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... THE PLOODS AND HIGH TIDES. ADDITIONAL PARTXICULARS. About daybreak. on Saturday, a wreck, supposed to be a schooner, was disc-,vcred lying near the rocks at - Scarborough.? She had gone to pieces in the course of the night, and, fro-n the fact of the crew being no- where to be seen, it is believed they perished. . Two pieces of wobd, part of the lousgboat's stern, and painted green, with the ...


... PUBLIC AKUt8EMTs FOR THL WIER. ROYAL SADLERsS WELLS THEATRE, UNDER mTH MAAGExMENT op M .T PHELPS. Prina, cifs Walen, Hr.HOaln F Pctapur, r. 8uldar Play. o To con., Mr. . Tung Frnci, Pe. N I~e; adyPery, isme. with mew oprror.yGroiltHr.3Phelp; aceo, r Auntees Lyera, P se ln MESSRSda ?? GAVuIDay a. Play.. oes lude weith thenewgf blnd comicr hrielmon t.noreime. wvitb arew s ucenery, ...


... -mt ASIIIONas FOa 3-AINTJAPY. (Fro Lq PoIlld. JournaIs du Graod Monde.) l Again arewe reminded of the fleeting year by seeing the numerous.-announcements of splendid fetes and re. I unions; and witnessing the indefatigable industry of the different marchandes and. modistes, to exhibit all that cat tempt aod~jolesse the fancy of the fair votaries of fashion. The ligbte materials for . full ...


... THE REFORM OF COLONIAL GOVERN- MENT. Under the title of the Socity for the Reforr of Colonial Government, the following prospectus is about to be issued:- The general object of the society is to aid in obtaining for every dependency,'whicb is a true colony of England, the real and sole management of all local sffairs by the 'colony itself, including the disposal of thewaste lands, and the ...


... LONDON'WEDNESjDAy CONCERTS. I 'le programme for last Wednesday evening was more than usually attractive, as, in addition to the names of Tbalberg and Ernst as instrumeutal solOists, it embraced that of Sims Reeves, tie English tenor, par excellence of the present day, who was on this evening to make his re-appearance on the scene where his greatest triumphs have been achieved. We need scarcely ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 518 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... (COCKS'S MUSICAL ALMANAC Messrs. Robert Cocks and Co., of New Burlington. street, have issued a most seasonable and welco brochure, with the above title, whicl Contains, in addition to a fund of amusing matter, an immense amount of information connected with the musical and dramatic professions. Thus we have a complete Diary and Almanac for the year, and in an adjoining volumn all the ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1247 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ON Christmas-eve a new opera, in two acts, called La Fanal (the Light-house), by Adolphe Adam, was produced at the Thgatre de la Nation, or.Grand Opera, a house not in the habit of bringing forward pieces.of such small dimensions. The subject, however, is serious, almost tragical, and kM. Adam has consequently altered his style. But he is more at home on the boards of the Op6ra Comique; his ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 704 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE BE VIE TWS. -4- Thee 7e-stminstcr and Foreign Quarterlyg Re- ?? who will read attentively the first article in the TVcstminster, will be repaid for their pains by much valuable and practical information upon a subject interesting to all-epidemic disease; the most recent and best authenticated facts, the experience of antiquity, and the results of modern science, are grouped and condensed ...


... LITERA TURBE males and Sketches for Fireside Reading. By ClEAUL-5I FLEnT. Weashbourne. i This is, we understand, a production of provincial origin, if indeed the fashionable and luxurious town of Brighton has not a valid claim to be reckoned among the suburbs,-honoured indeed as the principal suburb of the great metropolis itself, it is not every day that we meet with a volume so quiet and ...


... L]Y1 ?? ,PE'XNRIOS. To ?? 7ITR 'TIlL 310 ING CR OIICt0MLE. S.-; I. qud' sti. d .:ttleiscus.c ;. allI let it boIJ*: -. d P- tru ujitS, alnd let IS ?? . . tlel e: dn:: iA debate. All arC ?? t I W ed'eney Of elevatilg Ontel- lectual cxc..lknlce; lut the ?? iS, w!hethor we .1O good (or 111 a riinpiid .eas:on list placed at the dispo :1a ,,f :, -issl ul e ?? form of Cl' i'iic:it, hers ee sr ct pa ...


... THE BEVIEWS. -- [Cont'7ued from T/he 3orning C7imonie of JTanzmru 7J. The English Reriew commences with an essay on Coleridge's Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, which is made the foundation upon orthodox prin- ciplea for an analysis of the views entertained by Coleridge and his followers, and by the Rationalists of Germany and their disciples, upon the inspiration of the Scriptures. It ...


... ST. JAMESS THEATRE.-THIE OPERA COMIQ U. Last night Mr. MITCHELL commenced his second easonl of French comic opera, with some new arrangements, and some accessions to his already efficient company, of all which we Eometime since gave a very full account. It is satisfactory to see that Mr. 1ITCIIELL is, in many respects, aware that his first or experimental season left him open to criticism on ...