz, Dove, and the Jewess also ran. Won by a P length. a ?? Birdsall Handicap. One mile. Braxey ?? .. Westwood, h b ?? ..2 d Flashinan ?? Nelly Hill ?? Won by a head. itMatch.: Guardsman heat Trying-it-on ...


... CHESTER SPRING mEETING. CONCLUSION OF WEDNESDAY'S RACES. Her Majesty's Plate of 100 Guineas ; three-yr-olds, 7st 21b; four, 9st 21b; five, lost; six asad aged, ?? 1b, Thrice round. Mr. Chilton's Audubon,-by Bhrdcatcher, 3 yrs, 7st 21b (J. Osborne) I Mr. T. Parr's Masalroni, S yrs, 7st 21b .. ?? ?? ((Wells) 2' Mr. E.- R. Clark's Dcerhound, 3 yro, 7t 21b . ?? .(Savil) 5 The following also ran - ...


... ?? RACESX- ESTERDAV. 1 THE DERBY DAY. ur ruhntl ushered in the great day of the Epsom1 bem ansi rain that in the early part of the . e -tin led the ardoar of useny city and suburban hsd damp I as to most delightful weather-and ,Isne *i tbe mernurY of the barometer rose the spirit ' tlird of Londoners WIlO look forward to the Derby as A RI 1to be observed and bortoured by the whole sport- ...


... I L. I . NEWMK1tXET COEND SPTNG MEETING. BETTING, TUESDAY NIGHT. The muster a2t the 'subscriptiori-room comprised about twenty members, and the following wore the only bets laid:- THE DERBY. 1,000 to 6 aget Acrobat (taken) 8,00 to 12 - Meteora (takon) WEDNO3sDAY.-Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for.two and three- yr olds Optional selling weights, &c. Last half-mile of New T v.C. (3 subs.) Lord ...


... Yesterday, the second day of this regatta, although not quite sa interesting in the quality of the sport as its prede. cessor, was, nevertheless, very successful, and fully supports 7 the ancient character and prestige of the National Regatta. The Scullers' Race (opena all the World) for £34 in cash. First Heat. J. Mackinney ?? ?? 1 T. Mackinney ?? A good and severe race with Taylor (blue), ...


... LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. ! THUSeDAY 0ONOLUDED.-A Sweepstakes of 6 sovs eaeh, ,he with 30 added; for two-yr-olds and upwards. Optional selling weights, &o. T.Y.C. b subs. Mr. E, Buckley's Sister to Mrs. Rigby, 2 yrs (£30), 4it Bib (Challoner) 1 Mr. Moore's Myatic. 3 yrs (£30). 64t 41b . (T. Cliffe) 2 Mr. Moore's Questionable, 3 yrs (£30), 6st 41b (Fordham) 3 the Mr. Tempest's Jupiter, aged (£30) ...


... CUCRKEZ. THE ELEVEN OF ENGLAND Y. TWENTY-TWO OP BIRMINGHAM. The score of this match miscarried, aul did nit reach us till yesterday. The match was played at Birvaidcgiran on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, there being a l.ere cotn- pauy each dlay to witness the doings, aud a iL treat they had in the fielding of the Eleven, of witich the main feature was the admirable and clever play of U. ...


... BETTING AT MANCHESTER-TUESDAY. CAMNtoGESH1RE STAaeS.-5 to 1 agst Blabtte (t), 12 to 1 ngst Wcnthelrgage (t), 14 to I igst Ephesus (t), 14 to I isgst Azael (t), 1] to I agrft Kiniight of the Shire, 18 to I agst Hyacinth (t), 18 to I apet Hobbie Noble (t), 18 to 1 agst Lady Evelyn (t), 20 to 1 agst ! Convulsion (t), 20 to 1 agst Hlungesord, 30 to 1 agst Evadne (t), 100 to B agst Puritan ?? ...


... -4- TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAY. Although tie Tue8day after Epsom is held to be the propor day of settlement of the Epsom accounts, yet a large amount of money generally changes hands on the Monday. There was no exception in this respect to-day, and the pro- spec, which the proceedings revealed was much brighter than bad been anticipated. Some severe hits were talked about, but there is every ...


... I I -0 TATTE RSALL'S-YESTIRDAY. THS SETTLING-DAY. Tuesday has told its own tale, and dispelled the doubts which were entertained as to the nature of the settling. The business of paling and receiving progressed smoothly, and was brought to a satislactory termination. The two eases of default which have been most talked about will, in all probability, be very shortly arranged on terms alike ...


... SPORTIlVG lVI'ELLIGE'NCB. to n, TATTERSALL'S-TiluR5sAy. n Owing to the lslencecofa considerable number oft-i subscribers at the Frith Manor Steeple Chase, the business tratsacted this le afternoon was very moderate. It wan noticeabic, however, for tbe le high favour in which Osteriry, Mousecer, Malratta, Belus (who, it ,o is now said, has never been amniss or lost a day's work), Prestige, e, ...