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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ( ANADA BONDS.-GOVERNMENT OF t CANADA hIX PER CENT. STERLING BfONDS, irened under the Consolidatell Muniotpxl Loan Fuind Act for UpperCa- nada (16 Vic., cap. 22) ; interest a per cent. per annun, payable balffyenrly, in January ald July, at the office of the Receiver. General. The undereiened i8 prepared to receive applications for a limited amount of the above bond6 at par. The Bonds are in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TgALIA._-WHITB STAR LINE of jiR; sod AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PAC- Bpl1T b etween Liverpool and Melbourne, on the 20th and 5lin betbpassage money, £14 and upwards. every j30' Captains. Register. Barden.To Sail. ship;, ?? Sbi! 2~Seats . t 2,408 6,000 May 20 . 'Heron . 1,20 4,000 May 27 .;i T C kEtrr.. 2,360 5,000 June 20 o Id of sen o the largest, finest, and fastest Deio3 nre d 'sj ched at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ER UVIA N FOUR.AND-A-HALT rER P CENT. LOAN of 18MS.-The DIVIDEND on the Bonds of thia Loan, falling due on the Iet of March next, will be paid at the Oounting-house of Messrs. C. de MURRIETA and CO., on that orany ?? day. between the hours of Rlsevii and Two. Lists may be had, on application, on and after the 28d inst., and tre ouposare to h left three clear daysfor examna5 tion 7, Adam's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ NOTICE -TO MARINERS. CALIJY ISLAND LIGHT. TRlNlTfy.HOUjSE, LONDON, JULY II, 1853. 'Eestablish[ tD fcs ai nitiirtdered unteces. tis veled of t~lecl dit'ietsteeof tlte REDt Light heretofore Bhowi, from tile tile os ,t5 d for clearing that Sanid, not:0ice tha 0 an aeathe evening of thle ist November ?? shoilt frontl tile Tower of Calely sill appear of the ces'\eo it i111 iettn ,t which it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIAM to NEW YORK-TheUNITED STATESi in XIL STEAMERS: ATLANTIC, Captain WESr; PACIFIC,; cptas N O ; BALTIO Captain CoSTisoCK, are appointed to SAIL C- tlul as under:- fortn'g d Fronm Liverpool. The BALTIC, for New York Saturday, March 24. The PACIFIC. for New York, Saturday., April 7. And every alternate baturday until further notice. Rates of ?? cabin, 50 guineas; second cabin, 20 Bate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERIS. WRECK 1 t; a t. VIBIR TMIIM k TRINITY HOUSE, LONDONe, Fal. 1. 1855. N OTICE is hereby given, that a GREEN BUOY, N marked with the word Wreck has beek placed 20 fi. tbooms to the northwfard of a Barge sunk iu Sea Reach. The Buoy lies in 6 fathoms at Low Water Spring Tides, with the followinig mark sand compass bearings, vin:- yitsey Church and Trees, Just open to the East ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYLIALIAN OPERA, COVENT-AAR- the llrdt tiumo thise easofl) Verdi's o~pera, Elvira.. ?? Aniolini, Boslo. GiovAin ?? Mdlle. Bellini. Don Sil ?? Signor Tagliafco. Don Carlos ?? Signor Graziani (Hils first appearance in England). Don Ricardo' ?? Signor Sold!. lago ?? Signor Poloiinl; and Ernani ?? SignorTamberlik. To conclude with the new ballet divertissement, E VA. In which Mdlle. Cerito will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BETWSTFRRN RAILWAY.-On Sanday, ECURSION TRAIN to BATHl and BRIS. I'M5 ?? .4 ~. n will returis thne ?? lea~0 to 3 and3ath at 7 o'clock. Farem: 1,atli, glk~i~~1 ~andCS. No luggage allowed. aBUFFALO R~AILWAY fAI ~ RCOIPAyCANADA WEST. carl~ 5o0o0 urrncY being £41s.000 sterling. sicasa v£~ ure'ny, r £20 10s. isterling. DeP5~1 13. aShae, sterling. V eOW e g.,Gdrich. }Threts Directore in Canada. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PSSENGFlS, per WELLESEIRYV,j frOTI' t CACTTA.-This shipl being niow oin tI pfrt~iotllotoii, passliigers are reqluested, to be there, her WA. flh'113AK onl TUESDAY NEXT, tile 18th1 juit., as 1130.1 ?? 't dayli'lit on thle 100llowin mOortiling. Ageutit there, ,sie Ill -al1 ' -IfGoII.-F, h1.REEN, and Co., 64, Cornhill. ?? tod i-. jis DR C ?? 26-., or 31P.--The ?? agatiouit Compny's STEAM-SHIPS ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W RAND BAL MIASQUt, TO-MORROW.- GROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVE'NT-GARDEN. M. 3ULLIEN has the houour to announce that a GRAND B1AL HASQUE will take place TO.,IOIIOW, Friday, Feb. 2, sehitis wilt positively be the last this season, aud terminate the Coisert-s The approachiinj Bal Masqut, the first ever given 4s the toyal Italian Opera, will afford nil opportunity of producing an Enter- tainvent i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yADIES' TITBERNIAN FEMALE SCHOOL Li SOCIETY. uinder the patronage or hert Most Graciosue )hejestvY the QUEEN.-A PUBLIC MEETING on Behalf or the above society will be hield ?? at Wililo's Roomns, K(ing-street, St. Jamess,' on Friday, the Ihth of May. The chasir will he taken precisely at Two o'clock, by The Moot Ilosourable the MlarquIs of ClOLMONDELEY. Tho Ma1rquis of Bland brd, the lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. b I ~0a Immediately, in 2 vols., with plates, 21s., tl HE CITY of the CRESCENT V, ith PIC- T TURES of HAREM LIFE; or, the TURKS in IS54. By - G. TRENERY, Esq., author of 'The Morning Land, &c. One principal object to pourtray the life of woman in Turkey as it really is.-Preface. Charles J. Skeet, 10, King William-street, Charing-cross. KERTCH, ARABAT, CAFFA. One sheet. In ...