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Ship News

... Sbip RtblI5. BELFAST, DrC. 831.-Wild, S.E. by E.-Weather, Frosty. Ali VED. DTa]cinmcrit 2S.-Camilla, st., Glasgow; Windsor, st., Liver- pool. 29.-Fire-Fly, st., Ardrossani; Thetis, st., Glasgow; Blenhcim, St., Liverpool ; Princess Alice, st., Fleetwood. 30. -Whidsor, st., Liverlpool; Lyra, st., Glasgow. The Sobraon, Davis, at Dublin, from Demerara. on the 24th December. S.UL.E1). DECERcENliR ...

Published: Tuesday 01 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 466 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... Ijc . EN G LIS SI. LOXIDON CORN-EXCHANGE,, Drnccncn 2GS. -The suipplies have increased of foreign Gra;n and slightly so of English. The chlaunge to colder %weather causes the trade to rule firm for Wheat, while Barley, Oats, and other Grain are held for fully as mucih money, without ally active demand: -Wheat (Essex, Rent, and Suffolk), whitc, 42s Od to 4D5s Od per qr.; do., red, 38s ...

Published: Tuesday 01 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1699 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... TRADE, COMMERCE, AND FI[NANCE. B1ELFAST, MiON DAY EVIE'NNNG. BSuui-Ess, geircrally speaking, hia assumedl a norc cheerful aspect as the year closes. There has il eei, cvidentrly, a ic- vival of trade in the manufactirririg districts, irn corisequerice of whrich tlre advocates of tihe Free-trade theory have jumipilie to the conclusios that a perimaincit restorution muest euiic. We shoulil lie ...

Published: Tuesday 01 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 807 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Belfast Markets

... 1113OF.1.5t T1ru' i SI),, JA:Nuicr 3.-Thc wNeatheir, since Tluesday, hls been mild, and the fiost has gone awafy vely gradually. We hInre no alteration to note in our larket this week. The supplies have been moderate of all descriptions of lirdule, and there has been a steady demand on the part of bhyers. No chanoge in the value of Indian Coin, and the transactions in this article continue on ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 525 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Ship News

... Ra4iir llchl5. BE3nAST, JAw. 3.-.Wind, s.W.-Weather, Rainy. AnRIVEDr. JATAnRY 1.-Queen, st., Whitchaven; Carnilla. st., MIs- gorw; Princess Alice, St.. Flectwood; Fire-Fly, st., Ardrossen ; Alihion, st., Stranraer; Venus, Tait, Alicanto. 2.-Blenlihein, st,, Liverpool; Princest., Dublin;, Lady Seale, s. st., London. 3.-Lyra, st., Glasgow; Princess Alice, st., Fleetwood; Fire- Fly, et., Ar ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 460 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AGRICULTURA.L AND COMMIlERCIAL RETRO- SPECT OF 18-I9. Trimi organs of Frec-trade are chuckling mightily at the prospects wIhich the close of the past year seems to pre- sent to their self-deluded vision, or, more fitly speak- ing, to that faculty they possess, in nn eminent degree, of making the worse appear the better cause. The Mloirning Chronicle and the Times, cach in a diffcrent wvay, ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1823 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Trade and Commerce

... graate allb (oullncrcl. REVIEW OF TH}E BlTISl CORN TRADE. Ix takinga retrospectof the grain trade dnrine thopast twelve months, there are few points to look back to wvith satisfiictioii. The value of' most kinds of corn, hd already undergone a great depression at tile close of 1S-S, in anticipation of thE Ilc- moval of the duties in Februar 'y, 1819; and, in January last. manv parties, usually ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1185 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Belfast Prices Current

... 33clfa,5t Vrico (Tarrmt. THURS DAY, JANUARY 3. GRAS I N. WIR5'.AT, -'I Mwt. s. d. s. d. OATS, . cwt. s. d. s. d. White, 8 0@S 6 New 4 8 @ 5 9 11ed, 5 0- 7 11 Old, 0 -0 0 FLOUR, , cwt. IOWOAT.\rA, 9 4 - 9 10 Irish,super.., 16 0- 0 0 BARLEY, 4 9 - 5 6 Baker's 1st, 14 G- 0 0 INDIAN' CoRN', %% ton. , 2nd, 13 0-0 0 White, Z7 0 0-7 5 0 , 3rd, 12 0-0 0- Yellow, ; 16 0-7 0 ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 953 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... Ciie iktlltar. EN GL IS II. LONDON COlIN-EXCIIANGr, MoxNmx, DEcrmnm 31. -The suipply of Wheat this morning wvas small, and quickly disposed of, at anl advance of 2s per quarter. Barley, Beans, and Oats are unaltered in value. Floating cargoes of Indian Coin are inquired after at 2Ss 6d for Ibhailaalnd 20s Od per quarter for Galatz. The follo)ing ar e tho quotationls, viz.:- -Wheat (Essex, Kent ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1346 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PIRCES OF IRISH STOCKS.-VEDMNESDAY, JAN. 2. 2 -- 1- . , _I . U per Cent .s . . I , 'G3 - q 31 per Cent Sto.c 9.. , 97 PRICES OF ENGLISII STOCIS.-TuEsDxY, J5N. 1. ConsOlS for Account ..'. s 3 per CcntsreoduIced . ,,,., 3.1 per Cents ,.9/.. S lE.xschequer Bills .. 5S Vt ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 192 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... a Lit5t ot 141)ipillg, REGISTERED AT TIHE PORT OF BELFAST, 1ST JANUARY, IS50. Vessels marlked (4) are the Registry of 1850. EMPLOYM) IN TUE FOREIGN TRADE or THIfS PORT. Vessels. *IDalriada, Sorranm, Urritcd Kingdorn, *Tara, Viceroy, *Scotl aridl, .I Alf red, Iingfield, Ferozepore, Sir Robert Peel, Erterpe, *William Penn, Chiprpewa, Riverdale, Erin's Qrreen, *Free Trader, Eliza Morison, ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3559 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS.-SATURDAY, JAN. 5. .9re - DV-f 0--~cle n u per uent consois . .. :. 9 G 3j per Cent Stock 93 Bank Stock I . 199 PRICES OF ENGITSH S'TOCKS.-SAT5RI)AX, JAN. 5. Consols for Account 9( 3 per Cents Reduced. 97/ i3 3j per Cents. ..8 Exchequer Bills 5J 9 62 B EL F A S'T: TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1850. THsE foreign news, since our last, includes advices ...

Published: Tuesday 08 January 1850
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 370 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce