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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Lesses, Mr. E. r. SMITH. Acttng Manager, Mr. 0. MSATuEw. StaOe Masager, Mr. R. Roxt3Y. THIS El'ENING her Majesty's ervants Will perform the euc- cessful comic drama, USED UP. Characters by Messrs. C. Nathows, a. Roxby, Tilbury, and Yincent; Miss b. Olivcr and M9n. F. Matthews. To be. followed by the interlude of LITTLE TODDLEKINS, in which Mr. Charles Matthews will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOUTH -CAROLINA, BONDS. - The HALF-TL YH.ARLY DIVYIDEIND oin the above BONDS, negotiated by Jiessrs. PALMER, MACi(ILLOP, DENT, asid CO., duo oin tko 1st TI 0f Jauary ext, illbe PAID at theoir Counthig-house., on tha't BOI and evey ?? day except dturda), between thle hours pl of~levcu and Thre. The Coupons, It a list !in numerical Mine order, ust beleft twt clea days peviousy for xaminatioti. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SAM NAVIGATION COM- - FI,.LSTEP leae t.istharine's W~harf for- huiorsday. at 12 noon. 2ou. pt jicodayC, and Saturday. II, at 1I a~m. 25s. ho iilt% odneeodtay and Saturday, at 11 ant. 17i. 84d, at I)TlI~vWdedyand Saturday. 3d, at 12 noon. uns. Co 9 ES) a~m. ; loth, at 1 aft. 10g. Fromn Lndon-bridge Wharf, for- Ii I Al cry ThnrctdaV andi Sunday. 4th, Tit 1 ri.m. l0s. th CAMS . ioslFriday, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUR-AND A-HALFand THREE PER CENT. F ANC2,o.PERtUVIAN BONDS.-Holders of the ?? Stock are requceted to take notice, that, by order of the Peruvian Miinister, attendance will be given at the office of the Financial Agents, lmessrs. AMTONY GIBBS anid SONtS, 15, Bishopsgate- street WVithin, from Monday, the 11th inst., ?? Saturday, the 23d inst., b, th inclusive, between the hours of Eleven and Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAND BAZAAR, THIS DAY, Juie ftth, by the kind permission ot the Royal Toxopholite SocietV fi their beautiful ground., in the jlegent's-i'ark (entrance by iork- gate), ol BIEHALF or tilhe h1OSPITAL for CONSUMPTION anid IOISK1ASES of the CHEST, Brompton. Admission, le. each. Children. of. each The Blizaar will hc opened at Two oc;ock.| Carriages to enter by York-gate. Now-road. PHILIP ROSE, lHon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- ,,[IL LA TRAVItTA.-LE CORSAIRE. Mdlie. PICCOLOMINI.-Mime. ROSATI. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT.-O1 Thursdag reaxt, Jily 24, ;ill be presented Verdi's opera, LA TRAVIATA. VOe tia, Millie. Iccolormini; Alfredo, Sig. Calzolari; Barone Dtuphbil, Sig. Valro; Dottore Grenvil, Sig. Bailtou; Germonti Gioglio, Si,,. IVenevenltlao. After which will be repeated the ein;;rely now ballet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .; trier i 0t repe dradrvwiong accounts vith their custo- l* >;.Ire ~ espect, ass b0divided into 40,000 shares, of 'dpstfi06Sperhalere shall be paid, oil the I mace ?? intO t Power will betakenbythe 15:ih 5t1eap tols s£pA2,0oo00, with tre t esoent of specially convened., ' 4 dirty e f thc diretetrs to select a general manager, ,t cC ,pgilIat~ W rcn ill assure to the shareholders and Li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Managemsnat of Mr. BUCIKSTONE. THIS EVENING will be performed SECOND LOVE. Raiph ornihill, Mr. Buckstone; Cptalis Dangerfield, Mr. Howe; Haw- buck, Mr. Ci nspton Ellillor Mowbray, Miss Reynolds; Mildred Vernon, Mi r M. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwilliam. To be followed by the Spanish Dancers. After which, the comedy of PRESENTED AT COURT. Geoffrey Wedderburme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEURUVIAN THREE PER CENT. LOAN, 1 1853.-Notice is hereby given, that t11e following saulip, viz., £25,549 10s., the amount or the Redemiptioni Fund for the Six Months endiug the 1st April, 1835; and £1,404, the amount of accumulated Intprest of previous Redeuip~ti~fl, have been em- ploycid in the PURCHASE of 2 Bonds, Letter A, for e1,000 each. 16 , B for £890 each. 391 ,, , C, for £100 each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __ 'NVPBRUSSELS, COLOGNE. HAM. IYRG ERLIN LEIPEIC. DUI)ESD Y &eV.-Sca Passage f- Rlcauied fares, 275. and 26.-'The ANTWERP p,~r splendid, and very powerful steam-ship BA.RON OSY, F. NV. 1'e.it5cH, Costiander, seat gltirises' Wharf, Tower, every Sunday at Tweve~v ..rsissgl-,, fr,,iii Ailtserl5 every Wednesday morning at * ts'roal l by rail road from Antwerp to Cologne, ~ i c o lcuc~. readen c,& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Maiiaenwrt of Mr. BUCINSTO E. THIS EVENING wvill be ?? A COMICAL COUNTESS. After wvlchi, the concdy of SECOND LOVE. 'aplt 'ilhoralhill, Mr. Hueklitone: C-platin Danigerllel~l, Mr. H-owe; Ilawbuuk, Mr. Or.upton:, Ellinorl ?? P^yiol'is 1:1dred Vernon, Ui 9 AlI. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwillen). To befolow0ed by the Spaisb D):ancr3, Witll tbo farce of LEND 31E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E UROPEAN and AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY (Linifted).-Appointead by the A-miraltj 1 for MELBOURNE and SYDNEY, carrying ber Maejesty's i's emsi TA, 2,215 tons, 500 horse power, will Pail ~ otlinapon n Tesay, 21th February, with mails. pas- girec ad igt ooe os Malta, Alexandria, Ceyloni, and Aunt- Arr~geeets re n regeanorbooking passengers, specie, and niechaidu diectto nd romCalcutta, Madras, ...