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Advertisements & Notices

... Yz ANTED, an A1 SHIP to . k w y LOAD at HULL for MEL. BOURNE -Apply toI R. J. NELL, 1, Parliament.atreet. - ?? FOR MELBOURNE, . bi E as rootn for LIGHT FREIGHT only, 'and will meet with quick dispatch. Wil be *ucceeded by en A. 1 Slip.-Apply to R. J NELL, 6, Junctioo-place; or WILL. PRIEST & SON. F OR MESSINA DIRECT, 13_the fine tl t. Clipper Vessel, CHRISTIAN to be succeeded by the Al. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O0 BE SOLD B Y AU CTION, T by Messrs. D.uIELS and CLOUGHTOlT, at the Rose Tavern, in Sykes-street, Hull, on THURSDAY, the 19th Day of February, 1857, at Three ?? in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced), LOT 1.-All those TWO FREEHOLD MESSUAGES I or DWELLING-HO ISS, being Nos. 7 and 8, on the west side of Caroliiie-street, in the parish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. VTISITORS TO THE SEA SIDE AND OTHERS V Exposed to the seorching rays of the sun, and bented particles of dust, will fild Sli ROWLANDS' EALYDOR every a mostrefreshing preparation for the Complexion, dispelling the cloud of liolgour and ielaxcation, alla3'ill all beat and Irrita- 32, C bility, and immediately affordling the pleasing sensation attend- Sole iag resterod ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY DANIELS & CLOUGETON. POSTPONEMIENT OF SALE., T E SALE BY A.tCTION of Materials in Water- O house-lane, Pews in Christ Church, Land in Church-street, and Houses in Worship-street and Bath. place, advertised -for Two ?? on THiURSDAY, the 26th April, at Messrs. DANIELS and CLOUGsHToN'S Sale. rooms is 'POSTPONED until THURSDAY, the 19th May next, at the same hour and place. JNO. JOS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,o~uranct oz~ SuOTT'ISH E~QUITABLE'LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. (INCORPORATED BY ACT 01F PARLIAMENT,) EDINBURGHn, 26, ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. LONDON, 61, MOORGATE-STREET. His Grace the DuxE or' BUCCaaUooI AND QUEENS- BERRY, President. TOTAL SUM ASSURED -367 ?? 3,,.F i ANNUAL REVENUE - 1in0 ?? ,1 ACCUMULATED FUND.. 4916,535 View of the progress of the Scieoty. I Amount Annual Arcunmu. Assured. Revenue. l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED KINGDOM LIFE~ ASSURANCE COMPANY, 8, WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL-MALL, LONDON. U7, GEORIGE.STRtEETl, EDINBURGII. 12, ST. VINCENT-PLACE, GLASGOJW. 4, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. DIRECToRS. James Stuart, Esq., Chairman. Hananel de Castro, Esq., Deputy Chajrrm,in. Samuel Anderson, E sq. BD:0. Q, elleriquce, Esq. )Hamilton Blair Avarne, Es!q. P.C.MItandi, Esq. B. Lennox Boyd, Lsq., Resident Wvilliamn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. El. BAKU, Ancrt 1TECT andSURVEYOIi, 1 3, Higlh-street, Hull, has a Vacancy for a respectable and well educated Youth as an APPREN- TICU.-Apply as above from Ten to Four. A YOUNG GHNTLEMIAN, 19 Ye;rS Of A Age, who is thoroughly ?? with Gerlman, and possesses some knowledge of French, is in VANT of a SITUATION in a Merchant's or Commission Agent's Office for a Term of Years. Apply, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HALJLAST-IIIGHTER FOR SALE. riiO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONK TRJACT, a good BALLAST-LIGHTER . Ton ?? t° Mr. T1os. G1rri3oN, Grocer' bar St. Mirv's Chiurch), Lo'vgate; or prey ;pePelte t ' ' ^lrs. s. GIBSON, 33, Masonstreet. noti ,l Septeniber 26thl. Kee ?? P all F OR STETTIN, the fast-sailing PIIuu Prussian Brig CARL, 227 Tons Boa Register, Captain FRED. BuDiG, wvill sail F l 1t ist. ?? _ iht, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lificMt'^ideoitou0. - LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC p ~~~PILLS. thr following Tcstitioaial is another proof of the great efiayof this medicinflO eiiicsCY o~ Nevv Bond-Street, London, October 12th, 1551, ,.it, ccquaintill YOU with theitreattbenctit whichlI have ex. f je C~ I.)ty akinS BLAI iS' GOUT & RHil IU ATIC PILlS, .TiclcI-. f~riingaduty to thatpotiton of toe public I ambut II ',rfa cn be r Il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,JffiIellaneou0. TOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, J and the whole of Jo0n Cassell's Books MODEL P'ARISH MISSION COCOA (prepared by Codbury Brothers), HOWQUA AlX'rURE TEAS, At T. wooD'S Central Temperance Dep~t, 67, Whiitefriargate, ,)ppOsitc1Trinity House-Lane. %0 Hourly expected, a large supply of ALMANACKS, to be presented gratis to the purchasers of Tea, Cocoa, &c., at this Establishment. ATAM4ERING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGULAR LINE OF TRADERS. O R L U B E K, Vi P the fine Hanoverian Schooner aI HENRtCUSha Capt. J. H. SCHULTE 0cceds the Mentor, and will be dispatched about the 21st Instant. For Freight, &c., apply to GEORGE CAMMELL, Hull, gtll Jlne, 1852. KO s0R B RF.M EN TOWN, lt F R the Fine Vessel ' N C H L I E V E N H E I T,. Capa S. VAN rER SWAG, has the greater portion of her Caro engapd and will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? x,!J4 HE I NLURKSIIIRE FIRE A ND Lp I INSUa N CMPANY. E.'.@ablsaned at YOrA, 182 d EMPOWERCED BY ACT °p PARLIAMENT RALPB CHaYall Esq-, Eawclife Hal. JesONN SYTA?;N,Eaq., ASirham. LEONARD TPOMP80N, BSq., Sheriff-Hutton Prk BANr;EBS-MeSSRa.SwAN CLOOH&, CO. ,'ri ACTUARY andS5CR ITRY ..0i0rkW L.'N k DIRECTORS FOR JhULL. rNOr. THOS. BARKWOBTH, Esq., Braffordss SAML. H. EGGlNTON Esq., North ...