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... woetr~+ ISM sMOUNTAIN STREAMS.-By CIHARLES MACRAY. WUAT time the fern puts forth its rings- 'WV hat time tIle early throstle sings, I love to fly the murky town, And tread the moorlaeds, bare and brown; From greenest level of the glens To barest summit of the bens, To trace the torrents where they flow, Serene or brawling, fierce or slow; So linger pleased, or loiter long, A silent listener to ...


... -.14 -F attrq# SOLITUDE. Tu fade, ut silvas, ut amem 1o0a sala.-Orid. fAiL, ye deep solitudes and awful shades I Where pensive contemplation loves to dwell, When sober ev'Ding Into darkness fades, And sighs her mournful tale sad Philomel. t Oft on the lonely top of some wild steep, That frowns upon the hoarse-resounding sea, Let me, when wrapt in melancholy deep, Slow tread the spot to ...


... littraturt Lectures on the History of the French Revolution. By lillian Srnyth, Professor of Modern History in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Nfew edition, with the Author's last Corrections. Vol. II. (Boasn's Standard Library).-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. Tas is the concluding volume of Mr. Bohn's cheap edition of the above valuable text-book. Quintilian's Institutes of ...


... (Prom Le Folleftl. Ipi The long continuation of the fine weather with which we b nrethieyear favoured retardsthO appearance of those toilettes which we many call decidedly autumnal; our belles at the sea. p side aer still to be seen in all the elegance of summer dress. of Printed and ikihite muslins, batistee, quilting, and baregos are, of course, worn, The aveiling promenade affords en fo ...


... itt rat Ut t. TEE PERIODICALS.: - nttention is. of course, first dIrectd, In the orderof !Ii' j imprtskth addition to itt comprehensive review of contemdPorar i fitrate in ofrlae ntt Iaag mentaies a sI gets wbut le full ri appagrentbly udecVr~iderdi not adversa °roegatrdsu f~theton of. iUGra3- the Blooh staegryoun olt~gaf thhe disadvant hagoiusrie i tf3 nreoroeolude Artices orsnTts ...


... on Mondaly Mise Jane Jackeon gave her annual bendfit concert at the Victoria-r5oorn, Clifton, and It wee gratifying toa find the appeal of the fair artiste responded to by so large and- feehionable an auditory. The great salooin was well nigh filled and the company comprised most of our leading resident S families. Miss Jackson had been fortunate In securing the a services of Mr. Alfred ...


... .1-ittraturt. Small Bsginninge; or, the Way to Get On-J. Hogg and Sons, London. A NEATLY got Up and attractive little volumo, containing eighteen biographies of men who, by their own exertions, have risen fron humble grade to positions of eminenoe and usefelness, and the story of whose lives Is told In a style at once plain and popular. The examples Inolude John Walter, of the Times, the ...


... 1v atnJ. A SNOW SHOWER.-BY BRYANT. HERE delicate snow-stars, out of the oloud Come floating downward in airy play. like spangles dropped from the glistening crowd That whiten by night the milky way; There broader and burlier masses fall- The sullen water buries them all; Flake after flake, All drowned In the dark and silent lake. And some, as on tenderwinge they glide, From their chilly birth ...


... BRISTOL SEPTENIBER FAIRS. Our annual autumn horse and cattle fairwas held on Monday and Tuesday in the Cattle-Market, Temple-mends. There was fully an average supply of store cattle, chiefly Devons, Hlerefords, and Irish, but, (owing, it is said, to shortness of keep up the country) the, demand for them was sluggish, and where sales were effected it was at lower rates. There was but a small ...


... I BRBISIDL & CLIFTON HORTICULTURAL SHOW- I The first floricultural exhibitionfoteprsnyarto place atitbhe Zoological Gardens on Thuresday, and never since yj the instittOn of the socIety has there been a more succesefial h shqw. of course pA gala fhte in the Zoological Gardens could not be permitted to pass over without some sort of aqueous visitations, but apart from the thunderstOrm, to which ...


... BRiSTfOL AND WEST OF ENGLAND ART of 011 CONOSEXOON WITH THE BRsOLs ACADEMY FOR TNin ra'o. 'a. OXNOTDON OF THE r050a ATS. ng The time has now arrived when, with the support of narcee ^t- which give efficient sanotion to our project, we seek tnore firmly ie- to establilb, and more widely to extend, the IOCal Art Union [g connected with the: Brlstol Academy. Within the list year c C.' noble ...


... 4 . l6attrl'o - ROBERT BURNS.-BY AuBREY DE VERE. -IN him there burned that passionate glow, All Nature's soul and savour, Which gives its hue to every flower, To every fruit its favour, Nor less the kindred power be felt- That love of all things hilnan, Whereof the fiery centre is The love man bears to Woman. He sang the dignity of man, Sang woman's grace and goodness; Passed by the world's ...