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Freeman's Journal


... A rasebicahie, but not very crowded audience, graced the epticcg ofto eltaltan operiis yesterdacy cvening. The piece 8oniewihat perversely selected for the occalon, was the highly. praised., much abused, and world-talked of, La Travia's. It is not for us to take into consideratton the motives wvhiah may have led to the selection of this peculiar opera for tile opening night, when there were so ...


... I _fASBPtNABLE INTISLLIGBNCE. I The Countess of Cardigan has arrived at her lhouse in south.street, from visiting the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry In Ireland; her ladyship leaves Londonnext month for Italy. Lady Milford has arrived at her house ina Eaton- place, from visiting her father, the Earl of Wicklow, In Irnland. The late Major Warburton, M.P. for Harwicb, was well known in ...


... | FAsH1A0iABLE. 1NTELLIGENcB. X T The Earl of Carlisle does not resume his duties 3 ?? after the Christmas holidays. The noble earl is expected to stay at Trentham, on a viel to.tho Duke and Duchess 3 of Sutherland, durlng the Christmas week.- Obteives.: O d(J lih occasson of her Mrsjestys mearriage the Queen presented toeach of her bridesmnaids a diamond and tur- quolseornament, to be ...


... BALLINABLOE FAIR (EROX OvU COBRESPOwDENT), BALLINAOLoE, Five O'CLOCB, Pi..-Thle was a very late fair, though the usual supply of cattle and sheep was on the green at an early hour, still from the absenoe of strange buyers nothing wag done up to ten o'clock. Set. le.s we' holding out for high prices In the morning, tnt wale obliged to yield in the ocourse of the day. Few sales were efieoted up ...


... yesterday evening's conoert-the first presensed by the per. forming members of this society for the present season-was remnarktable for nothing In the tway of novelty as regarded the programme; neither was there anything in the performance beyond what might have been expected from the artietes en- gaged in its production. This anuouncement, in may instances, would be understood to convey ...


... I IFASHIONABLE IELLI-GENCE W Y ,e a-e much gratified to learn that our ex- cellent Lord Maiyor has determined to entertain Mr. Bright I and the principal ofiolilas connected with tile Atlar tio Tale- graph Company at dinner, at the Manslon liouse. Eis FN- celiency the Lord Lleutenatnt has grecioualy accepted an in. vitation to be present on the occasion1, end hes~fixed the 1st September for ...


... | QUEE'S ROYAL THEM&TE. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - Amongst the many clever iripersonation3 of Mr. King, perhaps that of Brutug in Shakepeare's tragedy of Juliua er- Cre jar Is the one In which his histrionia power Is made A. most manifest, and his faults as an actor least eotspicuous. .He appeared In It on Tuesday evening in the presence of ry. a crowded audience, His conception of tie part was bold ...


... | bro I - . The'Rarl and.Countveen of Liehfield are at present on a ..visit to the 5fr&~~ and5~ oarchloseld ofe Ater corn at Baron's court. count yrqui ?? Marnheo.ess of Aber. .he Earl and Countess of Craven have re turned to Ashdown Parl from a tour of Visits. The noble earl and countess are entertaining I saelect circle of friends. The Countessi DDwager SpenCer arrived in London a few days ...


... . Tiaeir Rlyai lligheuses tbe Daieheset of CU n-| bridge and the Princees Mary, attended by Baron Knesbecr, ' aarrived at St.'s Palace on 'I'uesday evening frnw Canm. bridge Cottage, Kew, for thoe eason. Tile Duake and Duebess of Richmond and Lady Cecilia Gordon Lennox were expected to arrive In Port. on Wednesday from (oodwood Park, Snssex. Hlis grace was Invited to the Earl ...


... AiT uNION OF IRELAND. We have been ?? to draw attention to the arrangements of this new aesso6iatlon, by Which the dits- tributipn of prizes must tske ploce previous to the open- ing of the annual exhibition. This arraugement ndtd- rally grows out of the system of money prizes and se- lection by prizeholders, and necessitates the closing of the subscription lists at in earlier period tban the ...


... F[ 7 - I . - -- ?? - - V~ARAf Anril AD. 18959.1 Tem ,C1TVW, VOL. ?? itNO. %VV, 4Lr)K lVV ,lf I (Coadors.)-Th Critia is a weekly journal devoted to at'bjcte of literature, art, secieco, and the drama, but whicb, Ilk& ?? literary journals, exhibits I no w and then anu unmistakeable ?? tendency. We ntion it now in consequence of tbi last number contninlag two curious pieces of literary ...


... BrLLUcAN.-On Wedneeday this fair took place, and was on the whole rather encouraging than otherwise. Of prime beasts, in the beef market, the supply was not large. First clues brought about Od to 61 I per lb ; mid. ding and inrerfor, 46, to o2s per cwt. Springers ranged from 8 10s to 16i 1os for auperlor ones. Strippert5aBd dry cows mee in pretty fair demand, and brought freely from 65 16 1 to ...