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Advertisements & Notices

... a *\ EAST OF ENGLAND SCREW. GSS P) U COASTIN G COMPANY (Limited). ?? ' ULJ-HULL ANI) LONDON STEAMERS, . 9tZsAto and from Custom-House Quay, Lon- don, at REI)UCIbD FARES. City DepV t and Recciving-house-61, King William- 3treet, at which boxes, parcels, &c., are received. The VELOCITY and VIGILANT will ply as under From HULL, As ecoon after Ten ?? as the tide permits, EVERY WVEDNESDAY AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _- 44n ?? HULL TO LOVDOV 4 / WITI{ o Vl~A jall WATIIfr LONDON eve EDNESDAY ad t as follows :- DAYT | Saturday, September 5, at 10 morning Wednesday, ,, 9, at 12 noon. Saturday II 12, at 1Ift Wednesday, I, 6, at 3 afternoe00 Saturday, ,, 19, at 10 noorerlien, Wednesday ,, 23, at 11 luorunlg. Saturday, , 20, at 1 aft-o Wednesday, ,, 30, at 2 aft roeort Returning from London Bridge Wharfi, NESDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN ACT OF CHARITY. AGsntlonaanhlavin~gbeen cured of NervousDebility 1 ?? longstanading,theresult of early errors, and after much mental ad bodily suffering, thinkajt but charitable to render such aianfortnatlonto others similarly situated, as may restore thema to health, without exposure. Full Particulars sent to any address, by enclosing One Postage stamps to prepay Po tage.-Address, THOMAS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l!ooI «alt0. Ast~tb HALL OF COm~lenciiiC, London, 01n ThuYsdayl,, 2nd, Tusdy We 7S. and Saturday, Ih It May, DY ,'SMD Bales PORT 1IILLIP, PORT ADELAI F-. VAN dG DIEMEN's LAND, aed'CAPP GOOD HOPH WOOLS. Also 0n thj 7Nh. about 200d Bales EAST INDIA, no BUENOS AYRES. and simil ar descriptions. fo. Catalogues and further particulars in due time on application ep to J, T. IMES & Co., Brokers. 6S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAX'S AND GROSJEAN'S LIGHT OVER COATS, JO] MORNING COATS, SHOOTING JACKETS, &a. ASSISI R. ferred d- V. R. ?? mAM 1j W .HALE , ATE, 14, COADMERCIAL-STROET, XV id~e LEEs,, begs to announce lise return from London, Millini lierh has selected a choice assortment of the new epring and to idand Sumnmer SURCOAL'S, STIRTOUrS. MORNING COATS, Oftice. e, DRESS and FROCK COATS, Ie cr s., which for beauty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to ?? l IOP WAREHOUSE, 20, CALL - LANE, tic is Three Doors from tKirkgate. M lb n BAKEWELL FLETCHER, Hopt MER- al D, CHANT, begs to call the attention of brewors a-,d dealers or to hijo stork of New and Y earling Mid and East Kent, Sussex, I, a, North Clay, Worcester, and Farnham Hops, which he is nlow BI oltering on the lowest possible terms. i Black Beer Brewer, of first-rate quality, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISUECHF PASTORZAL AID S 00 C E T Y CJ L13EDS ASSOtCIATION.-Tlce ANNUAL SERMONS be PB0EACIIED in Leeds and the nelchbdnrhood oil Sweday. je &creneeenfh iatoaf, and the ANNIVERSAsRY MEETING Wilt be held on tbe Ev~ening of Jlonday, thle Eighteellth. ADY HEWLEY'S CHARITY.-The next L MEETING of the TRUSTEES of this charity will be held at Wood's Hotel, Farnival's Inn. London, on Wednesday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'go brc At. L a pper %A~cortioy, iATo i T o, O~c~piedby the latte ,I. Win, a c t thle adjoining Shills. 0 E ,a .gjiunditd MA Suhtn t- 3? lourhliooI of Leedsi, withint tine mile , at i ai.-is -iiatioii i~tl frequtent trainis. 'Clio holney is latrge, grotl 0,1, Cx onve wso lr arge ?? for aloisntig will lishitig. Pter lpartiiciiars tii to -ce II tip], liet3 uo Mr. C. Ii. Dreto,,r, 30, 'rer~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if li'iuhi-~Tl'AIAS ±'ES 6 .1 V.1'1 lB I E 8 ?? VN(IT'I~lRll 1ALWYAibt tXCIIT(ELI UlIfIIl' EXC''lli- Slu?1 TOC II NIJIJNx, Jim .11TlAN, 1h0' C 11 V Y iOT I, P A IA ?? I (clods (PcI '11w' of at',rlii tirI Cil.,a . l'ec,.Ir'ill I 'tr k JIllt'aull .i ?? 10.1, 111 0.I1 1118 tairslla. e' catuci 10.1Ia) NWA(KEFEL 1)aiiISltittj,,I 10.30J .. 1 ?? 010 JANAIS'Ai'tltclvil Statiaciss (25O .. 1 7 00 130 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ADVlEATISEUEN13, of It is one of the peculiar duties of the conductors of a b newspaper to point out to their readers anythirig of reat merit, wh sepecially wbeu that is an ai ticle which is used by every one: of more or less. We refer Ito the GLEVVISsLD PATONTISTARCH, out which, we believe, ie almost un iversally used, end we haveme groat pleasure in hearing our testimony to its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS CATHOLIC LITERARY INST1''TUA A N N U A L S 01 lE. ibSAN`eUXL SiliitjiE of the above institutioiiwill beheldIS Ill thle .J U IC -IIALL, A t.BIOl - STURTle (il iur Aar sy. tike T/,irll .,bruar/ , eexl. 1leEwinience CARDINAL WISEMAN will preside.I Tile fQ1lOvis,, gentslemten have proimis-ed to be present ott 'She lieltt 11,,v.Djr. BIIiUGCS*. 0111liAIliUS LANliiiALE. S CIIAS. 1:al'ET art. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~roMASONS, &c.-TO BE LET,the,,TlakING DO WN and RE~BUILDING of a AVORKG#OP at Wood. tl~cr.For patticulars apply atNo.7, West Bar, Leeds. r (RKSIRESLABS.-WANTD S-Ps ?? of about 3,000Lna jto W ,bakhire Slabs, ?? twelve inches Wide by si ncI5 hck in lengths not shorter than 2ft. Gin. Fo IVti~ariu ~ alaplbyletter, pro-paid, to Mr. G. G. Sco ~ Rimtor I re Lincolleshire.- Sith archi, 1853d BfUILDERS ...