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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1ALUER of DRAPERY STOCKS,-- v ?? PLATTS, General Draper, G;ainebro', D 6102 ~IANOF0RTE EXTRA011DINARY.-By Her I Xxjesti's Rtoyal Lottero Patent-Il. TOLK~IEN'S irresistible PIANO FOTEtltI' with triss coleclve Isracinigs.-Tb'ese exquisite inl. etcl,5555t art superior in Foster to any other Eng1Lh or fortiuri phino, for qisal tY Of tOUD in1ieslssllcd, tivblt nosinhefor extreme clireares ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ilIOMAS ASKHAM begs to return his sincere ,tlrks to the Serbseribers of the T1ratlecmen'd Benevolent Ttofor their kinrauesi in Electing hitc a P'ensioner of their Icten',t chelrity. A 10887 EY5YOUNG MEIN'S ANTI-SLAVERY LJ orcI ETY.-Tofirr 1ev0 LECTURr wdil bre delivered in thre S-ock 11te .,1ai, ore Mondeaoq Everrirrrj Xoerreeer Ti'ecati-serced, by IV E. I'ORSTER, REq., Rurley, near Otley. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIMPEACHMENT-oF thD R ~IN k 1. On Tlrrriada Eveonil rext, Atiosts Fifth, Dr. F. R. LEER will y deliver a LECTURE in George-Siroet School Room. Hiudderesfeld. eSubjeot- The Impeachment of the DRINK TRAFFIC, as Incon- latent with our Industrial proseprity and social welfare.` It I ~~~The Chair to be taken at eight o'clock. L- Dr. Lees will also ?? a Lecture On tile Physiology of Tee- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £2aks bp VXA1te ;§ontvact, jobott;, Ran'flb, &c5 cU CARBOROUJGH.-TO be SOLD or LET, with J immediate pose55ion. au excellent ?? and HO uSE. IXn the e enter of r N boronlh-erteet, adjoining the George Hotel, built preeslP for the D rapery and Carpet, Baiuesi . There premiss are *rol e I new, having A roonta of 18 reet and aboutt III feet from front b~hack . T tisse- thre c~reha58 rn~ ,y may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ii O~~tiDET ILarc-i'ow, LeOd. Q4T.c Nl ?? eire will be SjE,EAiN I!TutO TOA ic -Oipi.Mui:-Wb iS Gi ., Clil ilb ?? (C II.7M~.0clyJ l;OIA2IIN 1110,11 MTASS will I ciei ~ a C. tyrciGlOria, Credo, Setectte, and Agi~~nc I) l Olfei~~~ocy D 17317 ~VFL3'1 ANNVE~iABYof the MET11O- Sil itle~ - incioeiiio wile hi AuniiVCCersi will be preached Viie - 1~v ~t~i3'iaint~i.il4,l5e, inl the Mmoritig, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS TOWN-DALL CONCERT SOCIETY JJ r.Zi~S~lT-First Performance this Aeason of Mandell'ohn' Lrn pire OI~R. ?? UN DERLA D, Mr SOOTET SOCIETY. Canductor. SIArDSPAR . Freel 13, ~. 5 seas. t~r. ; bck wras and romeirse, 3d Tr~etcrt~ie Sas~nI~ehts. e~e.5 pacesfor ohie wil be re JOLIN PIER J. Uon. Seew, D 615 1,il given in the VICTORIA HALL, on FIitdity, Februaur 1intl ), MSADAMIE VIARIDOT GARCIA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENTLEY'S QUATMIY 'REVIEW, on ptsd.eah.O Zs.t Fierlof T E Y I TV~1A1S IX.EIENCB ot TOTAL T -AD INN(IF FROM01 INTOXI1CATING LIQUORS. BY EDWARDs EAMiES. I~oaon W Twedle.327,Strad. L Eds . Baines and Sane. .s~ ruw ec., 4 pegr, piceis. 2d. cloth, extra ti~E HSTOY o MOLEYOLD CHAPEL, blade, Bond-street. Morle S. Stead. D 22508 Juet published. Deny 8v0. Price 3s. Od. ClOMETS: THEIR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEED TOW HALL CONCERT SOCIETY. NJ 'if~ EE N Nt, in tho VICTORIIA. HALL,, Graeeil Operatio ~'efcmatCOof LASONNAIMXLA, YocelliEt9 -Mice A8iAA D~lpeN,2l1OAICP R.140AI DS'O-N Hliv PILLIN(I, Me. OI~RO~ F~~gREMr. RICHOARDe RtAMSDEN, Air. n:rt IYHAlYO. cectrerwishithe irlearsr-.i of the LERDS I 1~5TIVAL UHOEA SOCETY.Cornisrctor Mr. R. S. BURTON. Piaoeorte, Mm. WOD lott Ireekin 1iy caoricated to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pV.W. M. PUNSHON'S LECTURE. 1 W V.1 Doors weill be opened at Six o'Clook. R14270 gr' A RiT UNION of' LONDON.-Tfhe Subscription .CM. List for the carrentnier will loss on the lhicsfrst inst. I1 ASSE. Local Secretary. 3 01 .*DE WILLIAM CHADWICK. a Bankrnpt.-- ?? The Creditors of this person are reoseotied to oomomuuscate laistiC Imlsuediatsl1y Whil Olr. lP-berls. Solicitor', 50, Prineess-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &P- aod as a tir actursli opt, at a Ansi,~ ,of WV; ev. P. RT LAIC ANTHON tar Pon Hey. Di to Ail to Mis Ld, Brix or of 11 id grand ?? --Pridi. aghter O F. Pridie ' the lat Ur. JOnI 1 Laiste d dasigh J. ones OATH, of Leok rechitect builder n1, Vice; f, ourt: formes butchei, itralctort Rev. Fl STEPHET bbrae~ ill, To;. xiiral. Sit arrison sged 3-2, Led, 1,1r Kendal, leasanti aeler, of Ui5OALL, 28, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Tiu USE or NElimiNtLa IlidSOtNsiEiil t jIjktrY 'TliOUsosN CURiES I.Frtt17h BY £D' I! iloeA1 iits: 8ARABICA Peonl, a pleasant and oeiectual remeedy ~witliwit!t Iclue, iisceiveiiieiice, for exipense, as it ?? ltyift.'. cost iii otherimeansof Cure) for necrvolls * toma~cli i,, ;. I1nal , liver, laud bilious complaintte, hswevvr deeplyi.. -deysiepsia linldigestionl), ?? toaist sat ionl,le:'' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISENNNTS.1 hTHE NEW YEAR.--It is at this happy period of the trear, 'hat ilhe exuberance or thea feelings amid licenes of gaiety osaturitily Iinduces the ?? mitd youthful to shine to auvantago Iunder the gaze of matly fr iends; and hence probably arises the t, ormous demand that Gala ly :ottends RIOWLANID's KALYOOK, MACASSARl 0L. and Lfnosro or Pearl lielitifirice. at this f~ativa ...