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... ?? A LADY'S VISIT TO THEi GOLD DIGGINGS. The lady (then a spinster) accompanied her brother m April, 1852-53. She shared with her brother all the vicissitudes of a digger's life ; and narrates them in a free, fresh spirit: there is nothing artificial-nothing. hackneyed in her Paces- She begins by avouching their accuracy of detail. In a lack of the marvellous will consist their principal ...


... I _astmn 'r 'V. R h.mul ao hsk The abf ring question of ctrsage a Is bo5fl55 nxs wion decided upor by it aving beec determinodthat hey sho cntse w to be w~rnituorn bat at te sanre tie insist. sII ta e ?? nr the b black ?? asreseed to an ex- fent weoch may eventuily'pave the wray for the rstinfrx. duction of the paletot de dame. Great latitude ie, how. ever, allowed in the form; for they may ...


... PUB~LCAfOUM-B-N~L- I Igl ?? THE WHIM AT THE LYCEUM.f. Tce Urania of Tie Bachelor of Arts, is a series of romantic whims. The here, having ?? all the pleasues of life, is anaxious to invact a ?? oe. As a whim, he will go as a ft~les in. a private farmily. H~e does go, and throws cat for a father's inspection the most caorisus vattern-book of accomplishfments that a young man 3bout' to enter ...


... FASHIONS FOROCTOBER. .. I . . .. I _ I 1 . . . , . [Abridged from L di leaournal Gi'rd ra do.]. Some of our most noted modiates, who at the com-- mencement of the .season spoke of ., revolution in the,. fom of dreses, bavemnowa etecmined boeontinue the style' so much 'in faivourwith lliiec, and, at the. same time; 'eo onvenient.' Basques, then,' will still be ?? ii waling and neglige dress; ...


... ErNr.AND'S DECAY. I NV CirTIZE LED1u-liiOLs1A.--- Pa~is.-lg. hayo- now befoie us, and have carefully perused this invailuable, work of the exo-mieabor of the- Provisio'all anld Execu tivc government of France. In its pages are startling asserti.ns which wo, unfortuliately,.. are not in a psosition to euntraiict. for they are buti tob title. Bitterly does the author reproach the aristocraci- ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF ISSL VISITING THE BmULDIN.-The Commissioners have de- aided, in order to prepare for the reception of foreign goods in the ensuing week, that the public must be altogether ex- eluded from visiting the building after the 3rd of February. AlDrMnsSOze PRICE To THE Exnmsnon.o-Mr. Paxton, the architect, has written a letter'to Lord John Russell, sug- gesting the propriety of ...


... LITERARY _ A HORSE AND A LION,-A 1obley-n,, - I the reign of Louis XV, havinl tear inth none of the grooms or serva ntc X thes I .tbav~gIestelitgwii acon tilled urcstsl emu1eaty to hemave i urh 1 i' ased t lagailst one o% kthel elieh. ri51 'and th animlon aeered t e ' nd rendi3t.> ?? after-theari of terho sy, cot-heri ,drawn up, od the men , - the door 4s ,moared slowl the month of it, r rled ...


... O- am-db ?? Two YreaSa RESIDENCE IN A LEVANITINE FAMiILY.-UY B. Sr. JOHN.-Chopinenand He, Strand-There is some- thing so quaint and original in many of the custones of Musselmen, that we-the inhabitants of these unromantic isled zbannot but feed interested. andocurious in any fresh de- tails which are afforded us by eastern travellers,., Although ,there is but little in Mr. St. John's work ...


... The period of the atinual cattle exhibition having arrived, the judges assembled on Monday morning at the usaal place in Baker-street, for the purpose of conducting their exami- nation and awarding the prizes. Their names were Messrs. Torr, Turner, Buckley, Webb, Grantham, and Burgess. About eleven oclock her Majesty and Prince Albert, together with the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, ...


... ITHIE ZEXIBIION OF 18as. I Iiow-that*a -large proportion of the commiesioners of foreign cenlries ieave arrived int England and takes posses- eion of the differentt spaces allotted to them in the Crystal Palace, the public will be curioue to know how they are satis- fied with the arrangements made for their reception, and to what extent they are preparing themselves for the opening in May. In ...


... THE DRAMA. EUsI , &e. D~ruE LANE. --Mr. Bunn has once ?? assumed the ,$seagerial reins of this magnificent theatre, which will re- open on Boxing night with the legitimate draa,. s Many a time and oft have the done of the professieon essayed to .hold the mirror up to Nature within its walls, and bank- rsptcy and ruin have ?? their reward of merit. Whether this will be the fate of Mr. ...


... LITERARY XS ELLAiiEA, :. , .II A - A TRAITOR has fear for his. bedfellow, care for his cam .panion, and the sting of ?? for his torment. HncnREDsTaBY TniTs -Thie absiurdity of descendit bonours is not a mere matter of philosophical opinion iti capable ofM nathematical demnonstrtion. A mea-s oi tor instance, is but ialf of nis family, the other half beloain2, fo the family of his wife. Hlis son ...