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Advertisements & Notices

... HE MISSES PLINT respectfully ?? Ttbat ?? will be RE-opsoicD on Tharsday-T Jantary J Twenty-fofrth.-Leeds, 2, Park place. T HE ?? of Mrs. H AG E N A U E It' S 7 MORNI,4G CLASS for instrutoting young Indies in the varlous branches of ai soutnd Rel91ish t'ducAtion, will be llrssumi. on Tueedasy Janieary lcILT11 SITot', WU51. Private Lesjoru it IFrotlch and German, also on the Piano- . forte anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ADVERTISEMENT.] NOTICrE I-THE COUNTESS OF BLESSINGTONWS NOVEL OoUNTRNs QUARTnRS, in 3 vols. With portrait and Mernoi' of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Mliss flower, is published this. day by Mr. Shoberl. 20, Great. larlborouglh-street.-2. iAfso, noW ready at all the libraries, IIFlifes in Amber, by Miss Pardo&. authoress of the ` City of the Sultan, The Pretty Wosnian. &c., 3 vols.-3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 408 A friend in need, is a friend indeed ! Frie mHEl5B COMPOUND INDIAN EXTRACT Odfi Ijf is a safe and speedy remedy for malignant Goner- Fret drhtea, gleet, syphilis or venereal disease, whites, Irritation 88s of the blidder-econdary symptoms, nodes on shin bones, and Lo swelled testicle, &e., and forthe renovation and strength- 24s, Le ening ofthe system from the 'Unhappy effects of soiltarj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B R5TISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, Ifaw&-RoAD, LONDON. Geneaml ?? 180. Fellow Countrymen -it is again our pleasing tack to In. foemna. that the Hygalan System of Medlicine, introduced Ini 1825, by James iaorisoa, she Hygeret, ist rapidly tri.. umrphilip over every obstacle. During the last year, on the approacr of the Cholera, the members of the, British Col- lege of Health felt it their duty. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B-1RITISH COLLEGE OF H1EALTHS Netw-RoaD, Lo0flO0i. Gelierat Report jot' 1850. Fellow Countrymen ,-It is again cur, pleasing task to in- :form y~s, thast thle Hygolan System of Medlicine, introildued. in 1920, by James Iuorison the Hygsst is rapidly tri-, uniphiog over every obstaicle During the last-year, onwte, approach of thle Cholera, ithe members ot the ?? legs of Health felt it their duty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salt tv urtion. MUSIC IhALL, LEEDS. .MODERN HTOUTSFAOLD FURNITURIE. PIANO FORTE. B: NOBLE LOOKING GLASSES. CHINA. GLASS, IHAND' SO0ME RED'iITSADS AND HANGINGS, &c. Mar. JOHN IIEPPER begs to make known thant he will StILL BY AUCTION. at the Mlusic fMAiL, Loans, on Thulrdayisnext, the Sevene'enthl Jasnarve instant, (and not on Monday, the 14tb, as previously advertisied) [HEREMAINING PORTION OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. HIIE MISSES PARKINS respectfully announce that their Seminary will be RE-oPENc ) on WVednesday, lhes Tsbelt.ilhird inltanlt. lolt, Poitland-Crescent, Leeds, January 10th, l150. 3 COOPE;R respectfully announces that her ..L4 SchooI will be ?? o l the Twenty-firti instant. I No. I, Park-square. L UCY WATERFALL, witl grateful acknow- . Iedgments to her ?? that her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'DOO~b PU~iSED AND SOLD.A ,f T ~ 3VATSGNj3 ?? Paterfloster-tow. i Just published, 2id EdtocorteMlloi i2mo., 313 pages. closl orepie2s.,dbo nd In ~cloth: AMERICA C)PAE WITH1 NG LAND, Theo respetv soiloet fth Am~erican etind nglish ?? and to Legislation. and tlce MsinoDe cry. yU.p~ WV. 1tU58t51L, of Cincinati United Sates, counciller .law. This work explains the Institutions ?? of te UitedStaoa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'p OKS PUBL1YSHED AND SOL '1'by J. WATSON, 3- Queen's ilead-potsa,96ge Paternoster-rOW. Just epublished, 2nd ?? for the Million, in5 2M .5 1 aes lsl inited, IicO 2s. bound In cloth: ANMrICA_ C~esePAR1 I 1R LAND. The respective 00eilf Goeff met nfthed Amdrjcan and En hl s~i5~tens of Gvrmn n Legislation, and theM ision of Democracy. By R. W. RUSSEiLL, Of Ciaoncriati United. States, councillor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'uTEST RI iNG FitE E 1OL1,D LAND, ?? Tinder tihe sanction of It. Cobdenl, E sq.. NIX. A, general MtEETING of thle members of thisasociety will be hold in the Large Itoom, iS Park-row. oil l{'edincild5, lie Rad to elect olficors for the ensuin~g year. All1 P0180118 Who have taken a sharea before six o'clock in the eveuling of that day wvill be entitled to attend. ?? EEDS ?? S OCIE1.Th& L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJR EFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL. V wF. tITEDR, Chemnist to the Queen Hfalifax, has recesived vv,,tbier Supplybof the aboe, vory superir oip aedat biso uidiatl by Messirs. Langtou irotherl ,and Scov t t,, Ln- *negritis wi1'iclls ho continues to receive the highest enco- ?? tinaisthpofsion, and the medical preos. 'f1ir IMedieill 'limes of 25th AuguSt lis~t, aludnitg to the dlifi- Cully or procuring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y10MANUFACtUREiRS.-A Young Man,r T. Agent in Glasgow, wis~hes to add to tile preselit Repre- sentation, aind would be gladi to heare from a Manusfacturer producing for wholesale warehlsemitfen or ,ntawirttlturere i lngw. References, &c., given oit applying to X.Y.. care of less.Ilartbill aud SliltiondI Newn; Aalntiit (slAntOw. f'lUSIC.LIALL. , lstnrlhi Ltlsll. TLrG ANT MODERON 11OUSdElIILD ...