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Advertisements & Notices

... Price Is. lid. per box. v tstomach and bowels, the common symptoms Of which' arte0 costivenesl,' fistuency, Spasms, loss of appetite, Sick heand- ache, olddinees, sense of fullness after meals, dizziness of 'the eyes, drowsiness, and pains in the stomnach and ubowels, is IIndigestion, producing a torpid state of the liver, and a con- 1 Sequent hIiactivity~ oftthabowels, causing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e [ADvtMITisanr ?? T3 III this agc of new discoverics, we know of nole which 't recolsineedos itself with strergccr clailms le public Attention, or is onort Iier ) it place iii ovorv family.thaln a recoitly iii- vented nmachinue lor tlic lttipoi of 0 Washinig, Wrincging, and a.I liug. 'I lie pie 'eflt sysleil ofi clothes Witslwiing is opeu to serionus Aleciwons, whichi, we klnow ro other wayot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3 HOUSEKECP.Ei.-WANTED, in conse- AOquence of thei death of her late employer, a SITUATION ate Hfl8llKLFIiPItk to a s11ngle gentlematn, by it person 35 Y6,.- ot ge. UnexceptioiLlble referenceegiven. Apply to S23, Mercury Office. Le~oss. t WJANTEDJ, a P~erson thuroughy acquainted V wih th tufrd the ?? tates. He must have hatia practical experi cueo in thle Styles of goods and the varousiltais ...

Advertisements & Notices

... id Pric Is. lid. per box. 7flIHIS excelilent family PILL, is a medicine ?? long-tried efticacy for correcting alldlsorders 'ofthe, stornach and bowels, the common Symptoms of which are cooti'veness, fiatuency, spasms, loss of appetite, sick head- ache, giddiness,, sense offullness after meals, dizziness of thb eyes,' drbisibsi, endpains in the stomach and bowels, indigestion,producing a torpid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ) IME~l SIJCOEgSS OF THE NEW MED ; Wti t ?? r faikld.-A, ce efeci r I sm ret#-d R W ALTE;R- DE R'008 D ?? , odofrom may ea6. vD isexeflehisP Strtie ?? lectedn London and On Il I/ eese as that ?? rede 3tesnaheitunce~r continent, on enabled to treat, with the utnoet certain, - cure, evevry ertty 0fd1555 tino auth delsiv, ?? xcesses, infctonmuc Prll*.h ?? geluieetet til, ?? aliliteir varieties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and suc pride is. 11d. per box. 1c. THIS excellent' family PILL, is a niedicine Our AL 6f long-tirieelefficacy for corr~ecting alldisorders ofthe hla stomach and bowels, thu common Symlptomns of which are . costivenes5, dflatugney, Spasmcs, loss of ap6petite, sick head- Alnache, giddinesa, sercse of filues~s after locals, dieziness o oy tics eyes, drowsiness,, anoe pains in the stonlacli and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 N 0 P 0 L Y V C ra8u S M 0 S E S ILVJ. ?? DAY. 1, tfr h ora The evidence to, be adduced for the defendants in this Case, drew together thousands to-day ln eoetehu l Polinted for the busin~ess of slie court. Thle evidence wee as follows::-. John Bell, examined by Mr. Sergeant STvlmt5.-I am an Emglieiimsu., and have known the defendants since their commence- Ment. Previously to Motes and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt IfMENSE SUCESS OF THE NEW REMEDY c. Which Aaa snevter yet faid-A C e ted ot I ?? R DE RBOS, D nA-acc5, ' Odlfo aY years . y Ap. and 6n the experience a ithout S cerint catindnt, laQ nar bler toareate, wh u ir y uniertak iny teuets ?cure, cve'e variety cafa iea * F riY Soltary hceab del.ousive, e, c, ch esse, I c- or rch a gonlrrh gleet str wic e, b YPl i th eir b arefie anlytbgeo, which, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p ORiKS-.PUBUISHED' -AND -$0 LIX' A) by J. VATSN, , ueo ead.,asg.jt PTSOerndstrdjw JTust publisehd, Ond Edition foi, the~~i~fU Wim.,.13'poos.' oeo'iji 6 erso'2.,bouu&d coo In ee~t AAR1~C7 ~~1PR~bWITH -EN6.! a LAND Th 'rs etive and efethe i~.sfth Legsl~ton an th Ms-sion the aenctul ?? o.fp Allclsse o th pople, whether' natives or' emi-L grans,~ndcitai5 a. Astrai ad Rv1ew of the.A Ofhi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS POTTERY. TO EARTHEN WARE MANUFPACTURtERS, DEALERS, AND I OTHERS. LABGR AND 151PORTANT SALF OFIRARTWlENWARlE, WORKIiNGi TOOLS, and UTENSILS, used in the M1anufac- tusre thereoL. Mr. JOHN BimpPrll begs to AnnTIOnTCe to Earthenware Mdainnfacturers ainn Dealers, that lie 15I15 received inn-tr-nc- tiong fr-nm the ABsleVIC5S of Messrs. S. F4-nd J. CHIAPI'EL, Onf the Litacs PTTorrnnnv, to SELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... His Royal Highness Prince Albert, with the gentlemen in attendanice, enjoyed the diversion of selating. on thc ornamental water in ?? grounds, on Monday The QueeD and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent vere present. OPIEING or PAIRLIAMENT.-WO are informed that her Majesty wvill not open the ntext session of Parlianserit in, person. We have reason to believe that her M~lajesty's abseace on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADVERTISEMENT.S] CURE FOR TIIE TOOTH-ACSIE.-We refer any of ou readers who are suffering from the tooth-ache, to the adver tisement in this dav's Scrcss'y respectiltg bweeting's Tooth- Ache Elixir. Any suffering from this tiresome complaint will not deserve the least pity if they neglect to procure 8o easy and permanent a cure. REVALENT3t ARABICA FOOD.-We take pleasure in no- ticidg this ...