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Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION RESPECTING JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE. -JOHN CASSELL finds it necessary to caution the consumers of his justly-famed COFFEE against RVpurchasinig imitations of his packages. 'The fact that his establishment is the largest in the kingdom, and his CUFFIII5 most extensively consumed, has led numerous parties to attempt making up Very inferior articles in the same style Of Pack- age;- and some, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'HE ANGLO-CALIFORNIA GOLD MINING T ~~AND DREDGING COMPANY. CApITAL :-VO.00O, In Shares of 10s. each. DEPOSIT :-5s. per Share. OFFtICES:-ALfION CHIAMiBERS ADADI-STRasa, ADELPH,r, This company having amalgamated With an American party, andsecured thce right to work the newly discovered gold mines 01sasa~sgaand ther places near thle Calaveres It iver, in Uppr Clifrni. nw beg to offer their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... His Royal Highness Prince Albert, with the gentlemen in attendanice, enjoyed the diversion of selating. on thc ornamental water in ?? grounds, on Monday The QueeD and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent vere present. OPIEING or PAIRLIAMENT.-WO are informed that her Majesty wvill not open the ntext session of Parlianserit in, person. We have reason to believe that her M~lajesty's abseace on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price one shilling, part XV. (completing the second volume. of B A STOW'S BIBLICAL DICTIONARY. B London: Srsis'an, MARSHALL. and Co; BradforljYork. shire: BKNIANLIAN WVALKI, 3larket-street. Alexander-street, Park-lane, Leeds. Messrs. OLIVERl & SON respectfully make known that they are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, TTH E whole of the valuable STOCK-IN- TRoADedEv , heJoiners' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itorougit of liatl1i0. At the Urier George Inn, ina llifx.H On lI'cdtoldal, tile Stril day of Feblruary, l50, at six o'clock in the afternoon. in one B, or mole Iot,, and snibjec, to such conditlolns as will be pro- duced at the time of Sade, A LL that MESSUAGE or Tenement, situate on A the -veRt side of and having a ?? to Upper Kirk. gate, inl Ittifix, eld nowY ocrlled as anI olilce by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IM1sENSE S1JCCESS OF THE NEW REMEDY, Which ha snever yetfailed.-A cure effected or the stoC smoney returned. consi WALTER DE ROOS our o Imart .DrLJ 1!Ely-piace, Holboon'.hill, London, from many yeasr Notv, teiperience at'the various Bospitals in London and on thel good continent, is cnabled to treat, with the utmost certa ney of trads cure, everyv;ariety ef disease arising from solitary habits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m cIT. GEORGE'SCHURCH, LEEDS. -The r layge and splendid tow O RG A N, which has been ledNC for this church by Mleesre. Hielt, of Bfrad ford. underE the dir clion of Mr. Buirton, the late orgaisuowt eOeS e,, Frilddl .February Biohth IVe. the ,a EeenI TilwV'fil be two falser'vlcee n h ?? I aerenrg d seveu in the evening, the'n Dr. WVESLEY wilt preside at the organ. Collectionst Will be made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THtE NEW REMEDY, Whicah has never yet ?? effeced or thc in nimoney recurmeed. tnR. WALTER DE ROOS, LJ 1, Ely-place, Holborn-hill, London, from many years experience at the various Hospitals In London and on the Y continent, is enabled to treat, with the utmost certainty of Y cure, every variety of disease arisaing from soltary habits, g delusive, l&c., d&C., excess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (in Saturday, January 19th, wvill be published, .in Weekly. W Numbers, price Id., and Monthly Parts, price 6d, No. L.of ni HE COMIC FAMILY: HERALD, IL An l~lustrated, original facetious publication,' with first-rate engravings by first-rate artists. and the funniest cpntributlons by the funniest fellows-inteled. as a wi~ty efompIlion, anti ?? assistant, to the four ms popular weeky ?? Fonily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE NEW REMEDY, S Which Aces never yet failed.-A cure effected or thG stol , money returned. cons ; hR. W A L T E R D E ROO.or .LJI,, Holborn.bill, London, from many years Not, experience at the various Hospitals in London and on the good continent, is enabled to treat, With the Utmost certainty of trad , cure, every variety ef disease arising from solitary habits, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ir MANXIND are liable to one disease mere than another or If thers ?? any particularaffections of the human body we regaireto have a knowledge of over the rest, Itis met. tainly that class of disorders treated of in the new and en. proved edition of the Silent Friend. The authors, in thus sending forth to the world another edition of their medical work, cannot refrain from expressing their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Saturday, January 19d1, will be Publih( ,d, in Weekly liumbers, price ld,, and Monthly Parts, P licoe d. o. E:E COMIC FAMIL : HERALD, & Au Illustrated, orgnlfcei t bllcation. with rat.-rate engravingby Strata t and the fG. niest contributions by the fnet liei'eded as at witty ompanon, and huretthe four 'mest .rpoular w,,ekb, ceri r e anl erald,'the. Lou. Ao Junew andel nt and L10, i ...